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Akira 1988

I guess it was pretty shocking for when it was released, but I personally didn't find the story enjoyable. There are a few pieces of the story they slowly reveal, but nothing was really interesting/exciting to me. Maybe I have seen too many similar movies that have improved upon the formula since this was released.

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As it was said: classic/legend/masterpiece. Nothing to add.

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This film is a masterpiece. Every few years I look to see if there is any new Anime out there of equal scope and quality, and am completely disappointed.

To the haters who watch Akira and didn't "get" it, you shouldn't mistake your own lack of comprehension for a lack of meaning. One needs to watch Akira a few times to really piece together what is happening.

This is not a Hollywood film. It will not spoon feed you a convenient plot with happy endings. But if you put a little effort into it, this movie will deliver.

Pro-tip: Don't watch the English overdub, do subtitles. The Japanese voice actors deliver powerful performances. Also the subtitles make a lot more sense than the English overdub, as by necessity, the writers must hack on a script quite a bit to make the voice over fit into the pace and rhythm of the film. This is why overdubs almost always lose meaning, in addition to making the lips look silly.

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Akira turns 25 today and if you havn't watched it already, please do :o!

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I really liked the environmental design and the animation, they look great even after 30 years, but I just could not get into this movie. I tried to watch it twice and both times I fell asleep.

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I can understand why this is a classic and without a doubt a masterpiece for it's time: beautiful animation and color palette, a creepy score, the futuristic dystopian setting is awesome, it's dark, gritty, brutal and bloody when it needs to be. The theme of friendship is strong and I liked parts of it like the toys, hallway and transformation scene in the third act.

But for me, not having grown up watching it as a kid... it's just ok. I believe this was so influencial that every scene was redone and redone in better movies that i've seen prior. I still respect it for having the ideas first but I don't get much enjoyment watching it. The action sequences are always on the verge of greatness but never really get there. I can't say I cared for the characters or the story either. Overall, it had it's moments but Jean Grey and Carrie would wipe the floor with this guy!

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so good but i couldnt look away from testuos massive DOME of a forehead for most the movie

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Set in a futuristic post-apocalyptic setting, perfectly captured by incredible art direction and animation, along with the perfect balance of high-intensity action and a thought-provoking plot, makes this one of the most unique films ever made.

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It has a cool futuristic world and good looking animation style but I didn't care for the story.

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Awesome movie!!!!!

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I can see why this was so influential and mind-blowing back when it released, but honestly nowadays it's just ehhhh. The story is wack which isn't bad, but I just don't care for the characters nor what's happening at all. Still a worthwhile watch because it's well made and is an important milestone in anime films.

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Shout by Deleted

Never get tired of it!

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Shout by Parzival
BlockedParent2023-06-29T06:47:15Z— updated 2023-08-12T13:38:19Z

Neo-Tokyo is about to E.X.P.L.O.D.E.

This is the best animated ever made. Katsuhiro Otomo is a true visionary. this movie is a wild futuristic ride from start to finish. The animation is the best I've ever seen. The voice acting is superb and the story is spectacular. It's the perfect anime film. You can tell from the start how much time and effort the animators put into each scene. Plus Kaneda's bike is one tricked out ride.

It was so captivating, fast-paced and jam-packed with action that I never realized how quickly 2 hours flew by. It's a mind-blowing cyberpunk action film that has a number of great things which include the simple but fresh story that is absolutely driven by action sequences and the gorgeous animation that encompasses every single bit of it. It's also a gory experience, so I can't recommend it for kids. For adults, it's a full-blown explosive ride!

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A must watch every 6 years.

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Shout by Deleted

its a wowwwww

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Insane movie. Fivehead went crazy.

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cannot find words to describe how unbelievably good this anime is

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am starting to enjoy old anime movies.

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Please read the original manga, it's worth it with STUNNING visuals.

The movie is great too, specially for a 1988 animation - it holds up pretty well! They did a great adaptation here to a 2-hour long movie.

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I liked the animation but found the plot to be hard to follow which made a 2 hour run time difficult. Maybe it would have been easier if I had watched the dubbed version as opposed to the subbed version, not sure.

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Opening sequence was captivating. Wish they explored the broader cityscape a little more. If humans are so full of ourselves, one day we will be devoured by the beast of progress, of civilisation and of technology; a beast we thought we could reign over. Story and character wise nothing too interesting. Wish there was more on-the-point dialogue but I guess the three kids do the job.

