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The Amazing Spider-Man 2012

Better Spiderman than the last time...better girl. Awsome effects, and a better story. All in all a great comic book adaption :D

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The first hour of the movie is pretty much the same as the first Spider Man (2002), the second hour isn't very different too. They just replace Mary Jane with Gwen and Norman with Dr Conner. Sure the relationships between charcaters were a LITTLE different, but that's it

I'm a big fan of the Spider Man trilogy, which I have seen time and time again, and so it was weird to see a different cast in this movie. Old cast was way better in my opinion.

Overal it's an entertaining movie, but the ones who have seen the other Spider Man movies will not enjoy this movie very much.

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Andrew Garfield is hot hot hot.

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Good enough. Emma Stone is love.

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Light years better than the Tobey Maguire era.

As much as Spidey isn't a superhero I particularly like, this is the wise cracking geeky genius teenager personified.

This is a very enjoyable film with spot on casting (minus Emma Stone not being MJ, what's that all about?) and a very zippy pacing that works well. Sally Field and Martin Sheen are excellent, as is Dennis Leary.

What lets this down from being great is - motivation.

He gets bit and develops powers but doesn't even blink before he sets about using them. The villain turns evil straight away despite seemingly not being a bad guy.

So it's little things like that which bear down on the enjoyment of the second half. But the first half is excellent. The last quarter owes a lot to the Batman Begins school of character growth. It's just that section there that robs us of any real emotional attachment to the motivations.

But this is a proper film and needs a proper watch. Not the cheap, poorly cast, Disneyland missteps of the Maguire era.


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In the sake of diversity Homecoming made too many changes in my opinion. In this film there may be a lot of dei-ja vu from the 2002 movie. But it’s also as entertaining.
The good is the cast, Flash Thompson more like he was written in comics. The action is fine and I love the musical score by the late great James Horner.
Homecoming to me has less exciting action as Spider-Man 1-2 and yes Amazing Spider-Man 1. It also made MJ homeless looking and Flash Thompson a twerp. That this Flash Thompson would have beat up.

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Gwen Stacy and Emma Stone <3

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It's been less then 24h I came out of the cinema & I'm still stunned by it.
That was the best 3D experience I had after "Avatar" - just awesome.

I pretty much loved every mismatch to the old one and I am surprised how the writers pulled out this great new perspective on quite the same story.
I was very sceptic about Andrew Garfield when I heared he was casted but I think he did an amazing job. Was he a better spidy then Maguire - hmmm it depends... each one has his advantages, so it really up to you.
But as @MajorMercyFlush already wrote (great review by the way) the new Spider-Man is more dark, also he is more direct, more offensive & less sensible.
I was blown away by the movements and the incredible CGI of the Lizard also the humor was a great combination and I think it fits the original Spider-Man animated series very well.

Oh yeah and I loved Emma Stone - she is just one of the reasons I love the new Spider-Man more ;)

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Kinda like the green lantern with CG that was just as good, story slightly better, and i didn't leave totally disappointing but I still felt like saying "meh". The tone was a little disjointed for what it was and the character development surprisingly lacked for a movie that was just about as long as gladiator...

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amazing movie that still plays after a few hours in my head, recommend everyone to see this movie on the big screen in the cinema...

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That's quite an amazing backpack he has... he can abandon it anywhere and it finds him at some point anywhere in the city, whether he's wearing street cloths or his suit.

And how did the Lizard get all that stuff - including electricity into the sewer system?

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Um, hell yeah? Now, this rendition is obviously missing some of the heart and campy nature of the Raimi series, which I can see being a setback. But it absolutely makes up for that in acting and action and just general excitement.

Andrew Garfield plays probably my perfect version of Spider-Man. There were some scenes where I could feel the witty and cocky guy from the animated series and that’s just so good to me.

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Andrew Garfield sounds like Hayden Christensen.

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If you haven't already seen the Raimi movie from 2002, go watch it instead. If you have seen it, then this probably won't live up to it and you will be left feeling a little underwhelmed. It's fair to say that for anyone over the age of eighteen, this movie will seem rather half-hearted and senseless; for those under eighteen, this movie will probably be the greatest super hero flick ever. Yes, it's a movie that will divide opinions, primarily on the sole reason for its existence. Not a bad, or a badly made flick, by any means… just a pointless one.

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To have a superhero movie that doesn't make me go "YOU GO, SPIDEY"... it's just... not right. I want to root for him, I want to feel everything he feels... and I didn't.

I didn't buy Andrew as a shy nerd Peter Parker. I didn't see a boost in his confidence when he became Spiderman.

By the way, come on, man, just keep your damn mask on. There must be a reason why you have it, right?

