Edit: So I saw the Snyder-chat on The Slow Mo Guys 2 (youtube) and I have to say it actually made me appreciate the "nerdiness" a little bit more. Weird how that works.

Well this was shit. Are they still planning to make 4 more of these movies? Is this some sort of money laundering scheme? It's 90% visuals and 10% story, and it kind of feels like they're trying to speed-run the emotional connections to\between characters like we're playing a Bethesda RPG game.

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When you take a turned down Star Wars script and try to make it something else. It’s wannabe Star Wars, not Star Wars.
Snyder fans will call it a masterpiece but Dune Part 2 was a masterpiece. Rebel Moon relies on a romance with no chemistry. Action that is neither fun or engaging. Held back by too much slow motion as well.
Snyder apparently has a 3rd film planned. The more he drags out this thin story. The more I understand why it was a turned down Star Wars movie.
The 3rd one needs a much better screenwriter than Snyder himself. Otherwise, I expect very bad reviews yet again.

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Farming montages, just what I love in my sci-fi.

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lol wtf is the first half of this movie? Montage after montage after montage. That princess scene as well was the stupidest shit I’ve seen in a long time.

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If this movie played at normal speed it would 30 mins long

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having seen the first part, i dread to think how awful the second part will be

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The soap opera continues with episode two. My expectations were nonexistent going in but it still managed to disappoint. We're only at part 2 out of 6 and this whole franchise is already tired and stretched out. This is a bit worse that part 1 on every level. Cringe dialogue and acting, still an imitation of many franchises, the set pieces are nothing memorable and the action has no stake because the characters and story are flat as hell. Time to pull the plug on this shit show.

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So much cringe, so VERY MUCH CRINGE. And unnecessary slow mo in every other scene.

Pretentious garbage, is what this is.

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I honestly have no idea why all those bad comments. It's a science-fiction/action/adventure flick, it does not pretend to be anything else. So yes, there are lots of elements that come from other movies, and why not ? First of all it's a discarded Star Wars script, so of course, there will be that influence, but contrary to most of the complainers, I like that myself. It's sort of "if star wars was taking place in a parallel universe". The action scenes are great (and fie to the haters of slow mo), the suspense holds until the end. Right the romance part are a little on the nose and mechanical, but again, this is not "Love Story", it's a movie you watch for its visual and entertainment value, and on that front, I fill fulfilled. I read in one of the complainers comments that there was two more movies planned and I myself will certainly thoroughly enjoy those as I did part one and 2.

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This was even worse than expected after having seen Part One. :person_facepalming:♂

What the duck, Netflix? Stop wasting my money on Zack Snyder!
Part One and Two had a budget of at least $166,000,000.

Reading the 'Exclusive First Look' article from Vanity Fair now is unintentionally humorous.

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It is quite bad. The story doesn't make any sense and it is full of dumb stuff. FF if you really really want to know how it ends, which is exactly how you would expect

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It's a mix of other famous movies, like the first one, it's what I expect from a movie made by an AI.

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She was beautiful in the first movie, and she was beautiful in this movie too. I never got bored watching it. I was relieved when he took the bad guy's head. What made me sad was what happened to this samurai woman. It is one of the rare good movies I have watched recently and the acting, effects and environment are very well set. If you like this type of movies, be sure to watch it. Netflix sports this. Thanks for your efforts.:ok_hand:

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the genre must be comedy
thanks god anthony hopkins spoke three lines
all movie was on slow-motion with few normal shots
its like snyder see bunch of good movies from total different genres and want do all of them at once but its like you mix all good food materials, eat it and throw it up!
all scenes are predictable and cliche in worst ways
dialogues are poor as fuck
acting are so weak
plot makes no sense at all

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It's so uninspired it hurts my very soul.

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Yes, even though we do fly around spaceships, and we do have hovering carriages, we still harvest as if we lived in the 1800’s.!

This is just one example of how stupid some of the decisions made in this part 2 is. I would so much love to have liked this movie, because i love the genre. But alas, this really feels worse than part 1.

Epic movie… No, more like epic misdirect!

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Rebel Moon 2 didn’t disappoint because it was as bad as I expected. It’s so derivate and unoriginal that its remarkable it got past execs at Netflix. I can only conclude that Netflix have fired their quality control department and have told filmmakers to “never mind the quality, feel the length”. Ultimately it's just fodder and only suitable if you disengage your brain and watch with one eye whilst doing something else that's more important. Do yourself a favor and go watch "Seven Samurai" or "The Magnificent Seven" because they shit all over this tripe.

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How many'll skip it 'n jess wait fur the "R" version this time?

(I'll be... Can't wait!)

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I told myself that after Part One I was not going to watch the next one. Then I found myself off today and bored so I said what the hell let me check this out.

I have no idea how Zack managed to make a movie that’s somehow worse than the first is every single aspect. The pacing is terrible, the slow motion ruin action shots that would be lackluster even without it, and holy hell don’t even get me started on this fake Magnificent 7 band of rebels that you care absolutely nothing about.

