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Avatar: The Last Airbender 2005

I'm gonna watch this show and LoK until the day I take me last breath.

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Never watched this one before, it appeared as something like anime style for kids. Sometimes they do that annoying anime style emotions like overreactions etc., but it's a very minor setback.
Overall, kids thoroughly enjoyed it and so did I. Lots of good humor, good fights, very good animation. Also, what make this one stand out from other animated series and even big movies - great characters development, almost all of them. And the characters are not black & white, they all have flaws and their own personal issues, just like normal human beings. It's very fun to watch.
And the finale was awesome.
Recommended to everyone, especially to watch with kids.
Don't watch Netflix bullshit, they can ruin anything, watch this original animated masterpiece.

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Just an amazing show! I can watch this over and over again and it never gets old. Really looking forward to seeing The Legend of Korra.

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Absolute classic series that was a big part of my childhood. Nothing more positive could be said about this series than what has already been said.

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Literally the greatest TV series of all time. A must-watch.

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The ending was just wonderful. I've cried multiple times since finishing the series tonight. I will miss all the characters so much and I can't wait to rewatch someday!

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What could I possibly say about this EXCELLENT show that hasn't already been said? I wish it had never ended. It is; to this day; my all-time favorite American-produced animated show. The recurring themes in this series (and its sequel series: Avatar: The Legend of Korra ) are timeless. It is the perfect mixture of drama, action and comedy. As I anxiously await the Netflix-produced live-action version of this story, I just rewatched it again and it still holds up. Such a great show. If you think animated shows are just for kids then do yourself a favor and watch both series.

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This series is a martial arts masterpiece! The fight scenes are so well choreographed. Despite being a family friendly show the war aspect feels real and there is always a sense of danger. There are plenty of series wich are supposed to be "for adults" and don't give nearly as much thought to its battles as this cartoon does.

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This is one of the masterpieces of our time, IMHO. Probably the only series I would give a 10/10.

The first episode is slow. Trust me, it gets better.

The sequel series (Legend of Korra) is worth watching, especially if you appreciate the high art/music standard.

And as others said, this is a mature story disguised as a Nickelodeon cartoon.

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This show is amazing from the first to the last episode. Like most people I put off watching this for a while, because I thought it was nothing more than a kids show, but holy crap I was wrong! The thing I liked about this show was that there was a set objective, to put a end to the Hundred Year War and bring balance to the world, which I preferred more than The Legend of Korra's villain of the season format.

The animation, writing and voice acting are all top grade. What else is there to say to describe a good TV show? I would definitely recommend this to anyone, children and adults alike.


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Masterpiece through and through. If you are on the fence, just go watch it right now!

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This is the definition of peak fiction

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Just Beautiful. Nothing to say more.

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This show is fucking awesome. I don’t know why, but I always thought Avatar was the kind of show that had way too much episodes, like 400/500 or something, so it never came to mind like something worth investing much time in. I’m an idiot, because…

… Boy, was I wrong. Not only is this a nice and compact show, but now I wish there were way more than 61 episodes. The way this story is told is a masterclass in all aspects. There is almost no filler and it’s executed almost perfectly. Even the musical episode before the grand finale is an amazing way to recap all that has happened. Not really necessary if you binged it, but I can only imagine if you watch this on tv over two/three years time when it aired originally and relive the whole story like this one more time before that amazing ending. God, I’m glad I looked more into this. I loved every aspect of it.

Yip Yip!

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I wasn't expecting to be invested in the plot. I started watching this show because I was curious, but I was pleasantly surprised. This is a kids show, yes, but it teaches some good lessons, and the story is interesting. But, I'm not used to watching show produced in the early '00, so I didn't expect sexism. I think it's annoying that girls, on top of fighting for the world, have to face and deal with sexism. Also, Azula isn't really a complex character, but more the representation of a hysteric teenager. It's true that Katara and Toph are interesting characters that are well written, but they still deal with sexist comments.

And also, isn't this show a bit racist?

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Shout by Tonydez415
BlockedParent2022-04-01T04:50:12Z— updated 2022-07-16T08:25:41Z

An incredible animated show with a gripping plot, amazing characters, and a great mix of humor and drama. It's a show where you really feel like you grow with the cast, and the numerous themes and huge amount of lore make this a rich and fulfilling ride. Great action and animation are just a cherry on top at this point, and it all culminates in a show that is near-perfect in every possible way.

(+) Amazing cast of characters with great performances all around
(+) A spectacle of action, with great animation to boot
(+) Engaging plot filled with equal parts humor, action, and drama
(+) Rich worldbuilding and lore that fleshes out the universe even further
(+) An emotional story of friendship, love, responsibility, sacrifice, and destiny
(+) Incredible assortment of themes covered, all with a delicate touch

Final Verdict: 9.97/10 (Masterpiece)

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It was awesome. Would be a 10/10 show if it weren't for the romance. That stuff just made me cringe.

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What a show, definition of excellent character development. Incredible characters, deep, heartfelt stories, consistent throughout and a great world! A classic.

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Brings eastern philosophy, history, and fighting styles into a western kid's TV show that turned it into something bigger than they expected.

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One of the best, if not THE BEST, animated shows ever made.

I could really just end the review there and call it a day, but Avatar: The Last Airbender really is that good. It's unique, well defined world is infinitely fascinating, and the cool magic system at play, along with the endless possibilities for action scenes, make it a ton of fun to watch in a simple mindless way. But that kind of world is only as good as it's cast, and the complex, three-dimensional, and layered cast at the center of it. Not a single one here is bad, and even purposefully evil characters get their chance to have development and layers added onto them as people. And Avatar is driven by it's cast, it's emotions, the decisions they make - it's great storytelling, one where everything builds and builds to a natural conclusion that's among the most satisfying in TV. One of the best things period. Love it to death.

