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Iron Man 2 2010

I like this more than the first one. I loved the easter eggs.

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Solid action-packed funny sequel.

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Why did the bombs have to have a timer ?!

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Shout by Sonic
BlockedParentSpoilers2019-02-16T16:41:14Z— updated 2019-04-21T08:12:39Z

From a classic we immediately switch to one that you can skip. The only reason why you would like to see it is for the introduction of Black Widow. Because what else does this movie contribute to the MCU? In the first film Tony Stark has evolved from a naive arms dealer to a self-proclaimed world improver. But in this sequel his personality hasn't changed a bit. The challenges in this film did not lead the main character to find himself again. Ivan Vanko wasn't even a convincing villain, only an annoying obstacle that at times let out a bit of a Russian gibberish. Although he did give us this memorable quote:
"If you could make God bleed, people would cease to believe in Him."
We'll think about this again in Avengers: Infinity War.

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Stop! hammer time, seriously I hope we see Rockwell return he was the best part about this movie

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The funny thing about Iron Man 2 is that it is about as good as I expected the first one to be. The first one really was such a shock because the script was really really good (especially when you consider the genre). The second one? Not nearly so much. The dialogue was at times completely smarmy and the story was really lacking. And I'm sorry, anything with this much Gweneth Paltrow can only be so likeable. On the positive side, Mickey Rourke did a completely believable Russian accent. Other than that... it was standard fare. Can we get our elite Hollywood actors back at some point?

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Im not saying its better then 1, but it os ;)

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Better than the first one.

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It's not a memorable movie and at a certain point, I kind of disliked Tony Stark.

I thought Ivan Vanko's motivations weren't explained properly. So, I actually decided to make Justin Hammer the main villain in my head and ended up enjoying the movie a little bit more.

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Not. Nearly as good as the original

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Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2018-04-19T23:12:27Z— updated 2020-11-12T22:34:38Z

When superheroes act like "everybody loves me" and have an ego over being a hero, like Peter in Spider-Man 3 or Johnny Storm in the 2005 Fantastic Four. It has always annoyed me. So Tony Stark annoys me in this sequel since he acts like that too. The best thing about this one is that they got Sam Rockwell, who's good in everything.
While Mickey Rourke makes an intimidating villain, the writing didn't really give him much to do. Like Ultron, you have a cool villain who's just written to be the villain of the week. Still at least Whiplash is what we expected and we didn't get a lame twist like Iron Man 3 gave us.

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It's another fun comic book movie. Not as good as the first but still worth a watch. It can be a little boring at times. The villains are forgettable. Justin Hammer was just annoying and so was Ivan going on about his bird. Tony going on a bender is fun and that fight with him and Rhodey is a blast. I forgot how much Black Widow is in this and she is great. Some more decent humor.

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Shaaaaaronnnnnn!!!!! They bloody stole my song for another mooovie....the dogs Sharon!!! Get the dogs!!!

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As part of Marvel's Cinematic Universe (MCU) Phase One, Jon Favreau (Made. Elf. Zathura) once again returns to direct. It may not be as much fun as the first one, but when the dust settles, it'll do and with the introduction of Scarlett Johnansson's 'Black Widow' the movie gets more enjoyable and a little bit sexier. Downey Jr as always gives a great performance as Tony Stark. Where I find the plot and multiple villians just a tad misguided, the visual effects steal the show, apart from a few artifacts left on screen by the CG, the Monaco Race scene is guilty of this and doesn't look as good as the rest of the movie. My only other niggle is that Pepper Pots, played by Gwyneth Paltrow, didn't really bring a lot to the flow of the movie itself, well, maybe some little laughs. Mickey Rourke as Whiplash was passable, but if they had just focused on the one villian, Sam Rockwell as Justin Hammer (Starks Competition) was very good, then who knows. Enjoyable comic book fun

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Good enough for some summer fun, but nothing particularly remarkable.

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exceeded my expectations this did i thought it was great & looking forward to part 3 & actually the avengers before that too.

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Film 134 (Goal: 300) of 2024:

Just like with my recent rewatch of The Incredible Hulk, I enjoyed this a lot more. Not sure why both these films, that were towards my lower end, I enjoyed more after several rewatches. Maybe the recent stuff outside Guardians 3 and Spider-Man: No Way Home has been so bad.