Lol I thought this might be the last one but he’s really going to keep this going and Netflix is gonna foot the bill :joy::joy::joy:

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From the trailer, it looks like it borrows from the Magnificent Seven. Yet Snyder fans always act like he is full of originality and sets the blue print for other filmmakers.
The first film definitely borrowed from many other Science Fiction films.

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I really enjoyed this movie. An epic battle scene with great CGI effects.
"To find her.. To fight" sets up well for part 3. :thumbsup_tone1:

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It started off SO slow that I wanted to fast forward through the narrative (and I usually love narratives), but, when the action began, it was full on. A Zack Snyder Universe (don’t miss the featurette CREATING A UNIVERSE -THE MAKING OF REBEL MOON which follows the film on Netflix). Great cast. Good storytelling (eventually). Incredible special effects.

I thought I had posted a review for REBEL MOON - PART ONE: A CHILD OF FIRE. I should circle around and do that, but, if I remember correctly, I liked the storytelling better, than this Part Two, especially as we are introduced to the members of the team.

It appears that the production team wants this to be 6 Netflix movies set in this Zack Snyder imagined universe. No word from Netflix, yet, on a green light for a third.

I give this film a high 7 (Redeeming Action) out of 10.

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I love action films more than could be considered healthy and even love all of Jason Statham's mindless violence films so my bar is pretty low, but these films are just so meh.

I truly could not care less about the characters or the plot, the only thing that makes it worthwhile are the action sequences (and I like Sofia Boutella). There is just no emotional connection to the characters at all despite them desperately trying to make us feel something for them and two films in and still nothing is really making any sense and we've had no answers.

Will i be watching the next one? Most certainly, so that maybe I'll at least get some answers as to what's going on.

story = 3/10
acting/cast = 4/10
music = 6/10
rewatch value = 2/10

overall = 5/10

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Honestly, I see no difference from the first, only that the visuals and action are twice as large. I loved the slow mo in the battle scenes, unlike in the build-up scenes. It tried to be visually beautiful, but everything felt artificial, just like the characters. Why does synder always find himself in the 'synder cut' situation? He's so talented and unique, but these washed-up versions make the experience feel like nothing. I'll still wait for it, though. I also disliked the monologues and the village/villagers aesthetic, but I loved the sci-fi elements and character stories.

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What can I say … it’s awful, after 45 mins of farming montages and acting more wooden than the village huts it was turned off.

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You really do need to remove the genres of Science Fiction and Action from this piece of slow-mo crap. just wow! How does crap like this get a release?

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All these little whiners out here crying over slo-mo, farming scenes in a scifi movie and whatever else their getting their panties in a wad about make me laugh. You all need a tissue? A hug? A safe space to cuddle up in and complain some more? It's a movie made for fun no one was looking for Oscar material. Ever since the lockdown you all have become movie experts. I watched it for the fun for the scifi. Cry me a river. LOL. Flame away pansies I know you will.

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Rebel Moon: Part 2 is like masturbation: I liked it a lot except for the predictable parts and the part where I fell asleep.

Noice looking pizza, popcorn and Dr Pepper Zero flick but when they started with a quilt-giving ceremony, then followed that up directly with the admiral singing a dirge in a made-up language and then went right into each character taking turns presenting their backstory... I checked out and woke up when the loud noises started again.

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You could probably skip through the first hour of this and not feel as though you've missed anything. Last hour was much better.

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Sounds like this script was written by chat GPT

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Give it a chance, it's missing something but the action is pretty good.

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more or less 30 minutes of runtime is wasted on unnecessary slow motion. The first film failed to establish Corazon as the badass assassin she's supposed to be and that didn't change here.

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The plot is poor because it is a poor copy of several other scenarios, but half a movie of an impressive fight is enough to watch it.

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What a piece of useless slow mo fucking shit. You are an idiot Snyder. Will not see another of your movies.

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Not all of their background stories are well thought out. It’s mostly just “war happened to me. I was treated most unfairly. Now I’m angry.”

While they were making all these defense plans I wondered why they were hiding anything. Wouldn’t they know those war ships have scanners?

I preferred the “gathering the fellowship” story line from the first part to this one, where it’s mostly about battle preparations, heroic speeches, WE HAVE A PAST, battle, death, RAAAWR WE CAN DO THIS, battle, battle manoeuvres, oh maybe we can’t do this, more battle manoeuvres, heroic endings.

There was still something or other about the last few minutes that touched my cold core, but all in all felt a little lacking, despite epic ness.

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So what I wrote in part one still applies. Not much has changed, so that's good enough for me. Some of the scenes are really cool, but it still lacks something to make it something bigger. Probably a budget or a proper studio and not just Netflix. A couple of things I didn't get like why did they keep having the food problem? With all the technology and planetary conquest, they needed... plain flour. Then they weren't very good at the war, were they?

