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The Gentlemen 2020

An enjoyable messy Guy Ritchie movie. It feels like Snatch but not as good. Hugh Grant is fun and Colin Farrell is great but not on screen enough.

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Saw this film on release day and I can truly say that it is Guy Ritchie back doing what he does best :innocent::innocent::innocent:

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Amazing Guy Richie filim!!!! Colin Farrell is brillant in this Coach role! McConaughey is flawless.

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Rosalind Pearson: Sounds like quite an extreme accident.
Ray: Yeah, it was more like a death, really.

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Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2020-03-04T13:11:10Z— updated 2023-03-10T08:15:38Z

Pretty nice!
This is not as stylistically excessive and annoying as some of Ritchie’s previous work, but still messy and hard to follow at times nonethelesss.
Hugh Grant steals the film, with Charlie Hunnam being close second.
Some of the funny lines in it are gold, although there is also quite a bit of ‘it’s only funny because I’m saying it with a thick British accent’ comedy in it, which didn’t always sit right with me.
I hope that Ritchie continues to work with smaller budgets in the future, as this is so much better than his previous two dumpster fires.


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Loved it, not a minute of film to check my phone. The dialogue is on point, and the story had me hooked. Imagine Layer Cake but more comedic, not in a bad way either. Hugh Grant and Michelle Dockery were amazing, miles away from their usual typecast role's.

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An enjoyable romp...G.R. doing what he does best
THIS TYPE OF MOVIE sort of like SNATCH with a hint of LOCK STOCK on the side. Colin Farrell does a great job and Hugh Grant surprised me also.
Give it a looksie I think you'll like it.
Cheers :beers:

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Michelle Dockery's cockney accent >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> literally anything else in this movie

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Big fan of Guy Ritchie. Awesome cast, and a very "Ritchie" story. Not has great as Snatch, but not horrible either. Great acting by everyone. My favorites were Hugh Grant and Colin Farrell. Gotta say I love Michelle Dockery.

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idek what was going on it was too confusing

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Nothing too unexpected here, but it's funny and hugely entertaining

The film seems stuck in the last decade in more ways than one. It's highly questionable that the only gay character is a slimy man-whore into S&M, its token female character barely even manages to rise to the level of tokenism, and Ritchie does absolutely nothing new here – if you've seen Lock, Stock or snatch., you'll know pretty much exactly what to expect – but The Gentlemen is still hugely entertaining. Most of the jokes land, the dialogue is as sharp and expletive-laden as ever, the cast are having a ball, and the self-reflexivity, although a little forced in places, works well for the most part. And yes, the plot is as derivative as it gets, but there's no denying Ritchie has injected real verve into what looks on paper like an inconsequential C-movie. The Gentlemen definitely won't change your life, but it will make you laugh.

For my complete review, please visit:

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Certainly not as good as previous efforts but nevertheless watchable. McConaughey seems very much miscast in this film. Colin Farrell needs more more screen time in this one.

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I do love Richie’s style and he picked a good cast for it, it wasn’t anything brilliant but I enjoyed it and did like how the ending played out..

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Guy Ritchie is finally back in business! Great movie and wonderful actings... It's truly one of the best movies that I've watched recently. The first half of the film could be a bit boring as it tells you a story but then the action scenes come up and I think that's when the movie catches you and when it catches you, I guarantee that it has no intent to let go of you. Hope you enjoy it!

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Guy Ritchie jerking off for 2 hours straight and I was all for it. He could have done away with the racism though. Cast was good. Overall a fun flick.

I think the antagonists should have been fleshed out a bit more. The protagonists were invincible and were never really under a threat.

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They say a gentleman never tells but these gentlemen never stop telling. In fact, I would've preferred that they tell less and show more because this overlong whisky ad has all the directing prowess of Guy Ritchie's other English gangster films but little odd the action. It's fun to watch Hugh Grant act the crap out of everybody, but sadly that's one of the too few beatings we get to see.

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A mobster movie with a lot of verbiage and a lot of script twist. The best ?: Coach.

