A franchise that gets better with each installment, this was great, the set pieces were brilliant, and the team know exactly what works now, The Cruiser for me is the Postman, he always delivers!!! Thoroughly enjoyed this

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The fifth installment in this franchise is the best one yet, with a compelling plot, a Bond-esque super villain, and the intense action set pieces that Cruise does better than anyone.

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I was a bit harsh on this one last time, and I have to say I enjoyed this film quite a lot more than 2015 me seemed to.

It’s solid all round and I thought the plot was pretty compelling so god knows what I was banging on about.

I also neglected to mention that I am deeply in love with Rebecca Ferguson but alas my somewhat downbeat review of Mission Impossible V has probably turned her off. Still Rebecca, if you’re reading, my wife says it’s ok.


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simply stunning! this is what Mission Impossible really about: how you keep the storyline intriguing, what are the stakes, and how to get you to the main antagonist without sacrificing a lot.
Combined that with astonishing performance from Tom Cruise, you get a beautiful action movies!

P.S: Rebecca Ferguson is :fire::fire::fire:

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Mission: Impossible (film series)
1 Mission: Impossible (1996) https://trakt.tv/movies/mission-impossible-1996
2 Mission: Impossible 2 (2000) https://trakt.tv/movies/mission-impossible-ii-2000
3 Mission: Impossible III (2006) https://trakt.tv/movies/mission-impossible-iii-2006
4 Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol (2011) https://trakt.tv/movies/mission-impossible-ghost-protocol-2011
5 Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation (2015) https://trakt.tv/movies/mission-impossible-rogue-nation-2015
6 Mission: Impossible – Fallout (2018) https://trakt.tv/movies/mission-impossible-fallout-2018
7 Mission: Impossible 7 (2023) https://trakt.tv/movies/mission-impossible-7-2023
8 Mission: Impossible 8 (2024) https://trakt.tv/movies/mission-impossible-8-2024

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Watched this again. Although every Mission Impossible movie has been very good (except the goofy MI:2), I think "Rogue Nation" is slightly better than MI:3 or "Ghost Protocol".

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Tom Cruise's action movies just keep bringing the goods. The fact that this guy does most of his own stunts is a big selling point for me. I think he's insane, and his stunt-work solidifies that. But the best thing about this movie was Rebecca Ferguson. She was without question one of the most capable special agents I've seen, man or woman.

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This time around our hero Ethan Hunt is on the run after the IMF is disband by CIA director. Like most Mission: Impossible films, the plot in Rogue Nation can be vague and confusing when it comes to motives of IMF's adversaries, but we all know why we show up for these films. The spectacular action scenes. Id like to start by saying with Tom Cruise the majority of the movies he does are really great, and he gives it 100% each and every time. mission impossible is one of the very rare Hollywood franchises that actually gets better with each new sequel. 'Rogue Nation' may not be as fun as the past films 'Apparition Protocol', yet it's an exceedingly decent action, adventure film. The failing in the movie, if it can be called that, is the predictable plot. Great action sequences, especially those which involved suspense (loved the opera scene).

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I've really enjoyed this franchise so far (other than one less than stellar film) and damn, this film carries everything on. Honestly, one of the main reasons I love the franchise is probably because they are so similar to the 007 franchise. Instead, these are a bit more light with jokes and, obviously, American. Except they spend some time in the UK this time.

Anyway, yea, about this specific film. Great action. I mean look at this photo because it was awesome. Specifically though, the car/motorcycle race in here is just so engaging and fun. I've got to say, Tom Cruise might be crazy, but he is a great action star.

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Rogue Nation is a thrill ride...until about two-thirds in. After that, you get a rather weak ending. The movie keeps up the pace and style of the two latest instalments of this franchise but fails to retain the momentum. The acting was good...especially Rebecca Ferguson. Luckily she is slated to return in the next one.

Rogue Nation is so far, the weakest since number two, but it's still worth a watch.

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Indeed this was the best movie of the series, Cruise deliver a very good Ethan with nice action sequences and chases. Pegg was a comedic genius of the film. Nice touches of comedy by everyone

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Honestly, how do these movies keep getting better? They just keep finding crazier stuff to do and Tom Cruise does it. Rebecca Ferguson is a great addition, she is wonderful. Sean Harris plays a good villain, the second best one in the series behind Philip Seymour Hoffman. I really like that this feels much more like a continuation of the same story from Ghost Protocol unlike the first three which were almost completely separate stories. Very much looking forward to Fallout.

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Slider..sniff sniff...you stink

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Pulled out the Blu-ray to test my new setup. I really don't think I gave this movie proper credit when it came out. Its so so amazing. Not only are the action scenes exhilarating set pieces not ruined by green screen overkill, they're funny too. This series always gets that right, injecting humor into super serious badass action.