Otherwise, I guess it's just a lure for the next sequel, which will be out God knows when. And definitely the coolest thing is James. James FTW!

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Two movies, over 4 hours of content and zero character development or connection.

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Worse than the first part. The plot is kinda the same for both movies. That said, a biiiiiit oooooff sloooooow-mooooo.

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Visually, it is a solid watch. Great visual effects, I like this film

10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:rage:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: - Bull Shit

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Very pretty, and very very predictable. And yeah, overused slo mo...

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If you're into slow-mo farming and loads of unnecessary slow-mo shots, and like being tortured, this is for you. I'd probably sit sown and watch my washing machine rolling clothes for 2 hours than this pile of crap

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It was great! Looks like a part three will be coming. YaY!

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I don't understand why many reviews I have read said part 2 is better than part 1. I found the script and dialogue in Part 2 so clunky. Not sure I will be tuning in for the next part.

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Watched both parts. part 2 equally as bad as part 1.:thumbsdown::thumbsdown::thumbsdown:

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About the same as part 1, not great, not bad.

Quite a bit more action, other then the painful slo-motion, the action wasn’t bad.

Acting was ok.

Scenery was pretty good.

I won’t be looking forward to the next movies but I will watch at least watch the next one, if there is one.

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it's just not very good. it's like a bad version of the 80s A team in space. (that could have been told in 1 hour)

it's a very weak story with loads of implausible scenarios that just don't make any sense.

the only thing going for it is really good special effects however pouring money, sprinkling glitter on a pile of effluence is still just a pile of effluence.

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I had hoped that things with “Rebel Moon" could only get better after “A Child of Fire,” but boy was I wrong. Because the second part is even worse than Part 1. If this is Zack Snyder's vision for an epic space opera, then I'm at a loss.

In any case, you don't get a feeling for the universe in which the franchise takes place, especially as the action is set almost entirely in a village this time. A grain harvest is celebrated in slow motion for several minutes instead of doing some worldbuilding. The characters also all remain flat, the costumes are poor, and the acting is below average.

The only remaining question is whether the announcement of a version with more bloodshed is actually a threat. After all, given that this is a Netflix production, there's really no reason for this movie to be as low on violence as it is. Maybe next time, Snyder should just make the movie he wanted to make from the beginning. And he should also get himself a capable screenwriter right away.

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Rebel Moon is The Asylum version of Dune

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Weaker, but still suitably watchable.

'Rebel Moon - Part Two: The Scargiver' is a more action-packed entry to the franchise, despite that I didn't hold as much interest in this as I did for the previous installment. I did, mind, like seeing the battles commence, both in terms of action and effects.

Sofia Boutella is enjoyable once more, but Ed Skrein isn't as interesting this time around; I would've preferred a new villain for this one, to be honest. Djimon Hounsou does have more to work with on this occasion though, which is only a positive thing. Bae Doo-na has a few nice moments, even if she is underused for the majority.

These movies work for me, what can I say? Kinda mad, however, that they're seemingly planning to make six of these in total... a bit much, even for someone that likes these opening two. I'll be there tho ¯(ツ)

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One of the worst movies I’ve seen in a long time. I wouldn’t be surprised if the script was written by AI. Also clearly directed by a man

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Seven Samurai but make it :sparkles:Star Wars :sparkles:

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The Magnificent Hobbits in Space.

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Snyder, like James Cameron, is a director who can create a strong and appealing female warrior. In this film, he mixed Seven Samurai with Samurai 7 and led by a female warrior and crazy white dude as villain.

So, it meets DEI's Woke Agenda, certainly meets Star Wars' fans hunger for a good space film.

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This is so bad it made the first part worse. Where it’s coherent it’s dumb and that is very rare. With long shots of nothing happening and the oh so important farming montage.

The space nazis are also rednecks, their ship smoke like redneck coal burners it looks like the dreadnaught actually runs on coal.

It’s not the actor’s fault it’s really bad writing and still ripping off much better stuff.

Even though the redneck space nazis have overwhelmingly numbers and superior looking tech. Splashy lasers don’t seem to go through farm house wood. So you get 2ish hours of the stupidest combat ever with more slo mo and still shots for no reason.

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It was decent. Part Two reminded me of sifi version of the The Magnificent Seven.

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Overall not that bad. But some of the scenes where kind of ugly. Like the guy in fluids at the beginning.

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I know it's a movie and I know the good always win from the bad, but please keep the script a little bit realistic

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Aesthetically blurry visuals. 300 has a great story, this one has blurry one.

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Rebel Moon - Part Two: The Scargiver - :heart:x6

Well, this is just an OK sequel. For my taste, the ground battle scenes were a bit long. And this time, I'm pretty sure we won't be seeing Atticus any time again soon lol.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Thought it couldn't get any worse...but there it is. Even that shitbucket army of the dead looks better than this now.
Oh the audacity to think that this could have more sequel:joy:

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They certainly struggled with this one.

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Maybe there is something else on tonight?

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