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The Amazing Spider-Man 2 2014

Spidey made me cry… real tears

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logically I know that there are many things wrong with this movie (and the series as a whole).
emotionally, however, Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone are the only things keeping me afloat. I don’t think a superhero movie has ever made me cry more than this one. 

therefore, my brain says no but my heart says yes

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when she dies it’s broke my heart

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I for one have nothing negative to say about this movie. Is it perfect ? No, but what movie is ? Was it entertaining ? Hell , Yeah ! I love the soundtrack that together with the visuals creates a great atmosphere.
In my opinion, of all the Marvel superhero movies, this is one of the better ones.

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movie has practically no plot until 1h 30m into the movie but the last 30 minutes r so eventful. also has anyone noticed that harry looks like young leonardo dicaprio in some scenes?

gwennnnnn :(

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It's a real mess.

The plot seems an afterthought. There is an immediate u-turn at the beginning that reduces everything to a cliche. A new character is introduced just to give us a villain. Another is introduced just to give us a nemesis.

And the last 20 minutes tries to set up a 3rd instalment when there is little appetite to even see how this film ends...

I'd put it as worse than Maguire's 3rd as it is just so patchy. But Garfield's Spiderman is a far superior version than Maguire's.

Had this not been a mess, a 3rd Garfield would have been interesting.


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Love this movie, best Spider-Man movie

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Very amazing

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No filming the comic book was not as balanced, where all are in perfect proportions. Perfect comic book movie. Gettin on tight!

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Amazing effects at the Times Square scenes

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Dane DeHaan was fucking perfect.

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every time i watch these movies i go in thinking i’ll develop the ability to be critical and objective and then every single time i just wind up crying and wanting andrew garfield’s spidey back

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all of spider-man movies, this one is the worst.

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Not much better than the previous, but at least Parker became a likable character. On the other hand, the writing got significantly worse; it’s so all over the place that it felt like the setup of four films in one. I am not entirely against the campier tone though, at least we are not asked to take this too much seriously.

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The Amazing Spider-Man 2

The movie turns out to be the classic superhero movie, nothing less nothing more. An Emma Stone that I preferred in the previous chapter that gave that extra touch of quality, but still with a good performance on this one. The ending was very nice and surprised me, I definitely didn't expect the death of a character as important as Gwen.

[-] There is no innovation, and I'm not a lover of films of this genre, so it turns out to be a classic superhero movie, with the usual clichés, but...
[+] ..the ending was very unexpected and I appreciated it very much; good soundtrack


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The movie script moved too fast and didn't let the characters develop to the fullest. The first TASM movie was better.

I feel sad because the TASM series had really good potantial if the writers and Sony really cared about it. The Sinister Six build-up was promesing along with Black Cat's origin.

Once again, great performance by Andrew Garfield.

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This is such a significant improvement over 'The Amazing Spider-Man' and how this reboot should have started. It's also better than Sam Raimi's 'Spider-Man 3' as it doesn't feel so forced or incoherent in its selection of antagonists. This is also far more colourful and fun than the previous film and Gwen is an actual asset with her own agency instead of some damsel in distress like we constantly got with Raimi's Mary Jane. The stakes feel much higher and the action is seriously brutal in comparison to any of the previous Spider-Man films. Too bad this is where the series ended for this version of Spider-Man.

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I hate more the new childish spider man when I watch this series and the previous great trilogy
This Spider Man who we love !

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Not as good as the first one... Visually it's pretty impressive though, it resembles a video game at times.
It's too bad they didn't complete the trilogy

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É um filme ok. Não achei a história muito extraordinária, o Duende Verde está decepcionante. A cena da torre do relógio é maravilhosa, forte e ao mesmo tempo sutil, é a melhor cena do filme.

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Love this movie

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Best movie:c

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I thoroughly enjoyed it. Even the romance, which is a bit excessive, was still believable. I give it a 9 out of ten.

