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Insurgent 2015

Everyone is missing the most important part of the movie.. That haircut.. W-H-Y?!

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Sadly the Divergent Trilogy is going a bit downhill here. Now I must say that the acting from everybody was decent though I feel that they could have made more use of Octavia Spencer as she is absolutely amazing but was given quite a small role and could have been used more.

The visual effects were good I suppose but the ending fight sequence was appalling in terms of CGI. The story was ok aswell but overall it felt more like it was focusing too much on hyping it up for the third movie rather than focusing on its own plot.

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Way too much cliché... Almost annoying at times. And they overdid it with eye staring moments and almost get caught because eye staring for no apparent reason...

Good action scenes though. Might be better boozed up.

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well first one was much better with plenty of mysterious and what is that haircut!!!!!!

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Even after all these years, that haircut for Tris still feels like it should have been ILLEGAL

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7.5/10 - Not as good as the first one. Quite some action and a few twists but it wasn't that good/special.

Tbh the scenes I liked the most are all about revenge: When Tobias beats and then kills Eric, when Tris beats Peter, and when Evelyn kill Jeanine. I disliked all three of these characters pretty much from the point they've been introduced in the first movie.
The main non-revenge scene I liked was the trial at Candor.

But the most satisfying thing was when the irony was on Jeanine :D

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Storyline is a little flat, no much really happens, BUT, the special effects team have done an awesome job; very cool!

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In stead of it getting more interesting, it got less interesting. It lost the magic that Divergent had, maybe it was in her hair?

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I mean I really love some parts where Triss shows strong sad/broken/angry feelings because you could really see the pain in her. Im just a little disappointed in how the movie was overall. It had some reeeally cliche moments, the ''action'' was not that powerful. It was all really messed up compared to the story and the first movie. They could have done a great movie but unfortunately, it just didn't blow me away really. The good parts in this movie was 7-8/10- But the whole movie was a little meh, so I give it somewhere around 6/10

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What a huge letdown compared to Divergent... This totally feels like a Mockingjay Part 1 ripoff. Story is not really developing. There's not enough action but mostly some cliché drama between the two main characters. Not to say that they stole a lot of elements from The Matrix and Inception for the cinematography (which is still the strongest part of the movie). Last but not least: Most disappointing ending ever.

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The most frustrating, boring and tiresome movie ever. Completely unrelated to the book as well, and not just a few chances here and there, but really, truly, completely unrelated. It felt like an endless nightmare and I couldn't stop checking the time. I'm not sure what happened here, the first movie was so good!

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Was not as good as the first film, but I wouldn't say I didn't enjoy it. Was an interesting concept, but it did sort of feel like it was dragging... The whole film was around this box, could've been dealt with quicker than that.

I didn't read the books so I can't compare it to those, but as a movie, it wasn't too bad. Definitely worth watching to get answers from the first film, even if it does leave you with more questions than answers.

Would recommend watching to someone who has seen the first one and has a spare 2 hours they don't care about.

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Why is everyone so happy to discover that they're part of a 200 year experiment that wants to find divergents when they aren't one? Let's all rush out into the arms of the race we've been isolated from. Are they all hoping that they've changed their minds and they're looking for everyone who isn't divergent too?

What a strangely pointless story line. Humans have become robots only capable of one direction of thought process that can be categorised. So let's encourage them to isolate themsleves with their own factions whilst we wait until someone who isn't a robot to come along.

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This movie is pretty bad ... Compared to the previous one it's bad , not compared to the previous one it's still bad ... (It could interest you if you are a teenage girl though ... )

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Perfectly acceptable entry in the YA franchise. Only non Divergents failed to enjoy it.

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Shout by Dave

So even after hating the first movie, I still watched the sequel last night. In one simple word (again): Yuck.

A few thoughts:

The main character is a whining cry baby.

Every scene between her and her man is just crying or loving embrace or both.

Can the brother show some remorse for selling out his sister?

This time I'm stopping here. I'm not getting conned into watching more of this shit.

This is definitely not for me..

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uugh a soap opera with shinier stuff! I'm to old for this shit.

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Shout by Tai Fu

The end... yeah we're part of an experiment and were isolated from humankind for 200 years. yippie... idiocy

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Can't believe this movie is rated 73% atm.
bad acting, bad story, bad ending ... no, really bad ending
only watched until the end, to find out if this movie make sense. but it doesn't.