But no matter how often I watch this, I still can't make heads or tails of the element scene.

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Saw this in theaters (time is accurate on first play -- my note).

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Shout by Rusty
BlockedParent2024-01-16T16:06:10Z— updated 2024-02-08T20:13:06Z

Not as good as the first, but Whiplash did have some great one-liners.

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Ugh. I like it more then number 1. It's just so chaotic and calming. The comedy really worked and the relatable, sad to happy moments really attach you to the characters. The action, vfx and everything technology was large and heavy. It wanted to alert everyone to its presence.

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“Give me a fat beat to bust my buddy’s ass to.”

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Not as good as the original, but still better than the third, this is a fun film in the very early MCU days. Downey I’d such a perfect Iron Man, which makes this film still highly enjoyable at worst.

Rating: 4/5 - 85% - Would Recommend

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the movie was alright. the first one was better.

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Iron Man 2 is a decent sequel, but it falls short of its predecessor and could have been better. The film tries to do too much with its plot and characters, and it ultimately feels cluttered and over-the-top. The filmmakers should have kept it simple and original, with a new storyline that didn't rely so heavily on the first film. The film would have benefited from keeping Terrence Howard as James Rhodes, as his chemistry with Downey Jr. was sorely missed. Overall, it's worth a watch for fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but it falls short of the high bar set by its predecessor.

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This impressed me. It's a fine film that's aged well, marred by a few nagging annoyances and a medium-sized plot hole that takes you out of the moment rather suddenly if you pay close enough attention.

This movie tends to get 6/10 ratings in many places, and maybe this style of character and character development was out of touch with the audience at the time, but Tony Stark's journey really resonated with me here and actually makes for the most believable character development that we get this deep in the MCU.

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The first movie was better and Whiplash was boring.

Scarlett and RDJ stole all the scenes.

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Marvel Cinematic Universe
The Infinity Saga
Phase One
Iron Man (2008)
The incredible Hulk (2008)
Iron Man 2 (2010)
Thor (2011)
Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
The Avengers (2012)
Phase Two
Iron Man 3 (2013)
Thor: The Dark World (2013)
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)
Ant-Man (2015)
Phase Three
Captain America: Civil War (2016)
Doctor Strange (2016)
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
Black Panther (2018)
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018)
Captain Marvel (2019)
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
Phase Four
Black Widow (2021)
Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (2021)
Eternals (2021)

Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022)
Thor: Love and Thunder (2022)
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022)
The Marvels (2023)
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 ((2023)
Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (2023)
Fantastic Four

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In contrast to the original, which I ended up being slightly disappointed by on rewatch, I ended up enjoying this movie a lot more on rewatch, and the result is me giving both of them the same rating, even if I enjoyed the actual process of watching this one more because of the pleasant surprise. Sam Rockwell is a freaking revelation in this movie!

ETA: I am changing my rating to a 7 having now read about the cut scenes that portrayed Vanko in a more sympathetic light. Marvel made a terrible decision by "not wanting an antivillian" as that would have been much more interesting than what we got.

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Shout by Deleted

I'm gonna be honest, I kinda liked it

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Shout by manicure
BlockedParent2021-05-01T14:50:35Z— updated 2022-07-17T05:46:38Z

"Iron Man 2" is not a terrible movie, it just failed at living up to the expectations of the first. It starts off with the most classic revenge story, but after a quick first confrontation, we have to go through an endless middle section that is meant to set up a dozen of MCU movies and expand on Howard Stark's figure with unnecessary drama. Then it all boils down to a rushed and anticlimactic battle in the end. They fight robots for hours and when the main villain shows up, it's a matter of ten seconds.

Even Tony's character ended up being compromised by poor writing and cheesy humor à la Batman & Robin. It's like they missed the whole point, for most of the time he is just a jerk. All the freshness, humor and focus on the character that made the first "Iron Man" fresh is gone, to the point you would be surprised to find out that both movies were directed by the same person.

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definitely one of the weakest MCU movies

whiplash is a pretty weak villain
and he starts the long annoying tradition of villains that what revenge for some njustice they received from Tony or his dad

honestly I feel like this movie could have been a lot better if they just focused on Justin hammer being the main antagonist

the drunken party fight between iron Man and war machine is good

Black widow is a nice addition

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Shout by Deleted

I think the action sequences are much better here than the first movie and I love that we get more Nick Fury (and the introduction of Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff) .