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I am a huge fan of Sam Raimi's Spider-Man Trilogy, although I think Spider-Man 3 was bad I especially like the first film, which is one of my favorite superhero films. Since I saw the trailer of The Amazing Spider Man it didn't caught my attention, I just didn't care. Spider Man is one of my favorite superheros and I didn't care? Well, maybe it was a sign... I saw it now and as I thought I would, I am disappointed.

One of the most important parts of Spider Man's story is when he gets bitten, he learn his skills and makes his suit. In this film all of that is so rushed! Other scenes with no relevance are longer than what's really the important key in Peter Parker's life.

We spent most of the film trying to figure it out what happened to Peter's parents and we never saw that. Uncle Ben died I didn't felt the emotion required for that kind of scene and Peter seemed to overcome his uncle's death so quickly. More emotinal depth was needed in the story.

I am not the biggest Tobey Maguire fan but I think he got what was required for being Spider Man and I liked him! Andrew Garfield is not bad in the role he is cool and stuff but is not as good as Maguire. He is a super confident Peter Parker, I would like to have seen a much more nerdy and awkward guy, so unfortunately he didn't convinced me much. I love Emma Stone and for much that I love her I didn't like to see her as Gwen. I must be the one of the few people that didn't felt the chemistry between Garfield and Stone. The romance between Peter and Gwen seemed so forced and lame.

Everything that is presented to us in this film was already seen before, this was in some way retelling the story that we already saw in Raimi's 2002 Spider Man with just a few new elements. In my opinion there was not point of retelling this story again. If Marvel wanted to do a new Spider Man film, why they didn't do a Spider Man 4 but without Tobey Maguire in Spider's role?

Overall, as I thought, it was a disappointment. The film has some good scenes but the bad overcomes the good and I don't know if I wanna see this year's new film, the trailer looks like a videogame and if it's going to continue like this I prefer not to... I'll wait for the reviews first.

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I wasn't so sure about this one, but the new trailer (No.3) looks smokin' hot.
Now you got me ;]

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Best spider man ever created

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you found my weakness!
it's small knives!

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When watching remakes I can't help but compare it to the original. There were things that were better about the original and there were things that were better about this one. I personally preferred the green goblin as a villain to the Lizard but both were portrayed really well. The CGI is better in this one though that is to be expected. but in conclusion I think both movies are on a level playing field.

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spider-man 1 is so much better than this.

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There must be some original ideas for movies out there. It took practically two years for me to get around to watching yet another reboot of this character. Fact is, I could have waited another two years, but this was better than I thought it had any right to be. Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone are as acceptable but not yet as familiar as the equally quirky Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst. As is to be expected, the special effects are good but the Lizard was underwhelming.

I don't really care if I ever see another Spiderman movie. I'll probably bump into the next sequel, but I won't seek it out based on my lukewarm thoughts about this one.

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The cranes scene made me shed a tear

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I never dared to watch this movie as the review were seriously bad, but it was a little better than expected. Its biggest flaw is that it takes itself too seriously despite the juvenile writing and silly teenage angst. "The Dark Knight" just became a huge hit, and everyone was obviously trying to go for a darker, grittier tone at all costs. I am not saying that Spider-Man is not incompatible with this formula, but next time maybe hire a decent screenwriter and better suited director. Parker is absolutely obnoxious both before and after his transformation, but the main cast performances were all right (at least better than Maguire and friends). Raimi's trilogy had its obvious flaws, but at least helped to shape a genre. This time it's just a less than mediocre film among many others.

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@ trakt pls make private comments/notes possible:hearts:

Andrew is just so cute (yes let me simp okay xD) and fits the role of the "friendly neighbourhood Spiderman" perfectly + he's such a good (and underrated!) actor its amazing (pun intended) watching him.
Overall the movie isn't mind blowing or anything but I like it and it definitely has its heart-felt moments
7 - 7.5

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The Amazing Spider-Man

I found the movie to be just as good as the first in Sam Raimi's trilogy. It's been criticized for things happening too fast, but I found it a good way of telling the story instead. I wasn't crazy about Andrew Garfield's acting, but Emma Stone definitely raised the quality of the film with her excellent performance. All in all, the movie is ok, I don't have much to say, but as mentioned before, Stone made it a good movie. For fans of superhero movies, I would definitely recommend this movie.

[-] Andrew Garfield's acting didn't blow me away ; nothing that special, but nothing that bad either
[+] Emma Stone's acting ; good way to handle the plot, different from how it was handled in Sam Raimi's trilogy


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Overhated movie.

