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Jurassic Park 1993

I´ve seen Jurassic Park a couple times over the years and I´m always amazed how well this stands up to to later movies. This never looked old, not 10 years after, not 20 years after it was made.

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Original classic.

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"All major theme parks have delays. When they opened Disneyland in 1956, nothing worked!"

Jurassic Park might still be my favorite Steven Spielberg film. For me it is timeless and never fails to entertain me. First of all, it has Dinosaurs, which makes every film better. That is just based on facts. It has Jeff Goldblum who is just always great. Sam Neill brings it alongside Laura Dern. And off course Wayne Knight. And let us not forget about Samuel L. Jackson!

Anyway, how about that score? One of John Williams's best. When the theme song kicks in it is just goosebumps all over. It works everywhere. Like when you ride the Jurassic Park River Adventure in Universal Orlando and those gates open with the theme playing. Freaking love it. Hopefully I can return there in 2022 when I want to go back across the Atlantic.

Jurassic Park is one of the best adventure movies of the 90's, it is epic, one of Spielberg's finest blockbusters and one that will never fail to entertain me.

Ps. You all know what they call a blind dinosaur right?

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Exceptionally fast paced for a 90s movie. Can't believe it took me until now to watch it in its entirety. What an amazing and highly entertaining movie. I absolutely loved it. And obviously it still holds up. Take the computers away and you could barely tell this was made almost 30 years ago.

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Still the best in the franchise. The movie is all about those practical effects. They're so timeless that even years later it's watchable. Can't say the same for the other ones. Especially in the last two, the relience on CGI makes them worse than they really are.

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3 Thoughts After Re-Watching ‘Jurassic Park’:

  1. Thank you, Steven Spielberg, for creating my favorite movie of all time. THIS is your masterpiece. I first saw this in the movie theater with my little league team, and it transcended any cinematic experience I had ever had. It raised the bar. And very few experiences have ever come close to it ever again.

  2. Thank you, John Williams, for creating one of the greatest scores of all time. Majestic, epic, beautiful, hopeful, and inspiring. This story could not properly be told without it.

  3. There are too many thoughts to share for something so iconic. This was a lightning-in-a-bottle film. Just perfection. The cast, the pacing, the realism for something so fantastical. Pure magic. And :asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol:nothing:asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol: — no sequel to ever come forth since — will ever meet its greatness.

Bonus Thought: Thank you, Michael Crichton.

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They can do all the sequels and remakes they want they will never top this one!!!

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great, but the kids are unbearable

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Film still holds all of its original charm and the effects hold well for a 20 year movie... better than some more recent ones. Excellent.

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Spielberg at his blockbustery best.
Story: 9...c'mon, it's dinosaurs
Script: 6...needed more of Malcolm and fewer "I'm teaching you science" monologues
Performances: 7...who doesn't play their character well?
Misc.: 9...again, dinosaurs
Influence: 9...this redefined summer movies for over a decade

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In 4K UHD those dino are even more realistic, than they were 27 years ago when I was 13 and they roared in the cinema. ;)

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That was a milestone in the 1990s

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One really has to consider that the film is a work of art in effects, considering the time when it was released. I really liked the result.

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I think this might be the best Spielberg movie. It still holds up very well. The acting is great. The music is perfect and the special effects still look very good. They aren't anywhere near today's standards but they don't distract.

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Absolutely needless to say, Jurassic Park was a golden diamond.

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Amazing movie. We get dinosaurs, a cautionary tale about untamed capitalism, and Jeff Goldblum. What else do we need?

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"Jurassic Park" is an amazing movie.
It is the best in the series. And the thrill of being chased by a T. Rex, with all the CG that is now commonplace, is still hard to forget and I've seen it many times. Even the poorly received "The Lost World" is a favorite of mine.
When I was a kid, my favorite film director was Steven Spielberg.

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Should be a 10 but the majority of the characters are super annoying

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Each time I see it the children in the movie bother me more. The T-Rex scenes are still amazing.

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Although the concepts and general framework of this story are faithfully lifted from the Crichton-penned source material, in action it's got Steven Spielberg's fingerprints all over it. That isn't a negative, really, as the director was still clearly in his prime, but it does fit quite snugly next to the other family-friendly adventure flicks in his portfolio in that it's big and intense without going so far over-the-top as to scare the kiddos.

Of course, at the time the real star here was the film's fantastic effects work - it was CGI's coming out party, after all - and that aspect has aged surprisingly well over the past two decades. Sure, if we look closely a few seams might show here or there, but the raptors remain unsettlingly vivid and our first glimpses of a grazing brachiosaurus remain nothing short of stunning.

Some excellent casting decisions enrich the whole package (Jeff Goldblum is pitch-perfect as the muttering, brainy Ian Malcolm) and there are plenty of character moments scattered about to flesh out the more extravagant action sets.

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7 - Good

Better than expected, even the child actors weren't that bad

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Rewatching this now as an adult isn't as fun when I watched it when I was kid. But that's not saying it was bad.

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Big ass diinosaurs... Fuckin-a! .. 'merica!

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Best movie of all time, will be in history books one day

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The only really bad thing about this flick is it's typically weak Stephen Spielberg ending. Otherwise very entertaining even, 20 years after it's release, if you can forgive the somewhat unrealistic aspect of cloning dinosaur DNA from mosquito blood preserved in amber...