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Loved it … back to vintage Guy Ritchie aka Snatch, Lock, Stock, Revolver etc. I’ve been a Guy Ritchie fan for some time. Nobody does a film like he does.

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I'm actually surprised this is highly rated considering how much of a confusing mess it is. Guy is a talented director but he needs a co-screenwriter to reel him in.

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Ups and downs. At least the cast was good.

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I love POWER!

Highy recommended...

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Shout by Bruno Augusto
BlockedParent2023-04-22T00:36:16Z— updated 2023-06-24T02:13:29Z

Like the (few) other movies from Guy Ritchie I've watched, "The Gentlemen" is a very well written production. The story is clear, concise and well-told, but as interesting as it could've been, at least to me, it wasn't very engaging for the most part.

In the end, what really caught my attention, was Hugh Grant's performance. I'm not a big fan of him, mind you, but it seemed to me he was really comfortable and really enjoying the role.

And that's quite a rare thing nowadays.

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Shout by 020202

this movie was so fun to watch from start to finish, Matthew Mcconaughey, Charlie Hunnam, Collin Farrell, Hugh Grant, everyone was simply amazing,
i loved every bit of it, especially the story telling and fun lines between Fletcher and Raymond, and Mickey's gangster like viciousness and mercilessness was flawless

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Loved it, glad that it was on Netflix. Can't believe I missed this movie. At least not a Netflix movie.

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While Guy Ritchie is not really a style of film that I appreciate as much as many others do, this one is still a relatively good time. It is not quite "Snatch", but it does a nice job of telling an engaging narrative that wraps up a bunch of loose ends at the end of the film. If you like Ritchie, you should love this!

Rating: 3/5 - 7.5/10 - Worth Watching

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Thinks it's a lot more clever than it actually is but still a fun time. Could not get over how much Hugh Grant sounded like Jason Statham, was messing with my head!

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Hugh Grant plays a superb part in this movie. Recommended.

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Loved every second of it, I wasn't expecting to have this much fun! Few directors are this good and handling an ensemble cast - everyone had their moment of glory. Loved Hugh Grant's character.

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If you like Guy Ritchie films, you'll like this Guy Ritchie film.

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Guy Ritchie's style unique as usual with good action scenes and nice comedy moments

outstanding performance by Charlie Hunnam and Colin Farrell

"If you wish to be The King of the jungle, it's not enough to act like a king. You must be The King. And there can be no doubt. Because doubt causes chaos and one's own demise."

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If we look at his latest movies this movie was very good. He did a job well beyond expectations.We were always expecting a movie like snatch and a similar but different subject came to the end.

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"There's only one rule in the jungle: when the lion's hungry, he eats!"

If you are a fan of Guy Ritchie's older movies like Snatch, then you might like this movie. I am a fan of the fast cuts and quirky characters he uses in his movies. Doesn't always work for me, but I really enjoyed this movie. I would say Guy is self aware with this movie, and uses that to his advantage.

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Hugh Grant in another role as normally seen and he is really good. Colin Farrel also, but too short screen time.
The storytelling is fresh.

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Very clever storytelling. Guy Ritchie is back after Lock, Stock and Snatch.

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Shout by Goutham

Easy, lads. I’m sure you’re all roadmen, gangsters, proper naughty boys, and all that bollocks. But I... come in peace.

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From Guy Ritchie comes the quirky crime drama The Gentlemen. The story follows an English drug kingpin who’s selling off his marijuana farms and getting out of the business, but finds that someone is trying to spoil the deal. Starring Matthew McConaughey, Charlie Hunnam, Michelle Dockery, Colin Farrell, and Hugh Grant, the film has a great cast that delivers strong performances. The plot’s a little hard to follow at times, but the characters are well-written and the dialog has Ritchie’s usual humor and wit. There are also some pretty good action scenes that are intense and exciting. While it has a few weaknesses, The Gentlemen is a solid film that’s entertaining and full of intrigue.

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from the beginning to the end, made me sit at the edge of the seat.
Guy Ritchie, you legend. what an amazing acting from the cast!