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I've never watched a show more than twice...except this one. Watched this show probably close to 20 times (no exaggeration) amazing show. Good for all ages.
Rating: 20/10

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I miss this show so much! I cried when it ended and was lost on what to do for some time. Legend of Korra is good but never as awesome as the original

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Great show great story line,nice animation a MUST WATCH

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One of the great animation show I have watched. May be the best one available too. Love it too much. If you love animation then you will love avater: the last airbender too. RECOMMENDED

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This cartoon is leagues above any other western animation I have ever seen. It appeals to both children and adults, as its story is not only simple to follow, but also extremely good. Each character is unique and endearing, and their interactions with each other are even more so. The plot flows perfectly, each story beat hitting its mark and culminating in an epic finale. This is a show that people are still talking about over ten years after its original release, and I think they still will be for many years to come, Netflix adaptation notwithstanding.

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I was one of those lucky enough to watch this show at a relatively young age, 11 I think- coincidentally the same age as Aang in the show. Because of it I started meditating and understanding Chakra systems and spiritual knowledge at that age! Bless this show for all that it gave me!
FYI- If you haven't watched the show and are curious about its spiritual knowledge, reference season 2 episode 18 "The Guru" the one I am watching now!

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You lived up to the hype. Definitely one of my favorite animated shows now. So glad I finally watched this.

But PLEASE you could feel the chemistry between Zuko and Katara ever since her revenge adventure episode with him :rofl: why did the writers do Aang like that?? lmao I can't help but ship it. A true enemies-to-lovers.

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This show will always stick in a part of me, the story is nice and the development of the character very well managed, my favorites are Zuko and his uncle but I like the others too haha. I recommend you to watch it, no matter how old you are.

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I was spoiled about almost every part of this show when I started it. I was also not a child when I watched it, and understood what makes a show good or bad.

The fact that I was still floored by how amazing this show is says a lot.

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I Feel like this Show was Approved to Appease the Criticism that Nik Kills Brain Cells.

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Water, Earth, Fire, Air. All 4 nations come together to make a peak show

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Every couple of years I sit down to watch this masterpiece. First watched it when I was 11 around release time. I'm a grown adult now and still laugh and cry through episodes just as much as the first time. I just have no words. This show just pierces your heart to its core. Amazing. I could write an essay about it, but I'm just not in the mood. I'm actually sad I just finished it and I already miss the world lol

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I was really excited see how true to life the chakra explanations are. They took some creative license with the upper 3, but I'm not mad at it. They even went through the colors.

I've never seen a show explain real-life spirituality in this way, let alone a "kid's cartoon." To have kids understanding their chakras and how to unblock them at such a young age is just what the doctor ordered for this world.

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Brings back childhood memories :blush: this is an absolute timeless classic anyone of any age will enjoy :)

(I was just watching this show because of the nostalgia…was going to continue with Korra but wasn’t expecting a live action show to even be in the works, let alone released :blush:)

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This is a simple and classic animated show that children and adults can enjoy together. The characters are all different but fun, and the action is very fun to watch as well.

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GOAT animated series IMO. Simple as that.

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This is one of the shows I happened to skip as a child, but ended up visiting for the first time as an adult based on recommendations. Being entirely new to the show, I was not too sure what to expect. I was not sure if it would just be some basic anime (which I am not typically a fan of), or how child-like it may feel, or if the recommendations I was receiving was more based on nostalgia from those people. I went in expecting the worst, and came out with a generally positive experience. Yes, it's still anime. No, I am not in love and not sure who I would recommend this to exactly. With that being said, it is a very solid kids show with a much better (and deeper) plot than any kids show has any right for. Tis a good one. Not sure if I will return to watch it again, but it was much better than I expected and I will get to Legend of Korra at some point!

Average Season Review: 8.33/10

Recommendation: At Least Give it a Whirl (For Anime Fans)

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Endearing and well-developed characters, brilliant storytelling, stunning art direction, immersive world building, a perfect balance between comedy and drama; one of the best shows of all time.

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Excellent characters and storytelling. Never loses its re-watch value. It'll make you laugh, it'll make you cry, it'll make you angry... It's got the whole all you can eat buffet of emotions!!

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Shout by Megaturtles10
BlockedParent2020-11-02T22:35:59Z— updated 2020-11-23T00:41:28Z

S1 8.5/10 s2 10/10 s3 10/10 overall 9.5/10

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Shout by Deleted

What an awesome and unforgettable series! Definitely well worth the perfect ratings it has received over the years!

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For a show to tell you exactly where it’s headed from the very beginning, it must be driven by its journey, not necessarily its destination. And boy is this a beautiful journey. I feel like I’ve been blessed with something I don’t truly deserve. This makes it hard to say goodbye, but when the time is right, I’ll be able to say hello again. No matter what, I’ll always remember the first time I watched Avatar: The Last Airbender.

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Absolute classic series that was a big part of my childhood. Nothing more positive could be said about this series than what has already been said.

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Excellent show with a lot going on. The world that is built is beautiful and intriguing. The plot is kind of generic but the side plots are usually pretty unique. The characters are mostly great, unfortunately the one that I absolutely despise is the main character, Aang. There are a few stumbles here and there but overall it's great.
Season ranking: 2>1>3

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