I want to say something positive... hm. ah there're 2-3 nice special effects.

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Shout by Laís

boring af, such a letdown

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I liked it, j like it more than the first

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If you liked the first, you will likely still enjoy this one despite the small step backwards. Pros and cons, but this is definitely the middle piece of a trilogy which makes it hard to stand on its own.

Rating: 2/5 - 65% - Not Recommended to Everyone

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What is this very bad plot for this movie? How Peter comes and asks Janine to work with her and give him all the powers, then he changes after he was a hateful person To be a good person In less than a minute There are a lot of holes in this movie that does not respect the viewer's mentality

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Derivative tripe, the second chapter of the Divergent series, Insurgent, is a generic and passionless sci-fi thriller. Picking up where the last film ended, Tris and her friends go on the run and are branded as renegades; meanwhile Jeanine searches for a Divergent with the ability to unlock a mysterious cube that contains a message from the founders. The script is pretty weak and a rather poor adaptation of the novel. And Shailene Woodley is wholly unsuited to be an action hero; giving a bland and vacant performance. Additionally, the special effects are remarkably bad for a big budget film: as the CGI backgrounds really stand out and look fake. Still, the fight scenes and chases are exciting and action-packed. A lackluster film that doesn’t really go anywhere, Insurgent fails to deliver a compelling adventure.

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A good second instalment, but I do feel it's dragging out a bit. Miles Teller makes this series for me - his comedic, class clown/bully character adds a funny touch to an otherwise serious dystopian drama.

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It seems this is a 3 part trilogy;
Divergent (2014)
Insurgent (2015)
Allegiant (2016)

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A much more boring affair than its predecessor, which isn't good given the latter's own issues. Of all my problems from 'Divergent', only the score improves here.

Shailene Woodley's Tris is somehow a little unlikable in 'Insurgent', despite being the protagonist - many of her character motivations are a little up-and-down. Theo James (Four) is roughly the same, though Ansel Elgort's Caleb is utterly pointless; not helped by the filmmakers taking a strange direction with him.

Miles Teller (Peter) gets more screen-time, not entirely sure why though - and that's coming from someone who is fine with him in the last production. Kate Winslet remains massively underused as the main villain, I don't connect with her at all.

The premise in this second film of the series is underwhelming and not all that exciting, making use of the factionless is the right step but they don't exactly nail giving them a larger part.

With all that said, I do actually like how this concludes. It should set up a strong third film. Right...? I'll soon find out! It is, so far, a missed opportunity of a franchise.

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boring, boring, boring, boring, boring

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I enjoyed this more than Divergent. The special effects were awesome and Tris proved even more to be a very heroic character. The plot felt deeper than Divergent felt to me.

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Shout by Deleted

more disappointing than the first movie

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Worst than the first... Too many clichés, boring, and the few action scenes it has are bad. I don't know how I watched the whole movie.

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Shout by Deleted

If you are left with nothing to watch give it a try

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Shout by Deleted

not great. Good special effect but plot could have been a lot better

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Tried to watch this with an open mind.. but I'm just so biased when it comes to this Shailene chick and her generalization that feminism is about manhatred. Don't even know how she could've gotten such huge parts in movies with her attitude. I hope to see an attitude change in the future, otherwise all movies containing her will be shitty.

Also. This movie was just too "hasty" some parts don't even make sense. Makes me want to read the books, they're probably a lot better than this.

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super cheesy movie with great special effects

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Shout by Deleted

hunger games ripoff, but still great :D

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Shout by Deleted

The beginning was really slow, there were a few parts where a certain individual would take at least five bullets, but walks away without a scar and quite a few over dramatic scenes. I didn't really enjoy Divergent all that much, but I had to continue watching just to satisfy my curiosity. The special effects were enjoyable to watch, but it's 2015 and we know what the film industry is capable of. I would really look forward to sitting down and having my mind blown away by a completely original and captivating story, both of which are not present in this movie. Three cheers for Miles Teller though. He's the main reason I was able to watch the entirety of this film.

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I did not understand what i was seeing, very confusing

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Shout by Sander

Well, It was good, but not good as the first one was. Too much holo stuff..

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Faster than I thought it would be history, to see where you take the third. It has been well

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