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Only took Guy Ritchie 12 years to once again do the kind of movie he should be doing, finally!

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Boring:( I stopped at the first 15min

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What a fun movie. Hugh Grant so often plays to type that I think I most enjoyed watching him do something so dramatically different from his typical rom com drivel. Colin Ferrell and Charlie Hunnam were awesome. Raymond’s first scene’s reminded me so much of Tom Hardy as Alfie Solomon in Peaky Blinders ... just such a chillingly calm character that seems soft but is beyond brutal. Finally Matthew McConnaughey. He’s also coming so close to playing to type too much but I think the thing that’s different is that his type is a demeanour vs a character and he does it so well it’s addictive.

So many good twists. Fast paced but slows down to focus in on the great story telling. Such a good movie.

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What a freaking masterpiece! Guy Richie is the God of directors. After this movie I have to re-rate all previous 10s as 9s. Best movie in years!

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Is "Lock, Stock and two smoking Barrels" better? Yes.
Is "Snatch" better? Oh hell yes.

But it's little bit to confusing and messy, but never the less it is a good, enjoyable Guy Ritchie Movie.

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Guy Ritchie's best movie IMO. Playful, cheeky, very enjoyable.

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This is Guy Ritchie doing what he does best: shitty, boring films.

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Guy Ritchie is back at what he does best...only this time he's doing it worse. Its now awful but its not good either - too many twists, boring characters, too much exposition, and an offense to the ears at times. For Ritchie fanboys (and girls) only.

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Really good gangster flick.
Hugh Grant does a remarkable job as Fletcher, it may very well be the best role he has done. I want more Hugh in bad ass roles from now on!

Although the rest of the cast does a really good job beside Grant, Michelle Dockery stands out with a really great performance, i would have liked to see more of her though.
It's a must see!

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The line of Hugh Grant:
"Maybe I'll come by
you may hear me scorching about in the dark.
Waking in a hankie"

Has got to be the best line ever....
Think they had to do this scene over a couple of times

I'd be still having a laugh during the first 13 takes or so....

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A funny mob movie that gets Guy Ritchie back in good shape after some of his last hesitations. The director certainly seems stuck in a certain style of direction, but sometimes he makes the pieces of the puzzle fit together perfectly, as in this movie. It's not difficult to follow the story and the mixture of humor and violence looks alike "Snatch". Helped by good actors, the cinematic game has brilliant moments.

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8 but 9 cuz of the song. My god did I love that intro!!!!

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Guy Ritchie back to doing what he does best.. loved it

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It had everything that you want a Guy Ritchie movie to have - crime, swearing, violence, a fast pace and a lot of comedy. The movie is just plain fun and I'd feel odd trying to analyze it any further than that.

follow me at or facebook IHateBadMovies

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Took a bit to get the movie rolling, but once it did WOW!!! The narrative manner in which the movie plays out is so fun.

Loved the actors and the plot. HIGHLY RECOMMEND

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A one of a kind movie indeed

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Mathew never look so good and slick in front of the camera before this film was made.

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2.1 points -> Cinematography (0-3)
1.6 points -> Acting and Characters (0-2)
2.3 points -> Plot (0-3)
0.7 points -> Score (0-1)

0.7 -> enjoyed the movie. (0-1)

Aka. 7.4 points

The slow pace makes the film different, a narration based on the sum of some facts. That may or may not be true.

The story unfolds like a scroll down stairs, in the end the descent is steep. It leaves a pleasant flavor when the credits start to roll.

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The beginning and middle were awful! I almost stopped watching several different times, the only reason I continued were the stars. The last half hourish was much better and brought the score up from a negative score to a positive. I only gave it a 6 although the last half hour was probably an 8 just because the beginning and middle were so bad.

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I’m not a member of the Richie family so my honest opinion is......”I Don’t Get It!”
I watched this movie for 30 minutes and was so confused so I gave up.
I gave it another try a few days ago and watched for 1hr. Still just as lost as before and 1.5 hrs of my life I won’t get back!

