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Star Trek 2009

I'm not a "Trekkie"; I was never a huge fan of the original television series or films but I must say I thought J.J. Abrams take on Star Trek was excellent. Star Trek had some great action and amazing special effects scenes and an awesome plot wrapped around it nicely. All the actors and actresses were perfectly cast for their roles. J.J. Abrams yet again does an amazing job. I have a feeling everything that man touches turns to gold. Even if you compare this film to others in its genre besides just past Star Trek films, it's still better than most I have seen.

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Great movie
Very well balanced
Between some fun lighthearted comedy and some serious Trek.
Great cast that all put an amazing performance in.
The soundtrack is really,really good and
This movie being over a decade old still very much holds up today.

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I truly think it's the best film of the decade. Actors, story, action, music, etc. are all masterfully used to tell an engaging story I enjoy on each viewing.

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It's a great start for the reboot although it had to many sciency sounding bullshit for my taste (red matter, time travelling black holes, a supernova that destroyed planets outside it's system and that threatened the whole galaxy?).

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This movie successfully breaks my heart within 10 minutes, every time I watch it.

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For me, the best Star Trek movie. The story is interesting and features some nice plot-twists. I especially like to see the younger versions of Kirk, Spock and so on and that they really let Vulcan be destroyed by the time-traveling Romulan ship.

Rating-wise minus 1 star for the time-traveling that plays a major part although we have seen it in a LOT of other Star Trek flicks and minus another star for the SFX that are sometimes clearly visibly as computer animation -> 8/10.

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What I find myself asking myself when I watch this movie is "would I rather be watching this or the original timeline movies that are generally considered bad". My rating of 7 puts this movie above Nemesis, Insurrection, Generations and Final Frontier, as well as tied with In Search of Spock and The Motion Picture. But for me, those movies are very different products.

Star Trek 2009 is pretty much JJ Abrahms wheelhouse. Competent, if suffering from a lack of soul and something to say. It makes for a very watchable movie, but not a particularly interesting piece of art.

Those original timeline movies I list? they're much sloppier and less "good" by traditional film criticism. But for me, they have a lot more heart and soul to them. So in a way, I respect them more, even if I consider all of them (including the two it's score is tied with) less quality movies.

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More action than story, this Star Trek origins is a fine addition to the franchise. Some of the timeline retelling is difficult to follow and the action is kind of hindered by the audience already knowing which cast members HAVE to live and which one is the sacrificial ensign. I also had a large problem with the horrible cave scene fighting the snow monster which had such a Star Wars feeling combining Hoth and Sarlacc from Jedi. Great casting and great action more than make up for any shortcomings and I look forward to future installments.

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Beam me up Scotty I got take a dump or something

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Action from start to end ..loved it. I recommend it to all who love action.

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The story is hilarious, but it is really entertaining.

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Brilliant casting ! Brilliant story ! Brilliant film !

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Rewatched this prior to Beyond. Better than I remembered. I also completely forgot how Kirk's hands get swollen like Hitch's face. Or My Name is Earl's face. Comedy gold!

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Honestly, incredible film, an incredible reboot...!!!

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Much better than Into Darkness and probably J.J. Abrahams' only film that doesn't feel like he stole ideas from others films. Meaning Into Darkness would have been better if it wasn't a Wrath of Khan tribute.
While despite liking Force Awakens many would complain that it's too much like a New Hope all over again.
Anyway Abraham's first Star Trek is ambitious and the best since First Contact. Due to a smart script and a unique use of time travel to make the film half remake half sequel.

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I've been a Trekkie since childhood. The Next Generation made sure of that. This reboot has taken a lot of flack from Trekkies, but I can't really agree with their misgivings. I really like this movie, and I'm sure I'll enjoy anything they create in this new Trek universe.

...and to those that think there's way too many women in their underwear in this one and Into Darkness and that it breaks with what is Star Trek...have you ever seen TOS?

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Great movie. Yes, I watched the original series, the next generation and movies before that one. This is by far the best. Plot made sense, acting was amazing, script was good and no character had annoying behavior (I always fear Disney injects some cute brabbling something in any space relayed flick) .

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out of my mind this can be far good.make me want to watch the prequel.

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As a person with absolutely no background watching anything Star Trek related other than the two new movies, I thought it was pretty good

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The new Star Trek movies are so much better now. Enjoy.

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Insane alternate plot line that barely stands up to dissection. Still for a big budget it is gripping, well acted and worthwhile.

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This is just awesome. I have watched it many times and still not tired of it. Can't wait for the next one.

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Best Star Trek movie EVER!

The reboot of Star Trek was very successful. Here and there are a few references to previous movies and tv shows (Admiral Archer's prized beagle). Everything in this movie is perfect. The story, the visual effects and the characters. J.J. Abrams and the screenwriters really did a perfect job on this movie.

The alternate universe in witch this movie is playing was a fantastic idea. The possibilities in witch Star Trek 2 and hopefully other movies can go are endless. Old enemies from the tv show like for instance Khan Noonien Singh could reappear and make the lives of the crew on the USS Enterprise very difficult with some new evil master plan.

I can't wait for Star Trek 2, it will be just as awesome as this one is!

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Abrams' effectively reboots Star Trek in a very clever way, but like most of the films, it is very different from the TV series and eschews exploration in favour of a more action orientated approach. What Abrams does get right is his approach to the characters, with spot-on casting and some clever twists on the audience's knowledge and expectations of the original show. The plot is a fairly standard revenge story and apart from a standout action sequence on Vulcan, there is little that hasn't be seen before, but the interplay between the characters is tremendously entertaining and for that, Abrams deserves a lot of credit.

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how on space, that a warp speed enterprise can pop up as if it is millennium falcon? :D

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Shout by Deleted

A loving reboot of an eternal favourite hits all the right marks. In another fitting tribute; a security(red) guy gets it on an away-mission.

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It's super fun with a great new cast and some old.

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everything about this adaptation is perfect, seriously, amazingly done, a truly gift for star trek fans!

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I mean, it's nice that everyone on that crew is super hands-on, but this conn-tag ("You're it!") seems a bit ridiculous. Why do you even have commanding officers when they do everything themselves anyway?
I do love the face Spock makes every time someone insults his mother - you can practically hear the Kill Bill Siren.

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Best of all the Star Trek movies.

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Shout by Deleted


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They did a good job with the reboot, only wish they hadn't...

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