Andrew Garfield, as the amazing actor he is, delivers a good Peter Parker/Spider-Man, darker than the usual because of the early lost of his parents and the death of Uncle Ben. His jokes are funny and his moves are really smooth.

The plot as a lot of similarities to Sam Raimi's Spider-Man, replacing MJ to Gwen and Dr. Otto Octavius to Dr. Curt Connors. I think writters could've done better.

Besides that, it's a entertaining movie to watch!

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Spider-Man gets a reboot in The Amazing Spider-Man, which takes a darker and more serious tone. In this version Peter Parker, obsessed with the death of his uncle, becomes a vigilantly in pursuit of his uncle’s killer, but when the Lizard attacks New York, Peter must rise up to become a superhero. Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Martin Sheen, and Denis Leary form a solid cast and deliver some strong performances. However, the serious tone doesn’t feel right; as it was Raimi’s embracing of the camp and fun of the comic that made the original series so amazing. Additionally, the storytelling isn’t very cohesive; leaving far too many open tangents. Still, the special effects are quite good and make for some impressive action sequences; adding a lot of energy to the film. Yet while it’s entertaining and has some exciting action, The Amazing Spider-Man fails to offer anything appreciably different than the previous Spider-Man films or justify the need for a reboot.

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I much prefer this to the Toby trilogy. Garfield is more believable as both Peter and Spider-Man.

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THIS MOVIE IS SO FREAKING UNDERRATED. It's so full of heart and Andrew and Emma have one the best chemistries i've actually ever seen in any movie. It's wild how it was made in 2012 but looks SO recent and fresh. This was the movie that first made me fall in love with the super-hero genre and it will always be special to me for that reason. Had to make sure I still loved it enough to have it on my top 5 super hero movies of all time and damn right I do.


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A good popcorn-movie with enough heart to keep you watching.
I'd avoided watching this one, thinking there wasn't much point in investing in a storyline that was already over, but I was pleasantly surprised. The story has a few really heartfelt moments, and I enjoyed Garfield's take on the character. James Horner's soundtrack was great, and although it lacked an identifiable theme for Spider-Man, it was a typically grand and sumptuous score.

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If a movie is as long as this one and it lacks character development that is a pretty bad sign already. Now add to that weird cuts, camerawork and inconsistencies and you get the Amazing Spider-Man. This does not even feel like a standalone movie and was probably never thought out to be one, so in hindsight the Amazing Spider-Man 2 ruins this mediocre flick even more.
I recently wanted to re-watch but stopped about 30 minutes in because I was bored to death. I didn't remember it so bad.

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This movie is truly amazing.

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Pretty much just a rehash of the movies a few years ago. How many times can his grandparents die ffs! The movie was well done though and excellent quote at the end kind of made up for it.

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Frickin awesome!!!! the story was top notch & all the actors played their parts to perfection & i was one of the people not too happy about toby maguire not being spidey this time but i can say without question andrew garfield was the perfect guy for this role infact it prob wouldn't have worked otherwise.

i loved the original spidey trilogy but this took it to a whole other level & i can't wait for the rest. i am surprised to have read some bad comments about this i can't see any faults to it & i'm glad they're retelling the spidey story it's easily the best super hero franchise by far i just wish all the super hero flicks turned out like this coz some of the recent one's have been weak when they should've been good.

can't say a bad word about it therefore i'm going with 10/10 highly recommended!!

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Same story, different approach. The Amazing Spider-Man (2012) takes the origin story of spiderman and turns it into a more action oriented film than the previous version. Andrew Garfield does an acceptable job as Peter Parker and so does Rhys Ifans as the Lizard, but the thing that made the movie less appealing in my opinion was the cast of great known actors like Sally Field, Martin Sheen and Denis Leary. Great actors with limited acting in terms of character. At the end of the day, The Amazing Spider-Man is an acceptable film and definitely entertaining, but nothing amazing.

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Same structure as the first Movie. Fails to delivery a good plot or a surprise. Predictable from the beggining to the end.

Not a big surprise at all. You can Skip this one on the cinemas and wait for the Blu-Ray or the DVD release.

The good point is the interaction between Parker and Stacy. They make a good couple. The rest of the characters are forgetable.

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Saw some negative reviews so I was a bit worried. I saw it today (IMAX!) and was great. Far better than the earlier trilogy. Great story, incredible effects, all around awesome movie. Oh, and Emma Stone=huge upgrade over Kirsten Dunst.

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Andrew Garfield is the best Spider-Man. Fight me.

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It was even better after watching it a second time!

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the special effects are great

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The best super heroes movie made in years. =)

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Where the fuck is mj ☹

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This is solid but not great. It feels very similar to the first Spider-Man which is why I think I like Homecoming so much. I liked Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone a lot. The lizard is an ok villain but he just looks off to me.

