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The Accountant 2016

One of my desert island movies.

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This was a fantastic movie, definitely one of the best I've seen this year. Excellent story and plot Ben was great and the twists have caught me by surprise even thought they made absolutely sense. I think that it would make an excellent TV show!

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I made the right choice and it didn't disappoint me. I good performance from Ben Affleck and the rest of the cast. A good script.

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Finally a role for Anna Kendrick that can show her true potential, I hope she gets more and more roles with a little bit more depth.
I feel like she could be a really great actress given the right person to play..

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Very solid action thriller about a man whose gifted with numbers and uses that to become a high-level accountant for the criminal underworld has a very interesting story that's very well-connected through layers

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Dumber than a bag of hammers, stupendously contrived and also quite a fun film. I'll never watch it again but one viewing certainly wasn't a waste of time.

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I avoided this movie for some years and I regret it! was so good!

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Brilliant ! As every Affleck movie, oh and Bernthal acting remains so much of The Punisher

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I cannot say enough good things about this film.

A brilliant combination of action, thriller, drama and moments of humour.

Ben Affleck is very good portraying a complex character with excellent supporting turns by JK Simmons, Cynthia Addai-Robinson and the always spectacular Jeffrey Tambor in a wonderful role. But the real star here is the plot.

No spoilers.

This film is 10 minutes longer than a standard action film and it uses that 10 minutes to give depth and emotion to the characters. It also raises it to a level of deserved excellence.

Ignore the negative reviews here. They must struggle to follow an actual plot rather than superheroes battling aliens for 2 hours with 5 minutes of dialogue...

I've recommended this film to many people and never left anyone disappointed.

I hope they don't make a sequel as I'm sure the magic is not achievable a second time.


And I absolutely love the Airstream....!

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A kid with highly functional autism gets raised by a army employed father who teaches him the most rough ways of life along with his brother. He becomes an accountant for very dangerous and dark people in the world. It's your typical action movie with a nice twist to it. I highly suggest it if you want a nice action movie that isn't left to action only.

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this film was genuinely so nice and the ending was really nice - it’s actually pretty good Autistic representation for once

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Make up your mind, is the character fucking near-sighted or not? He wears glasses one minute and he doesn't the next. It's as if he is someone who cares about style and wears them just for the sake of being cool but then takes them off when it's time for action. This is a cartoonish and irritating detail. Also the entire movie is boring in general. Ray telling Christian's whole backstory sitting down and making the audiance learn things this way is simply bad writing. Oh and yeah Braxton totally looks like his childhood and his brother. Nice casting you got there.

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Finally another thrilling and intelligent movie

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I am not a fan of Ben Afleck, I think I hated him because he ruined Batman for me. I saw the trailer for this movie and thought it was cool, it has a Jason Borne type feel to it with a bit of story.

An accountant to the war lords, and fighting skills of Jason Borne. I have to say that Ben Afleck played the role perfectly, more like he was perfect at it and I couldn't think anyone could have done it better. A great story packed with action with a few great twists. An action thriller movie which shouldn't be missed and for once I liked Ben Afleck.

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Entertaining, wouldn't call it perfect though.

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Should've been called The Exposition, because i had to stop watching this movie an hour and 30 minutes in due to the ridiculous amount of exposition that was being dropped on my head at one time. The story was just too convoluted, a mess, and by the time you stop and try to understand things yourself, the movie further complicates its own story by introducing more pointless backstory through exposition.

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This movie had an interesting premise of the protagonist being an autistic mathematical savant (which Ben played well - or naturally - I'm not always sure). Some interesting twists and turn, some of them predictable. I was cruising at giving it a 7 (good) out of ten, especially after some unfortunately timed narrative which aquwardly disrupted the last half hour's flow of action, but then, in the last 10 minutes, came a final twist that was unexpected and left me smiling as the credits rolled so I upped my rating to an 8 (great) out of 10.