I think this was another situation where I couldn't judge the movie properly the first time around because the weight of the previous film. Ghost protes is one of my fave movies of all time. It's a tough aft to follow even if you follow it with one of the best movies of the year. It's a real WALL*E/Up situation.

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If Mission: Impossible III was the movie that tried to re-correct the ship after the near-iceberg hit that was Mission: Impossible II, Rogue Nation is the M: I movie that upped the ante even further. Cruise proved that he'd might eventually be willing to strap himself to a cruise missile for a stunt and McQuarrie yet again proved he knew how to write and direct espionage-adjacent films.

This was the turning point for the current direction of the franchise, Fallout was the "what sophomore slump?" audacious followup, and Dead Reckoning was the "hold my beer" cherry on top to continue the McQuarrie trilogy -- well, now quadrilogy, since Dead Reckoning pt 2 is in post.

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i dont know how many times i can sit here and talk about how great these movies have been and how surprised i am. i think im learning that i quite like the action genre, which i suppose makes sense since as a kid i was very into spies. simon pegg was a big standout to me, his turn into seriousness towards the climax was brilliantly done and he plays it brilliantly. renner fits the team well, and rebecca ferguson was a huge standout and welcome addition. im not a baldwin fan but i enjoyed him in this. the stunts were amazing, as always. i liked that we got more masks in this one. just a fun movie i loved it

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This franchise just keeps getting better. Great action, and they keep finding more impossible things to do. I like how they started creating a bit of continuity after MI:III.

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For some reason this one doesn't keep me as interested as the 3rd and 4th one. I think the whole syndicate thing isn't the most exciting for me.

I do love the incredible plane stunt and I found out that Tom Cruise held his breath for 6 minutes during shooting, which was a record. The chase scene is also very cool and the opera scene is phenomenal.

So enough stuff to make it a good movie, just a step down (for me) from the previous ones.

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The only negative things I have to say about this one is that the villain could use a little bit more of development that isn't delivered through exposition and that he gets captured in a rather silly way. Like a mouse.

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Like a good cup of coffee: it'll wake you up but it goes right through you.

Rebecca Ferguson is a welcome addition to the team but there's nothing to set this one apart from the others in the franchise.

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I feel like this movie perfects the recipe, McQuarrie takes a piece of every previous installment and then adds his own special sauce. The results are proof positive that the Cruise/McQuarrie team is the only way to go moving forward.

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Shout by 020202
BlockedParentSpoilers2023-07-09T15:54:52Z— updated 2023-07-10T23:03:25Z

revisiting the previous two movies before watching Death Reckoning Part One, i gotta say it never gets old watching that intro sequence where it's all hectic and high energy, pure chaos, then Ethan Hunt comes running, Tom Cruise's stunts are truly out of this world, and i still cannot believe that this man really pulled off the strapped-to-an-airplane stunt. a whole. AIRPLANE.
& Solomon Lane has got to be one of my favorite villains from any movie franchise ever, especially the Mission Impossible one, so far. The actor just fits perfectly well with this character and are a great match in my opinion;
i love how they managed to give Lane his very own poison, and got him frustratingly trapped in a glass box at the end, just like Ethan was at the start

& finally,
"I can neither confirm nor deny details of any operation without the Secretary's approval."
that line is just hilarious, especially at the end

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Shout by Acoucalancha
BlockedParent2023-05-25T02:17:08Z— updated 2023-05-27T00:36:48Z

Ghost Protocol had a great balance between interesting story and thrilling action sequences. Rogue Nation isn't as balanced, it's more: elaborate storyline with a bit of fun. More story is an upgrade of course but I wasn't really captivated or interested in it. The tone is so different... more serious (thank god Simon Pegg was there at least), less comedy, less action and so much less memorable. The opening scene on the plane was amazing, motorcycle chase was done right (unlike M:II), the few action set pieces looked amazing, score is probably the best it's ever been and Sean Harris is a memorable villain. Third act didn't do it for me, feels out of shape and uneventful. I was dying for a bit of spice.

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Until now, I had always considered "Rogue Nation" to be slightly inferior to "Ghost Protocol." But I don't really know why anymore—the fifth installment of the Mission Impossible film series is fantastic. And it has a huge trump card over its direct predecessor in Rebecca Ferguson as MI6 agent Ilsa Faust. Ferguson easily keeps up with Tom Cruise. Not only is she by far the best female character in the series, but she's also one of my favorites in general. The staging is also excellent. The opening is immediately spectacular, the entire sequence later in the Vienna State Opera is thrilling, and the whole dive scene in Morocco is breathtaking. Sean Harris's portrayal of the villain Solomon Lane is also an improvement over the earlier films. Only the plot is a bit too muddled, but that honestly hardly bothers me since all the other elements just fit perfectly.