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No kirsten dunst fuck yeah! 'merika!!!

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There are some stuff I don't seem to find comfortable with this movie. One thing, it could get a tad boring for a while when it's taking on the drama part, especially on Gwen's romantic relatioonship with Peter. The other, is the destined Uncle Ben's death. As @CatyAlexandre has said, it feels a bit rushed for a character that has quite bonded with the viewers for the first half of the movie (especially when compared with Sam Raimi's Uncle Ben). This makes Spiderman seems to lack a clear motivation when he switched the attention from hunting Uncle Ben's murderer to saving the world. The same goes with The Lizard's motivation to turn the world in danger - though I assume he went insane with the serum affecting him.

On the plus side, Andrew Garfield did a good job for a contemporary geeky Peter Parker; confident, funky, and easy-going. I don't really like this kind of Peter, but considering today's audience it's a good shot. Rhys Ifans also did a good job portraying Curt Connors, having a calm, mature doctor while keeping some kind of weirdo vibe. The Lizard's fate as the main villain also seems unusual for a superhero movie - though, looking at the trailer for the upcoming second movie, I could guess why it became so.

Other than that, excellent movie.

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Because Andrew Garfield, that's why.

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I feel bad for marc webb. He's so happy with his not-so-amazing spiderman that it makes me worry about the next movies. I really hope it get better, I loved Andrew as Peter and expected a lot from this. Hope they don't keep ruining something that could've been great.

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I bet Sam Raimi probably watched thinking to himself... Man I could've done this 10 times better!

Plus Garfield was a laughable Spider-Man at best. I dont want to troll or anything but I SO PREFER the old Spidey to this one...

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i just love this movie.

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Like all the other spiderman movies, it's great but it's different. It's missing something though. I don't know what or who... Jamie Foxx.

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Reminder that I really like Spider-Man

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Tom Holland (the best Spider-Man)
and his MJ are
my absolute favourite
Spider-Man and Girlfriend
couple of all time I must say
I enjoyed Andrew Garfield
as Spidy way more than
Tobey's Spider-man.
Andrews Movies are a
Gazillion times better than
Andrew and Emma
have off the charts
Chemistry way more
than Tobey and kirsten
ever did.
Emma as Gwen is way way
More likable a much
much better actress
and Knocks it clean out the
Ball Park in the role.
I much Prefer
This Peter and Gwen
Than any love interest
in Tobey's films.
Tobey's Movies have aged
so poorly, it really shows
but Andrews ones still stand
Today and are aging lovely.
The vfx in this movie were
so clean and crisp,
I loved the darker tone
in theme not in the lack
of lighting.
The Humour landed
and the jokes were
absolute solid
performances and a lovely
Andrews double bill
are just superior
movies in every way
possible to anything
that has come before.
Wow he smashed it
in the role way more
than anyone previously
up till this point.

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Shout by Deleted

As a forever fan of the Sam Raimi trilogy, this is a damn-good Spider-Man movie. While Tobey Maguire was a great Peter Parker but a bad Spider-Man, Andrew Garfield is a fantastic Spider-Man, but a… bad Peter Parker (I’m beginning to notice a pattern here…)

Emma Stone is a fabulous Gwen Stacy and she actually defends herself (and Peter) more often than not, rather than getting kidnapped a lot and screaming her head off! (Looking at you, Mary-Jane)

The villain and plot is a bit underwhelming though.

But still, I recommend Spider-Man fans to give this a watch!

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This version of Peter Parker is a massive unlikeable dickhead and the movie is almost a beat-for-beat recreation of Sam Raimi's with slight adjustments. The plot moves forward with a lot of conveniences and contrivances, as various subplots are quickly abandoned, and I just don't have any reason to care about the characters in this movie nor do I understand their motivations. Feels way too influenced by the dark, gritty world portrayed in Christopher Nolan's Batman films and the fun of Spider-Man was annihilated in the process.

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There is something hypnotic about this spectacular spin on the lines in each edition of Spider-Man. However, the plot with M. J. was somehow better written, and thus Kirsten Dunst came out more naturally.

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I really don't like they yellow lens on Spider Man's suit, looks off putting.

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Not bad.. But definitely not Toby and Kirsten. Definitely a good watch tho

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I always thought I preferred the original trilogy. After re watching though, I find that i liked the Amazing Spider-Man more.(still haven't re watched the sequel, I remember I didn't like that one)
Andrew Garfield is more believable as Peter Parker than Tobey Maguire. His chemistry with Gwen/Emma Stone is a lot better than the original with MJ/Kirsten Dunst.
The story is good, Rhys Ifans is amazing and they did a great job with the Lizard!
But the best thing that stands out here are Spidey's movements. The way he moves, fights, swings. I recently replayed Mravel's Spider-Man for the PS4 and the movie reminds of the game which is probably why I liked it so much.