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Absolutely incredible. The dinosaurs are still outstanding, even over twenty years later. Watching this as a young child I could have believed they were real - as an adult I still have to remind myself that it's fiction. A true masterpiece of special effects. I've loved this film for as long as I can remember and it's still as captivating as was back then. If you've never seen it you need to rectify that immediately. I can't wait to someday share this with my children.

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Jurassic Park definitely stands up to the test of time. Most of Speilberg's movies do.

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A classic film that everyone should watch at least once. Very well made and surprisingly believable. Still makes me nervous when I see the jelly shake.

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Shout by Deleted

i own all the movies on vhs and now the trilogy on blu-ray and it is truly amazing. this is my favourite movie of all time since i was a kid, and you can hold me to it.

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There is a reason this movie has spawned five sequels over nearly 30 years…it is a classic! The graphics hold up better than it has any right to. The story is typical Steven Spielberg. While this will likely forever be my favorite of all the Jurassic Park movies, this is the first of my rewatch in anticipation of seeing Dominion tomorrow!

Rating: 4.5/5 - 9/10 - Highly Recommend

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One of my fav movies... can’t say anything new but will own it in vhs dvd blu Ray 4K an whatever else they come up

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I´ve seen Jurassic Park a couple times over the years and I still love it. never looked old, just keep on amazing me.

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On a recent rewatch, it didn't look as impressive to me as it did all those years ago. I have no idea how this film would look to newcomers.. After a while though, I was looking at this film as if I was a kid again and loved every part of it. So I like it mostly for nostalgic reasons, but I think it's still one heck of a ride!

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every time the t rex or a raptor appears or when sombody is about to die my spine chilled "Steven Spielberg. That Son of a Bitch he Did it"

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Jurassic Park was probably the first ever 'Spielberg' I watched. Now that I'm no longer a kid, rewatching this really made me realise why it stuck with me for so long. It has the perfect amount of nail biting tension and jaw-dropping spectacles. The suspense in the dialogue, score, and camerawork freezes you and then to satisfy the wait with either pure horror or relief? Insane. The terror i felt in the Raptor, T-Rex, and Dilophosaurus scenes, I'll never forget being both traumatised and amazed. Everything is iconic from the cast and characters to the production and directing.

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Shout by Deleted

If you were alive when JP hit the cinemas... God damn what a great time it was.

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Theme- 10/10
Rewatchibility- 9/10
Acting- 8/10
Kinematography- 10/10
Time- 9/10
Total - 46/5 = 9.2

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It always feels overwhelming to binge this wonderful work of Spielberg. He worked his magic in such a charismatic way that,from getting chills to the ultimate adrenaline rush,everything comes simultaneously. And the satisfaction from it is boundless.You can't get bored of it even if you’ve watched it a hundred times.It is the classical gem that defined a new strain in the sci-fi genre.

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Then the highest grossing film in the history of cinema.

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Watch this after 30 years now in 3D with my mom and it was just as amazing! That’s it that’s comment

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I didn't watch this as a child so I don't really have a nostalgia-boner for it. I will however comment that John Williams' score is amazing, as per usual.

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I think this aged really poorly but thats my fault for taking so long to watch it :sob:

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Still stands up well, even after all of these years. My take on it in 2021 is a little different than in 1993, though.

Themes (tone, impact) 0.5
Acting and characters 0.5
Story (writing, direction, pacing) 1
Aesthetic (sets, special effects, score) 1
Enjoyment 1


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"Welcome to Jurassic Park." Director Steven Spielberg was the perfect directing choice to bring this Michael Crichton scientific thriller to life. In perfect Spielbergian style the film teases out the dinosaur park for the first act, then kicks into a full throttle action/adventure. Sam Neill, Richard Attenborough, and Jeff Goldblum all give outstanding performances that draw in the audience. But, what stands out most are the amazing special effects. The dinosaurs are both breathtaking and terrifying; capturing everything that we find fascinating about them. And, John Williams' score brilliantly embodies the majesty and excitement of the material. A wonderful piece of filmmaking, Jurassic Park inspires the imagination.

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I have always been interested in dinosaurs and with this movie I became even more fascinated by those creatures. The special effects are so good that to this day I still feel like all the dinosaurs are real. The acting is convincing and even if the plot is simple, it is effective and I really felt bad for the children, especially in the car and the kitchen scenes.

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Clearly too good for its own good. No sequel comes close to it.

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There's no way of denying that this is a classic. That doesn't mean I was overtly thrilled by it compared to some other films I've seen. Maybe it's all to familiar? I feel I would've perhaps been more excited watching it in the cinema with a huge screen and surround sound as it felt a little lost. But still, rapters and Jeff Goldblum and the water rippling and Richard Attenborough.

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Boy, do I hate being right all the time!

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The best movie ever did in this year !! :)

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oh you know, spared no expense.

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"Cinema Paco 2 Image 4/5, sound 5/5, 3D 34/5. Very good conversion to 3D, all sounds very good. Very entertaining, spectacular, well-balanced CGI and animatronics. I saw the 3D version

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Excellent movie.

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Shout by Deleted

The most amazing movie ever.

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The effects and animations in this film is fucking mind blowing considering it was all done when I was one year old. I have a fainth memory of having seen it, but I didn't remember anything from it, so I watched for the first time and I gotta say that based on the quality it might as well have been made this year.

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I've seen the first and third but not the second....

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I agree the quality was fantastic

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Just watched the fantastic Bluray transfer. The triple JP-Box is a must have for a real fan.

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