However, I agree with everybody else when they say that this movie is very inferior to the first movie, I hated the characterization (especially of Tony and Pepper), and the plot and villain is underwhelming.

I can say that I’m glad that Don Cheadle did a great job as James Rhodes. Him and Terrance Howard are no different from each other, they both did great. But since Cheadle had to replace Howard, and movies/TV shows don’t really do any justice with replacement actors, he did pretty good.

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One of the worst movies I have seen in years. And it's sad, because the first one was cool.

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Just an introductory film for many of the small characters but it's still decent and Hammer is hilairious

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'Iron Man 2' is good, nothing special, but good.

Robert Downey Jr. is just as entertaining in the lead role, while the specials efforts are again pleasing. The score, which I found slightly lacking in 'Iron Man', is improved. The plot isn't as interesting, or all that creative, but it's done well enough that I didn't ever feel bored; though some of the pacing is off.

I like Don Cheadle so it's good to see him come in, even if his character is rather forgettable. Scarlett Johansson is also a solid addition, though Sam Rockwell didn't do anything for me in his role. Mickey Rourke is fun enough as Ivan.

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The Revisit the MCU Project (2021) #3 of 23

Although Iron Man 2 isn't one of my MCU favorites, I don't think it deserves all the pepper many people give it.'s not as good as the first one, but to be fair...not many of the MCU movies are, and that disappointment seems hard to let go of for some.

You can list a whole lot of faults with Iron Man 2, but I never-the-less felt entertained back when I saw it in the cinema, and likewise when rewatching it today, and isn't that the main purpose of a movie? To entertain? be honest, I might enjoy this one a bit more than it deserves, but's Iron Man...I don't really care. Besides...we get introduced to ScarJo as Black Widow in this one...that has to count for something.

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Excellent sequel. Although perhaps not quite as good as the original, therefore the 8 instead of a 9. Mickey Rourke's character left me rather indifferent and I would have hoped for a bit more.

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This movie was a little disappointing as it just retreads so much from the first film and the villain is as generic as they come as it's basically an evil Iron Man again :(

But ignoring that, the movie still has some awesome moments with all of the bits with RDJ (Tony Stark) are still really great and for sure I was happy that Samuel L. Jackson (Nick Fury) was more in this film as he is perfect in the role and the addition of Scarlett Johansson (Natasha Romanoff) was perfect casting, but my personal favourite casting was Don Cheadle (Rhodey) as he is so much better than the original casting and there is a scene in this film with his character fighting Iron Man and it is perfect.

Some really great action sequences and I can see that Jon Favreau is still the perfect director for this franchise, but the story is very predictable and it is just a setup movie and I am fine with that. Any Iron Man fan will like this movie and superhero fans will be satisfied, but don't expect anything more as it is a little generic.

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So the mini arc reactor continues to save Tony Stark's life is now killing him and of course there are some villains who just happen to time there attacks right to take advantage.

Robert Downey Jr is still great. So are Gwyneth Paltrow and Jon Favreau who pulls double duty as director again. Scarlet Johnson is always fab as Black Widow and that segues neatly into S.H.I.E.L.D and Samuel L Jackson first full film as Nick Fury, ace. So the first big recast is here. Don Cheadle is now Rhodey. It's an improvement, he's just so much more fun

Honestly I think the weakest part is the villains. Not to knock Sam Rockwell or Mickey Rourke, both of their performances are great, this is lack of development in writing not acting

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The best part of this movie is Black Widow. :purple_heart:

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"The best scenes are still the ones with Downey and Gwyneth Paltrow, or just Downey alone."

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Not bad,entertaining i would say but not good as much as the first iron man..Scarlett stole the show for me 7.3/10

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Shout by awkashmi
BlockedParent2019-05-10T22:02:25Z— updated 2019-05-26T23:50:47Z

This one was alright. It was fun seeing good ol' Tony Stark and I had fun watching the creation of war machine. The villain was interesting and I liked seeing how he evolved. I felt similar like the first and second iron man had many similarities but that was fine. finished this one at 6:02PM

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To me Tony is a little annoying in this one. Like Chris Evans’ “look at me I am Johnny Storm and I have powers performance in Fantastic Four.” He is a bit “look me I am Iron Man, don’t you love me.” In this one.
While Rhodes was more likable in part 1. Here he acts like he owns the Iron Man out-fit and has more of a right to it that Tony.
So yeah I sort of liked the villains more in Iron Man 2.

