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Transformers 2007

Is Tranformers great art?!?
Not at all...

Is Transformers, by any means, a classic?!?
Not really, no...

Is it fun?!?
Hell Yes!!!!!!!!

You can say whatever you want about Michael Bay and his military fetish, his obnoxious explosion and slow motion, and love of beautiful people, but no one can deny that the man makes engaging and fun movies.

Transformers is one of those...

It might make me simple, but I enjoy this one. I take it out sometimes and make jokes about Shia LaBeouf, enjoy the explosions, and just have fun.

You may call it one of my guilty pleasures...

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Shia LaBeouf was the real highlight here. The effects were very good although the camera moved much too fast. The fight scenes were impossible to follow (or see).

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R.I.P. Chester Bennington from Linkin Park

Their song, "What I've Done," plays in the end credits of this movie.

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QUOTE DUCKNET 'Once you take away the special effects and animated robots, there isn't really much left to admire. There's barely a story to follow, and hardly any character depth to empathise with :( If it wasn't for Megan Fox would anyone actually bother to watch this??'

This film is ALL about special effects - and I believe the animated robots are key to a film about robots that are animated.

This film is excellent, and I watched it despite Megan Fox

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With a mix of action-comedy and things blowing up Transformers turned out to be an entertaining blockbuster to watch. Michael Bay did a really good job bringing the robots to life. They looked as real as a CGI robot could possibly be. Because this is a Michael Bay film you can expect the acting and story line to be subpar. Bay's true talent is making great action scenes and he delivers them well. Still five years later the action in this movie gives me thrills every time I watch it.

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Skip the sequel turds ppphhhffrrrrttt

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in this movie they called: "arabian gulf".
such gulf does not exist!! its real name is: Persian Gulf since 7000 years ago!!

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Sucks! If you can create matter, then there is nothing to fight over. Think of physics Michael Bay!

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Shit blows up.
Shit transforms.
Shit gets messy.
And everyone is sweating.

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The epitome of a CGI action movie. Lots of crashes, explosions, buildings crumbling, people scurrying for cover. A (Mega) villian and a (prime) leader of heroic machines. Hotties and nerds. Military heros and average Joes. Teenage and parental worldviews expanding. Just a straight up good action movie. I give this movie a 7 (good) out of 10. [SciFi Action Adventure]

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Steve Jablonsky's music gave this movie some decency. Plot is of course ridiculous but it's a good looking and good sounding film. On Blu Ray this is without question demo material to show off your home theater. The 5.1 TrueHD track is about as good as it gets. I enjoy movies like this for what they are: entertainment.

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Enjoyed it for what it is, a simple action movie

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Once you take away the special effects and animated robots, there isn't really much left to admire. There's barely a story to follow, and hardly any character depth to empathise with :( If it wasn't for Megan Fox would anyone actually bother to watch this??

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Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2016-02-13T06:41:45Z— updated 2023-06-05T23:57:06Z

Bay set the stage for some promising sequels. Except he shouldn't have came back each time. Since he offered nothing but just more explosions and a longer film each sequel. I would have liked to see a different director take on it.
Spielberg doesn't care each film gets worse and worse. Since they make him a lot of money to fund better films.

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Has something the sequels don’t have and that’s plenty of heart. As well as action that doesn’t put you to sleep. Or exist only to have non-stop explosions and advertise nice cars.

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I enjoyed this film. Bay did a fine job getting things started. Then he should have just stepped aside. All he has done is used the same formula with each sequel.
Too many human characters, over dramatic moments, romance subplots, running and screaming in slow motion. As well as all overstuffed and overlong sequels.
This film I found had charm at least and felt fresh at the time. I just felt the sequels needed someone else's touch each time. Too much Bay is a bad thing.

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Shout by Deleted

One of my favorite movies, I know alot of people trashed the live action Transformers movies, saying that the plot is dumb....But if you watch it for what it is....An action packed giant robot destruction movie, then its quite good! Just dont go into it thinking your going to get a top of the line A+ plot.

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Surprisingly for me, this flick is very entertaining and fun to watch! After the last two "Michael Bay" flicks that I saw (Bad Boys 2 and The Island) I didn't expect this.

And Transforms could have been even better: I mean what's up with those ridiculous NSA-Kiddies from college who just happen to detect the security breach? And the black "Hacker"? I mean, come on, you could have done better then THAT!

But other than that I enjoyed "Transformers" and I'm definitively gonna watch it's sequels! BTW: I stand by the same verdict after watch Transformers for a 2nd time...

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My favourite transformers film so far

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Incredibly entertaining movie that holds up really well even 16 years later.

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As someone who can relate to a few of Michael Bay's films, I still liked the first Transformers movie in places, even if it has aged really badly. There are some nice action sequences, and Bay manages to create an epic atmosphere. Furthermore, Shia LaBeouf's hyperactive acting is still just about bearable here. The negative sides of the director are already omnipresent, though. Above all, the female roles are terribly written, and the adolescent jokes are unfunny. The camera is almost nauseating; it's sometimes really hard to see what's happening on screen at all. On top of that, the movie is way too long. However, in comparison to what's to come, the first installment in the series is still adequate.

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Man, this movie was such a mess. Terrible directing. Shallow screenwriting with lots of plot holes and incoherent scenes. Multiple random protagonists. Acting can be summarized into : Shia Labeouf + NPCs + CGI. And Megan Fox was the worst of them all. Also, that's Persian Gulf you clueless morons.

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Transformers is a fantastic movie that brings me back to my childhood. While not all the characters are from the original toy line, the main ones stay true to their roots. Even though Bumblebee undergoes changes, the film manages to pay tribute to his character in a memorable scene. Overall, it's an excellent movie that delivers exactly what you expect from a Michael Bay film. Fans of the franchise will definitely love this movie.

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A spectacular and awe-inspiring movie that has just enough action in it. Every character feels fleshed out including the gigantic robots walking around.

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Wow! Megan Fox is the worst actress on the planet!

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This movie got me addicted to transformers has to be my 3rd favorite movie I’ve ever seen!

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Seeing Rachael Taylor in this movie was one of the first times I ever questioned my sexuality, and she remains one of the hottest characters I think I have ever seen. The hair and the accent and the eyeliner and the neck tat, it all makes me WEAK

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"911, give me the Pentagon"
"He's our bravest soldier cause he can't fucking talk"
"Bumblebee just wants people to fuck inside of him"
"Police brutality scene on Bumblebee the Transformer"

I don't think this movie I watched when I was seven is real

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+1 for the first good movie in the series, where earlier only the poor cartoon was previously made based on comics. :)

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Shout by Diego

If you can love a movie for beams of light, I'm not sure if they were live on set or added by CGI, but it was the thing about this movie that stood out for me. I feel like regular critics only hear narrative and plot and forget sound and cinematography. The background music of this film is well done too. There are many individual scenes that stand out on their own. As a whole there are plot holes, like the whole importance of the cube just goes up in smoke, but I enjoyed the movie like an amusement park ride. It was a rush. Shia LaBeouf's good son role was outstanding, very believable, and had the most laughs. I loved Megan Fox's character because there was more to her than meets the eye like her knowledge about cars. The military men Josh and Tyrese stayed sweaty the whole movie.

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I loved the special effects. So many explosions impressed me

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Great visuals and sound effects and a lot of flaws.

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Robots, fights, very hot girls, and enjoy, no with Shia LaBeaouf but yes with John Turturro

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Shout by Deleted

I already have the movie On DVD and on my Ipad

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I prefer the 1986 animated film!

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I prefer the 1986 animated film!

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