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Shout by Chris

“You really can’t unsee it once you’ve seen it”
- Raymond

Fairly entertaining, really enjoyed watching the dynamic between Hunnish and Grant who impressed in his role. While not has funny as I hoped the story was enjoyable and kept me playing along.

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Very entertaining. Enjoyed the cast and Colin Ferrell was good. Love the story mind twisting of Guy Ritchie to get you thinking, I loved King Arthur for same reason, the the story telling jumping before it plays out. Was some good laughs and overall very good acting from the cast.

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1.5 / 2 directing & technical aspect
1 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
.5 / 1 act II
1 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
1 / 1 writing
0 / 1 originality
0 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

0 / 1 misc

7 / 10

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Movie with really beautiful picture. As usual its better for east-europe, than for usa (watch scores).
Nothing special, but actors, pic, operators work are great.

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Shout by Deleted

Very entertaining and full of surprises. I loooooved Hugh grant and Raymond.

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watched on 1/4/2020 - loved it

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I kind of slept on this movie. Not sure why. I usually enjoy watching movies with Matthew Cooper. Throw Charlie, Collin and Hugh in and you've got a few good men that just ooze class when they feel up to it.

Definitely a wanna be gangster movie that will make you wanna be a gangster. Did you laugh? no? Well, I tried.

The storyline falls into place quite nicely, but I like how they blended the problems of the British youth, poor and rich, into the movie. I'm sure that a few parents sat there watching this and recognized their kids. It's sad really. The movie does it's best to shine a bit of light on this issue, whilst at the same time saying... well if you go down this path, this is how it ends; with blood on your hands.

This is a good movie to watch, but do me a favor and put away your phone, because the storyline demands all of your attention and if you're too busy staring at your phone, because your friend just texted you a meme, you're not giving the movie the proper amount of attention it requires to entertain you.

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It has its fun moments BUT too many long ass boringly delivered monologues. Felt like I've been watching an online class or something.

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Great movie in the Guy Ritchie style..... fast and slick with great performances by all

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Mickey Pearson: "If you wish to be a king of the jungle, it is not
enough to act like a king, you must be the king!"

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When Guy Ritchie produces, directs, conceives the story, writes the screenplay, then adds a stellar all star cast that perform exceptionally, you know Guy Ritchie just out-Guy Ritchied, a Guy Ritchie film. Sheer brilliance from any angle. The film lacked in originality. At first I thought it started a little slowly but in hindsight it was just right. A perfect execution of a classic British gangster film epitomised by a charismatic Colin Farrell who stole every scene he entered and left me crying out for a coach spin off. There are so many films about some great (person) drug lord and I don't think we needed another one. By the ending of the film it felt like they tried to cram and make as many twist as possible.

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The movie isn't as good as it thinks it is. I'm bored as fuck.

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Guy Ritchie returns to his English gangster movie that is so good at him. It does not reach the level of Snatch but it is enjoyable, good performances and I miss Vinnie Jones :-)

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Oh boy, what a ride. If you liked Guy Ritchie's previous gangster movies you're in for a treat. I'm also a huge sucker for an unreliable narrator which I didn't know the movie had, so that was a pleasant surprise. I'm also kind of bummed that Hugh Grant made so many rom-coms instead of playing characters like this one. Also, Colin Farrell and his gang were really amazing. I'm both sad and happy that these suits were made for this movie and I can't embarrass myself by buying on of those for myself.
I'd argue that there were too few female leads but since there was an almost women-only car repair station and the movie's title somehow hints it is about men, I'm okay with that I guess.

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Might be Guy's best gangster movie yet. All involved do it up brilliantly. Great stuff!

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Good movie kept me in interest for two hours and i enjoyed as much as i expected.Nothing more nothing less worths your time but nothing special :)

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Great movie. Usual Guy Ritchie stuff with a convoluted plot, great dialogue and a terrific soundtrack. This time the movie gets stolen by Hugh Grant and Colin Farrell, although everyone involved is great.

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