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This was better than the first movie, a very good one. In the end I also cried because of those damn moving scenes... If you're going to watch this movie I think you should choose the 3D vision

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Networks and Studios not agreeing with contracts with actors making the story take a different side... Not cool

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A huge improvement on the first, better casting and as others have pointed out, great performances from Dane DeHaan and Jamie Foxx.

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Fave movie of the year thus far.

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Ehhh, okay. The story was pretty rubbish and the first movie was definitely a lot better. Also what a terribly obnoxious soundtrack.

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Everything happens in this movie. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

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Totally nice movie to watch, being a fan or not.
A few hiccups make you think "hey, that's not how physics work" but to that I'll say HEY! It's a movie about superpowered heroes, let it be, I totally enjoyed it and I hope the next part will be at least as good!

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Visually stunning, might even be worth watching in 3D.

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In this movie, Spider-man, with great malice and forethought, deliberately murders Electro, despite knowing he was a decent person with a compromised mental state by way of his powers. He kills a redeemable guy. On purpose.
Fuck this movie.

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This was probably better than the first film; just as entertaining, but even more heartbreaking. Also, Dane DeHaan was brilliant as Harry Osborn!!

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After all the setup in this movie, it’s a damn shame that their was not a sequel to this

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Batman vs Superman wasn't spectacular but it was better made than this movie which has better reviews...Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone have great chemistry. Jamie Foxx was pretty miscast though as Electro and was just cast to avoid white washing.
While the pacing made the pacing in Batman vs Superman look good. Peter goes from a fight with Electro to suddenly just investigating what happened to his father again.
The deleted scene of Peter's dad being alive and them having a heart to heart talk should have been left in. Otherwise all the scenes about his parents go nowhere. Then again; a lot of the ideas this movie had went nowhere.

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Shout by Mounir

i found it alot funnier and story with harry was a quick one i kinda hoped will last to maybe third movie and what the hell with killing Gwen character -_- just fffff but nonetheless was great except Gwen!

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very good :)

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The best spiderman movie, in my opinion. Jamie Foxx outdid himself as Electro, Andrew and Emma and especially Dane. The cgi was stunning, the sound effects and songs were perfect, the story was so heartfelt, the action was so raw, Sally's monologue was so surprisingly saddening. Why didn't he get to make his 3rd. Ugh.

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Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone get my Spidey senses tingling.

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Best spider man ever *2

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Andrew Garfield doesn't work for me but apart from that one of the most watchable movie in the franchise

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Could have been a lot better, screenwriting let it down. Too many unnecessary narratives and scenes imo.

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Swinging into action, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 delivers an exciting, adrenaline-packed adventure. When an industrial accident at Oscorp transforms a mild-mannered electrician named Max Dillon into the supervillain Electro, he sets his sights on destroying Spider-Man. And there are also some complicated subplots involving Peter Parker’s parents and Harry Osborn that don’t factor much into the main story arc. Jamie Foxx hams it up as Electro and Dane DeHaan doesn’t do much better as Harry Osborn. However, the special effects are incredible, and make for dynamic and thrilling fight sequences. Though the storytelling is weak, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is a solid popcorn flick with electrifying action.

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Lots of effects straight out of the Matrix, a little better written story. Not bad. ps. And good old Xperia in the background. ;)

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Horrible.. Just horrible. And how exactly did Gwen die??? I mean she already fell through a building with Spidey and survived, but dies when she actually gets rescued?? Terrible ending, just terrible. Plot was weak with a cheesy villain that wasn't scary at all. Don't waste your time.

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Great music, awesome action and costumes, with a bit of comedy. But that's really all this movie offers as everything else is a mess and storylines are just shoved in to build up for the Sinister Six.
DeHaan makes a pretty cool Goblin though... if he didn't look like moldy cheese.

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While there are a few things I enjoyed about The Amazing Spider-Man 2, the spectacle can't distract from the glaring story and pacing issues, as well as the poorly written dialogue and characters. But hey, it certainly is quite a wild ride.

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This is more of a mess than Spider-Man 3. I still like Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone but they aren't enough to save the movie.