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Very confusing movie and I guess it’s not easy to compress a manga series spanning over 2000 pages in to a 2 h movie and I really don’t get the praise this movie has received because of this. Visually it’s cool but the plot feels rushed and incoherent.

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Highly visionary, with stunning cyberpunk visuals and setting, this movie was way beyond its time, being a late 80s movie. It shouldn't be possible to conceive this movie otherwise that would capture all of its magnificence and beautifulness.

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his Japanese animated film is incomprehensible, but magnificent and already a classic.

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I've seen it 3 times over 15 years and I don't think it's the masterpiece its fans say it is. I think Ghost in the Shell is a far better film and has more thought provoking ideas in its 80 minutes than this bloated movie.

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I've watched this movie a few times and every time I do, I find more details I missed before. The animation in this movie is so stellar and so impressive that even now, it still holds up and surpasses other films that were made after it.

While I wish they had been able to adapt the whole series, I'll still take this movie as a summation of it and forever rank it as one of the best examples of anime there is -- and one of the best animated films ever made, period. Do yourself a favor and watch it at least once if you haven't yet. And if you've watched it before, watch it again.

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The one that started it all. Hadn’t seen this in decades yet still remembered the vast majority of it, including the amazing motorcycle gang face off at the beginning as a biker goes soaring down the highway holding a pipe that scrapes along the ground in menace as motorcycle tail lights leave trails as the bikes weave in and out. Akira takes the story of a wimp growing to be something more and turns it on its head. The loser sidekick gets all the power in the world, but instead of learning anything, or doing anything better, he takes out a lifetime of frustration on everyone he encounters, until the very end when, losing again, he begs for his big brother figure that he’s tossed away and tried to kill, to save him. Visually the movie is as beautiful as ever with grand set pieces and endless style. While the ending is hard to get your head around, I’m still not sure if I understood it, its easy to see why this movie took the world by storm and started an entire industry both at home and around the globe.

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One of the most visually pleasing anime films I've ever seen combined with non-stop action from beginning to end. What's not like (except for an over-long climax: the entire third act)?

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I don't think the film aged very well. I felt bored and uninterested with the story.

I love the bike and the driving sequences.

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2 / 2 directing & technical aspect
.5 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
1 / 1 act III
.5 / 1 acting
.5 / 1 writing
0 / 1 originality
1 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

0 / 1 misc

7.5 out of 10

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I tried 2 times to watch this one (first time before reading the manga)! I really wanted to like it, they did the best they could in 2 hours, but compared to the manga it fails to deliver...

i don’t understand how people who haven’t read it actually understand it...

If you are one of those who loves this movie and haven’t read the manga yet... just go for it you will love it

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Obra maestra de la animación japonesa

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In my opinion the most overrated anime movie of all times with a slow uninteresting plot, bland non-relatable characters, generic and ugly design even for the time scope and no actual real depth and meta to save it, despite labeled as having 'super complex plot' from the self proclaimed 'real fans that get it' and try to find and amplify meaning on anything to defend it (same goes for other movies but this stands as a perfect exhibit). The appeal was reasonable for the time of release as one of the first to push the envelope of its era especially on the gruesome shock value but now simply comparing it to all other so called classics from that same period and on it pales and is severely lacking. Suggested for fans that worship what we have now classified as 'masterpieces and must see' but for me definitely at the bottom of the tank even of the more popular anime movies.

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The art style and the animation look great! The story is nice too. I really enjoyed it.

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Akira is somewhat mind boggling. Without the background of japanese culture, and the more specific 'Akira' backstory this film can get puzzling. But it's worth watching a few times to get your head around what is going on.

More important than the tangly plot is the way this film looks and the atmosphere it creates. The characters are well presented, and developed. This helps to create the very dark atmosphere of the film. The animation is stunning, most of the film is at night, and artificial light and shadows are extremely difficult to render, it's achieved superbly.

Overall if you like your films dark it's worth a watch, if you like your films complicated it's worth a watch, if you're into animation it's worth a watch, basically it's worth watching.

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Watched it dubbed, definitely took away from the spectacle of it all

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Cinema Paco, image 4/5 and sound 4.5/5. Classic manga I liked even more than last time

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