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this film sucked so bad. it felt super unnecessary, like someone just wanted to write a film where ben affleck shoots a load of people, with a plot that's all over the place and never really comes to a resolution. the superb cast didn't deserve this mess.

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This was a great movie. A very interesting story arc. I loved it.

:point_right_tone2: “Sooner or later, different scares people.”

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I only heard good things about this movie and I wasn't disappointed. Fast-paced action in between a complex and intelligent storyline. Also brilliant acting by Ben Affleck.

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Shout by Deleted

The Accountant has some franchise potential. There is a decent amount of character development that works on some characters better than others. The plot has some interesting twists and turns. As much as you appreciate the film for being good you are annoyed because it isn't great. I'd like to see a sequel because I think that Gavin O'Connor can build on this. Ben Affleck gives another great performance in a unique role.

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Ben Affleck's phenomenal acting alone made this movie worthwhile, and the intriguing plot was pretty much epic according to my books.

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I enjoyed the setup of the characters, though the rest of the plot wasn't that good. But the character "design" was really great, with many likable and yet so different characters and to each you can relate.

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The movie prides itself on going against expectations all the way to the end and I enjoyed it. Not something I would want to see again soon but definitely one that will get a re-watch.

Pity that a sequel hasn't been talked about since its release because I think we could of seen more told from the main characters life.

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Disappointing by the numbers thriller

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This movie is amazing! So many good performances, especially from Affleck. I just couldn't stop comparing Ben and Anna size's.

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With a pretty damn good performance from Affleck and a cool premise, this movie takes some interesting and more realistic chances, even if those chances make it a little convoluted and overstuffed. Still a pretty good little action movie.

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Well, another thriller but this one at least has twist. There's no gun for hire, but an Aspergers CPA with an near photographic memory and a special thing for discovering subtle relationships and disturbances on a set, specially one of numbers. But who also is highly competent and methodical, as most Aspergers are, in Special Operations Warfare. So we have a CPA moonlighting, doing the "financial planning" for all the families. But as in every good romantic thriller there's always a girl that changes everything, isn't there? Here, she will have to deal with Aspergers' innate inability to read other people's feelings to act accordingly to society's standards.

The movie plot, in general, isn't bad but lacks suspense about "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly", otherwise the movie is quite watchable and a way to forget for a while about the day to day "problems" or better phrased "challenges".

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The plot is predictable but I enjoy it. I enjoy how the accountant don't blink, how he live, how he survive.

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What a great movie. Totally underestimated this one. It's Rain Man meets John Wick. Top notch performance by all actors, great character development for three or even four main characters, great action, superb pacing and tight story arc. This movie has no idea weakness. It is without doubt the surprise movie of this year.

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Too convoluted for me, no thank you.

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For some reason, the movies starring Ben Affleck have been surprising me lately. Most of them are actually quite watchable.

The Accountant can be a bit slow at times, but when it picks up speed it's actually quite good. Affleck does a very good job as the autistic accountant, and I have it on good authority that his portrayal of the disorder was spot on. I guess someone did some research.

This is not great art, but the story is good, and the execution is decent. Take a little time and give this one a shot. It's one of the better movies in the latter part of 2016.

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The more times I see it, the more I enjoy it. Such an amazing cast. J.K. Simmons and John Lithgow are both so wonderful. And Jeffrey Tambor is a gem.

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Not the best movie ever, but one of my all time favorites!!

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - Excellent acting by Ben Affleck.

10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:rage:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: - Bull Shit.

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Gave off a very John Wick type energy and I really enjoyed it for the most part but that climax was TERRIBLE!

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A lot better than I expected. A somehow likable and wholesome assassin.

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The Accountant is an engaging and thrilling movie that kept me on the edge of my seat. Ben Affleck gives an outstanding performance as Christian Wolff, a math savant who works as a freelance accountant for some of the world's most dangerous criminal organizations. The action scenes are intense and well-executed, with Wolff demonstrating his deadly combat skills with precision and finesse. What sets this movie apart is its intricate plot, filled with twists and turns that kept me guessing.