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Okay so I watched the first 1 1/2 hours a few weeks ago until I fell asleep (because I was really tired, not because it was boring), and I remember liking it up to that point, but now I've watched the last quarter it's kind of meh? The monster is really boring and weird-looking and that very unsubtle US flag shot and whole "working man's hero" didn't really do it for me. I like Gwen and the way she is actually competent, Andrew Garfield is fine as Spider-Man (he certainly has better quips than Tobey Maguire), and the cityscapes look cool (though very futuristic), but the action sequences were pretty cookie-cutter, as was the plot: ultimately it's just another retelling of the same old story.
I have a lot of nostalgia for the old Maguire trilogy, and I also thought Homecoming was fresh and interesting (and funny) enough, but this one is just kinda... in the middle.

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None of the villains in all the Spider-Man movies are compelling. They gotta come up with some other thing than freak-off-the-week. But the lizard guy from this one is by far the most boring one. I really like the movie and Andrew Garfield is infinitely better than Maguire ever was. Sally Field and Martin Sheen were stellar choices. But the lizard guy drags the whole thing down. I'm not one to compare Marvel and DC usually, because there's not much of a competition. Marvel right now is another stratosphere. But DC has the better villains. Joker, Lex Luthor, Two Face, Riddler... Those are complex villains. Lizard Guy or Electro Guy are just freaks.

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Under-rated film due to a fine cast and a great score by late great James Horner. It's just a shame that they messed up so quickly with part 2.

Sure a lot seemed like the first Tobey Maguire film all over again but to me it might even be better. Since I think the Parker and MJ stuff was overdone in the originals. Especially with the Parker narration in all of them about how great MJ is and how bad Parker wants her.
Here the Parker and Gwen relationship is one of the strongest things about this reboot. Their scenes are cute together. Webb never smothers us in their relationship like Raimi did with Parker and MJ. Here Parker and Gwen have a realistic relationship without Gwen constantly bitching at Peter.
Plus here we actually got the Lizard right away. With the canceled Raimi part 4. He was introducing Vulture and still wasn't on to the Lizard yet. So sue me, I prefer this movie. The reboot just never should have put so much focus on what happened to Peter's parents.

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it are not spider man this is spider man 2

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I liked the movie a lot. It's too bad Sony messed up with the second one so much that they gave Marvel the rights back.

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Not a proponent of change. It was OK.

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Many are comparing this to the Raimi versions and this is a much better origin story, but the high point is still Spiderman 2. That said, this bodes well for the eventual sequel. Garfield and Stone were both excellent and the action sequences were much more interesting visually. More time seems to have been put into making these characters connect with the audience and the dramatic beats were much better earned this time round.

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It reminded me of what I like comic book movies! Andrew Garfield is a fantastic Spider-Man. I could not stop smiling the whole movie.

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Amazing!! :)

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Very well done. Excellent Peter Parker

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What a days now, people just wanna see hot bodies and faces, I was truly satisfied with the original spiderman and the simplicity of peter Parker although this new movie was amazing too but no comparison :)

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made the first 3 look like they were made in the 80s both in screenplay and graphics loved it.

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This new spiderman is HOT.
The movie has a few good moments but overall its a CRAP.

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Terrible spiderman!

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Emma Stone.

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Yepp, a well done movie. I have to say that this one is probably the best of all spider-man movies.

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Great Movie

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Shout by ketu

I am no big fan of Spiderman, but the movies always were entertaining.

But I gotta say: this movie is the best of all Spiderman movies made. Wow. Amazing.
No big deal of identity hiding. No Hollywood bullshit love story.

Simply great.

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Muy buena peli !!! Ahora a esperar la secuela :D

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Me gusto mucho la peli !!! Ahora a esperar la secuela :D

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Shout by Damien

Thumbs Up! Better than any of the previous 3 I think.

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This was utterly abysmal, so bloody long and boring, I fell asleep twice. totally unnecessary to reboot Spiderman again, this is dross compared to the previous films.

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This movie was good. I even liked it better than Dark Knight Rises.

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Weak sauce, but good special effects

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@Senne - I'll have to get you to do my editorial ;)

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What MajorMercyFlush said. Really. One sentence synopsis you ask?

"It's a people story, rather than a superhero story and I liked that"

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My Friends and me think this is One of the standart Hollywood Films - Not a spidey Film. 6/10 Points.

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