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Shout by Deleted

I get why they made this movie, but I’d rather they hadn’t.

Iron Man 2 is basically just a teaser trailer for the better movies that were about to come out. This movie consists of boring conversations between Tony Stark and Nick Fury and even more boring scenes with the villains that really kicked of the cliché that these movies have boring villains. The suitcase Iron Man suit is really dope though.

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[Pre-Endgame MCU Rewatch] A lot happens in the movie and I found the main antagonist to be the least interesting part of it. Everything else, Tony's character development (or one could say lack thereof?), S.H.I.E.L.D.'s 'meddling', and the introduction of new characters is far more interesting to watch. The Grand Prix scene, the court room scene, are all amazing. Don Cheadle is a great improvement as the new James Rhodes and Sam Rockwell depicted Justin Hammer perfectly.

I always enjoy seeing more S.H.I.E.L.D. (and happy they made that into a show, Coulson is the best!) but damn if Natasha Romanoff isn't a boring character to watch. Though honestly I think that's more because I find Scarlett Johansson quite a boring and non-versatile actress. Still, it's nice to see the "Avengers Initiative" slowly grow into something in the background of this film.

Not as good as the first, but still quite a spectacle. And Robert Downey Jr. was born for this role.

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Shout by Deleted

By far. this is the worst of the MCU movies. This movie could not the decide what it wanted to be about. Was it a movie about Tony dying from the invention he made, was it a movie about a guy looking for revenge for his father, or was this a preview for the Avengers... a movie that we that we already knew was coming & was going to see anyway. I don't know. All I know is though visually fun, the story pisses me off because two of those plot points could have actually been good Iron Man 2 movie. The third just threw any possible story away, in an attempt to make people want to see a movie, they were already going to go see.

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It's difficult to get behind a hero who is as unlikeable as Tony Stark. Why would practically perfect people like Rhodes, Potts and Hogan give their time to this self-centred, egomaniacal man-child? I hope they tone him down for the remainder of these movies (I've promised my kids we will watch every single MCU movie) because otherwise they'll be pretty hard to watch :-/

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Sequels are always disadvantaged when they follow a particularly strong 1st edition so this one had a high bar to jump. It may not have gotten the gold but it definitely placed a silver. Robert Downey Jr. and Gwyneth Paltrow held their ground and set the tone (which we all enjoy). Mickey Rourke was a credible villian. Scarlet Johansson was a bonus addition to the Avenger Universe, premiering the Black Widow. And, the S.H.I.E.L.D. regulars (Jackson and Gregg) didn't miss a beat. Good writing. Always glad for these rewatching opportunities. I give this film an 8.5 (great) out of 10. [Superhero Action Adventure]

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There's always someone with bigger, better or more... shiny suit. ;)

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Saw Iron-man 1 the nephews ask me to put the 2, I put the 2, they liked it, I liked it more than other times I've seen it. Elon Musk comes out of himself and presents the Black Widow

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Love it! Better than the first one!

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Johanson before childbirth,,, I am telling you, man, she is hot...

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In the second part the armors multiply.

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Absolutely dreadfulAbsolutely dreadfulAbsolutely dreadfulAbsolutely dreadful

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About on par with the first one. I don't get all the negativity this one gets over the others.

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My least favorite MCU entry, but that doesn't mean it's bad. It's just trying too hard, doing too much, not letting the characters or story grow organically. It feels forced.

It's like a fart; if you have to force it, it's probably crap.

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Shout by Deleted

They get worse and worse. Hey. Let's take off our helmets when missiles and electrified tentacle are fling all around the place. Typical ruining and irrational modifications to beloved sequential art characters. Zero depth, all just effects and crap flying around.

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Loved it

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Not as good as the first one but ok

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Not as good as The first Iron Man

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Fantastic RDJ+Paltrow+Marvel=amazing!

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Could have done better...

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Not as good as the first one

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As ironman fan can't complain!

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very good movie

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First one was way beter

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