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Shout by Cb Uppercut
BlockedParent2019-01-17T19:28:36Z— updated 2019-01-28T04:02:36Z

Watching this much younger on a bus back from dc I sorta liked it now revisiting I think this movie is terrible. It still has the Peter and Gwen thing which is strong and the villain is just awful then u throw in rhino for like 45 secs ugh. If it weren't for Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone this movie would be sooo bad.

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I enjoyed the first one, but this one is a total mess. It offers nothing but a bunch of scenes full of CGI. And the villains? Couldn't they have made more complex villains with better motivations? The only thing I liked was how the relationship of Gwen and Peter was treated and the soundtrack.

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Spider-Man faces a new foe, this time in the shape of an old friend.

They’ve flogged this horse so much it’s like Marvel are trying to open a glue factory. Not only was The Amazing Spider-Man surplus to requirements when it rebooted a barely decade-old franchise, then they decided to make a sequel.

Where the first film was solid but futile this is just a bit of a stinker. Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone work better on screen together than Tobey and Kirsten but aside from that there’s not much to write home about.

We’re in a time where superhero movies are half decent, so perhaps we’re spoiled; in this case the terrible writing, naff soundtrack and forgettable villains put Spidey on the lower end of the scale. It’s no Green Lantern but even a mere three years on this film is starting to feel like a distant memory.

Here’s hoping the second reboot (yes… it’s happening again) is a bit more exciting.

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So. much. bad. CGI. Like come on, they couldn't spend a bit more of their budget for that?

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Amazing Spider-Man 2 isn't as flawed as Spider-Man 3 but it's still pretty flawed. For one the movie is uneven and tried to balance having Peter go through too much at once. Plenty of scenes could have been cut out.
But I am not sure what would be left of a movie if unnecessary scenes were cut out.

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Decent sequel with good performances bogged down by a messy.

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I thoroughly enjoyed The Amazing Spider-man as my review indicates (

I couldn't even make it through this one! I'll try and give it another shot at some point because I think Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone are perfectly cast in their respective roles and I love the Spider-man mythos.

@simonynwa hits a lot of the same notes that I was feeling particularly the rushed and disjointed nature.

I'm assuming by "the original Spider-man sequel" you mean Raimi's, then we diverge. I had so many issues with the absolutely terrible exposition in the script as to make me vocally annoyed. It's a pet peeve as it's just lazy and that one ranks up there for me. It suffered from the "Gentleman, as you already know..." syndrome. But I digress.

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lol, wut, i watched about 20 minutes and only one thing to say - booooooooooooooooooooring

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Shout by Deleted

I like it...
I enjoyed it sucks Peter parker wasn't in it

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I loved the first movie and gave it 9/10. This one was terrible. Everything about it was wrong. How could they make so many bad choices in this one, I don't know.

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A few plotholes but still enjoyable...

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I watched the movie and the first hour nothing happened, stupid action, trivial love story ("I can't be without you, so please leave me!") and wondering when the villain finally shows up.
This movie is so boring, I had a short electricy cut (hilarious, isn't it?) and I didn't start it up and I don't feel like I've missed something.

I gave a "Meh..."(5) because that's the sound I made during the playback.

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There is little that isn't wrong with this. Part of the appeal of Spider-man, in most all of his incarnations save this one - be it Peter Parker or Miles Morales, is that he's the wise-cracking every adolescent who by chance has these abilities.
Through the decades, we've seen the clone saga, and the venom storylines, and part-time Avenger, but this, this is like having Superman indiscriminately killing people and not caring about the consequences of his actions.
The Spiderman cinematic universe, at least as envisioned by Sony, is dead to me. F'k them, and I hope their attempts to turn it into an ensemble affair with Sinister-Six and such, fail miserably.

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it's lame, lazy, and shameful

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Shout by Deleted


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The Amazing here is Electro, and Spider-Man is nothing but a drama queen.

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I didn't like Andrew as Spider-Man to be honest, hopefully this movie is gonna make me change my mind about that.

Lucky for me, Emma Stone and Jamie Foxx (as the new villain Electro) will be in the cast!

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