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Rogue Nation is a thrilling and action-packed addition to the Mission: Impossible franchise. Tom Cruise delivers another impressive performance as Ethan Hunt, and the supporting cast is equally excellent. The action sequences are intense and expertly choreographed, particularly the plane scene. The plot is engaging and keeps the audience engaged until the very end.

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The Mission:Impossible movies just keep getting better. When I started watching this franchise with the original M:I I have to admit I wasn't that impressed with anything : not the storyline, not the cast, nor the acting, not really anything about the original movie. As I progressed through the franchise, however, the movies kept getting better in every aspect…even the endings. This particular film was riveting from the opening scene and some of the stunts that Tom Cruise puts himself through (I found it astonishing that he insists on performing his own stunts) are absolutely jaw-dropping. Tiny bit of humor - whether intentional or accidental (and just left in the film intentionally) - was where Cruise, only moments after being rescusitated after a near-drowning, tries to leapfrog across the hood of a parked car and misses terribly. He then opens the driver's door, whereupon his accomplish "Benji" looks incredulously at him and says, "Are you sure you're okay to drive?" Again, I don't know if that was intentional or a "blooper" that they decided to leave in because it added to the moment. All in all, another great installment in the Mission:Impossible franchise!

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Part 5 is the further reduction of the defining elements of the series.
The stunts continue to be magnificently done, a threat to the world or its systems, many deceptions and Tom, I do all my own stunts, Cruise.
Particularly worthy of praise here is the antagonist. Not only the performance of Sean Harris, the emotionless and calculated leader of the Syndicate, but especially his motives, make the antagonists comprehensible. Specifically, the plan, the approach based on the specific skills of the group are comprehensible and the background of the characters is clear. All of these points should actually be the norm, but are unfortunately rarely given today.

Really well filmed action, with comprehensible plot lines and actions from the characters. Should be watched if you are into action espionage.

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Looks great, cleanly shot but is so very, very silly. I laughed all the way through this.

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Ignoring everything else about the movie, as a motorcyclist I couldn't believe the onboard footage scenes... As close as I could ever suggest to non-bikers as to what we experience when riding a high-performance motorcycle.


Rebecca Ferguson is absolutely spellbinding. Worthy of a franchise.

And the film. Slightly less strong than the previous but has a series of fantastic stunts that make up for the difference.


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Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2022-05-09T22:11:32Z— updated 2023-05-22T23:22:16Z

“Hunt is the living manifestation of destiny!”

Probably the most plot driven MI film, so much so that it doesn’t even have a set piece during the third act. It really brings back that Hitchcock feeling that’s been missing since the original, the clever writing is as much of a draw as the action here. The set pieces are once again pretty spectacular and imaginative, the opera scene and motorcycle chase being among the franchise’s best. Ilsa Faust is the franchise’s best supporting character, the constant switching of allegiances was such a great idea to keep the audience guessing. Lane is one of the franchise’s better villains, though he’s not on the same level as Philip Seymour Hoffman. I also love how they realized that throwing in more Simon Pegg will automatically elevate any scene, his comedic and dramatic contributions to this franchise are still a little underappreciated. Technically it’s once again very accomplished, the cinematography by Robert Elswit is beautiful (and very different from his work on Ghost Protocol) and I’ll never get enough of hearing that theme song.


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Christopher McQuarrie starts directing the franchise from now on and I’m glad he continued to do so, because he does a terrific job.

Rebecca Ferguson is an awesome addition, she is so badass. Ethan’s crew is always great, Alec Baldwin is here too to antagonize a little. Sean Harris is a good villain.

Nice use of several gadgets. I liked the pacing as well, although Ghost Protocol is a bit better in this aspect.

We have a lot of amazing set pieces with crazy action scenes. Damn, that motorcycle/car chase sequence is insane!

I can’t really decide whether Rogue Nation or Ghost Protocol is my favorite movie of the franchise so far, but they’re heading in a amazing way. If all movies had sequels like this, the world would be a better place.

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I lost 2 hours of my life watching this movie.

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One of the best in the action genre you are going to get.

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The fifth installment of the franchise, Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation delivers an exciting, adrenaline-packed adventure. After the IMF is disbanded secret agent Ethan Hunt goes rogue in order to complete one last mission to expose a criminal syndicate of former spies turned mercenaries. Tom Cruise, Jeremy Renner, and Simon Pegg return, and are joined by Rebecca Ferguson and Alec Baldwin. And their performances are pretty good; particularly Ferguson, whose stunt work and fight scenes are especially well-done. Director Christopher McQuarrie also does an impressive job, and brings a lot of suspense and tension to the action sequences. Thoroughly entertaining, Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation is an explosive spy thriller.