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It was a lot of people (hard to say was the good guys from the bad, they kinda all are?) I just couldn't keep up. But the fighting rocked.

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I'd say it's got not enough action bits to be an action movie but also not a well enough story to be a thriller. There are also some really funny parts and tear jerking. I'm surprised and impressed of how well it was all put together. I don't think I ever felt bored during the movie. Would recommend!

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Image and sound 4,25 / 5 A pleasant surprise, appropriate actors, that Ben Affleck has left the roles that he has to put on a stunned face.

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Was a nice movie and action all the time, recommended to watch to know more!

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Despite the occasional decent action scene, this thriller doesn't add up. Confused plotting, a predictable twist, and presumptuous statements about autism don't help. More exciting than your average accountant, but disappointing all the same.

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I see I am not the only one who doesn't like Affleck very much but seems to think he´s making good movies.

The great weak spot this movie has is that it is rather clear very early who the other guy (Brax) and the voice on the phone (Justine) is. This is so glaringly obvious that I have to think it is intentional. For whatever reason. At least it doesn´t ruin the movie completetly

If you like a really good action movie with nicely choreographed shootings and, thank god, not that over the top CGI action have a go. Even if you don´t like Ben.

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Super Film, spannend und anders ;-))

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Shout by Deleted

Great movie. Wasnt crazy about the thrown in love connection or Anna Kendrick in the role. She did a great job and I normally love her movies but the had an anti connection. Still worth the watch though since it was put together so well.

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Amazing movie! Best hero movie in years.

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Shout by ltcomdata

A man with unique skills is the accountant for the most dangerous men in the world, and the FBI is after him, curious as to how a man can survive all his clients and their illicit businesses. It turns out, the accountant is also a very skilled and extremely deadly killer who is very quick to take vengeance on those same dangerous men who hire him but who later betray him. As the movie progresses the audience sees in flashbacks the life history of this very special autistic character who cannot stop until he finishes his projects. Great movie!

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Surprisingly good flick...nice job Benardo

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Shout by Deleted

Loved it! didnt think Affleck could pull this off but he can act the badass role well!

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Shout by Phunkie

The movie had great potential but the ending completely missed the point of what the movie should have been. It turned a great crime thriller into a melodramatic family drama.
Movie started off great and turned even better in the middle. The ending was just horrible in my opinion.

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Loved it. It reminded me of John Wick.

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Shout by Jabes C Gonzales

At first I thought this movie is boring but I was wrong. It was awesome. Looking forward for another movie.

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Shout by Deleted

Awesome movie!5 Star rating!

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Considering the title I was not expecting to enjoy this movie that much. But the trailer and Ben Affleck being the main star intrigued enough to watch it. Defenitely didn't regret it. If you liked Bourne Identity you'll like this movie. =)

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Shout by Geert Odink

Verry good movie, i love to watch J.K. Simmons

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WOW, fantastic. I wasn't sure what to expect from this one and I was really kindly surprised. Ben Affleck took his role very seriously and it was played very well. Great plot, great action scenes, two hours for this movie is just fine for me. I can definitely recommend watching this one. I don't understand so low rating some people gave this movie but maybe they just don't like this style. If you like action/drama/thriller then you should definitely go for it.

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Shout by Kozahsaidsoh

Good story line with some decent acting from Ben Affleck who surprises me more each time I watch him, good all round film with a surprise at the end which I kind of sussed out as the film progressed, overall a good movie.

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Shout by Grinny

Great film sounds like some people hated the film because of Ben Afflec, I personaly thought he did a good job, surely is autism very difficult to pull off well I imagine when your an Accountant/Hitman. All made sence at least as far as I could tell and I enjoyed it.

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alot of drama and talking which is not me, i expected like John Wick type of movie,but... i love Ben Affleck, this movie was good wish Ben directed it,it would've rise to the potential it had.

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