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Love the fact that this movie is partly set and was partly shot in Vienna, the capital of Austria. Besides that it's a nice action-flick bit nothing to spectacular.

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Have to say that motorcycle chase scene was pretty intense and the IMF team is awesome!

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Great movie. I am just not a fan of the anti-climatic showdown between Ethan and the main villain in the end.

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7,5/10 really enjoyable movie!

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Right now it's the best spy movie franchise. Yes, better than JB and better than the other JB. Most of all, it's probably the only movie franchise that gets better with each movie.

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<3 <3 Tom Cruise is so hawt

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Shout by Deleted

More in the same vein of the MI series. I must admit though as predictable as "spy" movie plots can be this one was different just enough to keep me in the movie until the end. I do like it when the plot or the characters fool me...not that easy but still happens too often. So, "thumbs up" for this one even for me who finds Tom Cruise' acting way too overrated. Just an opinion Tom, nothing personal. #ShiftvW8

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Shout by dgw

I said in my review of The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (2015) that I'd have to watch and compare this with that and Spectre… Well, here we are.

The 2015 Mission: Impossible installment roundly beats out The Man from U.N.C.L.E. in writing, production, and on-screen chemistry. Rebecca Ferguson is no Alicia Vikander (LOVED her in Ex Machina), but the interactions between both leading men worked much, MUCH better in this film. It helps that Christopher McQuarrie let this film have a much calmer editing style—it's a hell of a lot easier to follow than Guy Ritchie's chaotic simul-action sequences with 2-5 camera views on screen at once.

I'm still undecided whether I like Spectre or M:I better for my top 2015 spy film, but I'm officially knocking U.N.C.L.E. out of the running. MI-6 and the IMF can duke it out.

(It's entirely possible that I'm being easier on this film because I lack a solid background with the franchise; I've seen very little M:I compared to U.N.C.L.E. But I don't think that's why I like this one so MUCH more.)

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Shout by Deleted

Podemos ser quiénes queramos... y hacer lo que queramos. Sólo es cuestión de lanzarse.

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Lent this on Google Play Movies and did not regret it: great action flick! I really enjoyed the two hours with it and think that it is gripping and thrilling until the last scenes because one doesn't know who is crossing who.

I now have to give the previous installment of the series a shot, which I missed so far. Hopefully it is as good as this one!

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I liked the previous film alot better. Bit disappointed about this one.

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Shout by Deleted

Bon film d'action à voir.

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Shout by Deleted

It's been a while since I saw 2, 3. 1 and 4 are fresh in my memory. That said, this is probably the best of the series.

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And once again, great, this franchise just don't let me down. The plot, the action, the acting, great. Since the beginning is fast, interesting, and fun, the whole movie is a fun ride. The bike chase was the best, and that new character very good, and the way they work her background too, really liked it.

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Shout by Deleted

por favor me diga como assistir filme neste site.tem que assinar?,e gratuito?.tem manual,se tiver aonde encontro

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Great action and story on this one. The grand break-in was also a great reminder of the first episode.

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Shout by Deleted

i don´t think i ever felt the real speed effect like i did on this movie on the bike chasing scene...

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I enjoyed this movie quite a lot. I have to say though what I went because of the cast and not because it is Mission: Impossible. I love Simon Pegg and Jeremy Renner and I got what I wanted. :)

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It has been entertaining, the action does not decay and the action scenes are well

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Shout by Simon

Well, there can be no denying that Cruise still has it, in spades! Too many stunts to think of, however, with plane, car and bike sequences to name a few there is something for everyone in this movie.

Favorite scene has to be the bike chase; that was truly brilliant.

All this said, truthfully Tom and the team are looking older now, as we all are, and maybe this should be the last with the crew... if MI is to come back again perhaps it should be with a new team of players.

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Continuing the tone of the successful Brad Bird entry, Ghost Protocol, there isn't a stunt that quite matches the Dubai sequence - hanging Cruise outside a plane whilst impressive is a short teaser at the start of the film rather than having a whole sequence built around it. But the film itself is a lot of fun and it is interesting to see how the films have gradually brought back the team dynamic after the terrible first sequel. The strongest new element is a focus on the new female character within the film and Rebecca Ferguson is great. The film does a good job at keeping her background a mystery and whilst the plot becomes increasingly convoluted, it moves along at such a pace that these elements are easy to forgive. Despite the fun action sequences, however, after four sequels, they have yet to top De Palma's tension-filled sequence break-in of the CIA from the original.

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