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Gen V 2023

Um, they pitch this as a teenage spin off of The Boys, but was it also written by teenagers? The dialogues are shocking, the acting sub-par. The exposition is done in such a lame way. Not even all the cameos can save this half-baked The Boys.

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I'm always amazed that the anti woke people don't realise The Boys is making fun of them

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GenV is only for GenZ. RATE 0/10

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Shout by JACK
BlockedParent2023-09-30T03:19:34Z— updated 2023-10-02T03:35:39Z

I see people complaining this show is too “woke.” I think it is great. I’m liking even more than The Boys.

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Absolutely hilarious people griping about "woke themes" - you know The Boys is also extremely woke, right??? It's a nonstop critique of fascism, U.S. imperialism, patriarchy, capitalism, and every other power structure that exists. So...yeah.

Anyway...Gen V fucking rocks and I am so excited to see what's next and where they go with everything. It's everything I would have wanted from a spin-off with a younger cast. I'm obsessed with this universe!

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One of the better shows of the past 3 years, honestly. It's amazing so far.

Don't trust the comments though, very little about this is overtly "woke" - the only thing I can think people are talking about is the fact one of the main characters has the super power to change the shape of their body into male and female at will and thus are referred to as them or they. Or the fact that gay people exist in the series which I guess must mean it's propaganda or something, right? lmao.

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Despite the copious amounts of woke themes, the story and character arcs seem to be well written, IMO. This is just my first impression after binging the first three episodes. I will update once I've seen the full season.

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First episode rocked. I couldn't be happier about a season based on The Boyz.

Loved the characters and the kids playing them, it's a new generation of actors. Loving the story arch so far. Can't wait for the next episodes.

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I was able to stand about 1/2 of the first episode......
This show is not for adults.

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If they can continue like this till the end this will be another top superhero show after The Boys

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I'm not feelin it. From the opening scene where the girl discovers her superpower via her period to the bulimic shrinking girl the show has all the creativity of a bologna sandwich. Forcing current teen issues into storylines to make it seem relevant and topical. The same as "The Boys" and "Supergirl" went. Television writers who force pablum on viewers like this should have been left on the Picket lines and Studios should have hired more intelligent and less sensitive, less emotional and less fragile writers. It's a wonder they can get any writing done at all since I would imagine they rarely leave their apartments and spend most of the time crying over "mean" people. I think that not every form of entertainment needs to be a lesson to society and should not be a form of social justice. They are just perpetuating the stereotypes of the depressed, anxiety ridden teen and the cruel, cruel world they think they live in.

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[Prime Video] It extracts the most striking elements of "The Boys", such as some gore and some thuggish sex, but without wrapping them in an interesting story or characters with any depth. This one lacks ambiguity and satire, it builds a plot so simple that it's not very entertaining, and it only manages to resemble that one in some moments. But it is something like a soft and boring version for teenagers, an attempt to broaden the audience target without any of the to broaden the target without any of the characters (or the actors) having anything to contribute.

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Almost skipped this show due to the weird comments on trakt. But after giving the first episode a chance, I have to say the show is solid and a worthy spin-off of The Boys.
Lots of things to love, can't wait to see where this goes.
Totally recommended to people who like The Boys.

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The portrayal of central female character was annoying. The character on paper sounds good, a character so deeply traumatised that she has to remind herself she is good all the time. But when translated on to the screen, she came out as whiny self-righteous and selfish teenager with naive world view. Other central characters are decent, not great though. I have yet to finish the first season. I expect some character development.
The world itself is great, as it shares it with The Boys. Powers are excellent. I don't mind the shoving of modern ideologies right in your face. But it did eat into the story.

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Wonder how many seasons it's going to take for the anti woke crowd to realize that the series has always been woke and they are being made fun of every episode.

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i can't take seriously anyone using he word woke (a word that stopped being serious since i don't know, 2014) as a criticism, and i haven't been disappointed yet. these people are hilarious.
show is fine, not a masterpiece but fun.

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IMO, Better than The Boys.

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Man - what a bloody mess! No, seriously. What a bloody mess. Blood and guts and gore all over the place. It's pretty awesome.
This is a natural extension of The Boys world. It will be interesting to see what else the Marie character can do with her powers in season 2. ... and there's one scene that was pretty hilarious with Emma - you'll know it when you see it - lol.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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it was an ok series . but ended up really strong. bringing homelander not expected. :sparkles:

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SEASON 2 CONFIRMED! Yes! I love the constant action and the vastness of different powers. I so struggled to not be bored with The Boys but I'm completely happy that I tried Gen V. I just wish the eps were as long as The Boys, it's hard to wait a week for mere 35 min.

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Not for „The Boys“ but for „The Girls“

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It's fun seeing a teenage bounty hunter again.

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More woke, less quality story telling. They are trying to hard to appeal to the few. Boys is better.

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Shout by Dulneth Perera
BlockedParent2023-11-03T11:05:06Z— updated 2023-11-20T12:07:11Z

Solid spin-off, shares so many things in common with "The Boys". The gore, the dark humour which made the The Boys popular is in this too. The characters are okay and the pace was a bit messy after the initial 4 episodes. Like I mentioned earlier Gen V shares so many things in common with The Boys which can be good and bad. For example Better Call Saul was an amazing spin off to breaking bad and can be argued that it although it was a spinoff it stands out as one of its own. Gen V however feels so much like The Boys which sort of makes it unoriginal. A fun time nonetheless.


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To the 3rd. Chapter.. is full of black humor and exaggerated or I would say forced Lbtq+ messages.

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Absolutely loved this series. Had some slow bits but the ending, my god, did not expect any of that to happen.

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Shout by Ranchpig
BlockedParent2023-10-14T06:45:00Z— updated 2023-11-06T12:56:43Z

In a normal world this show would be rated X and only degenerates and sadists would enjoy it. Unfortunately, this isn't a normal world and years of incremental desensitization not only allows this show to air but to give it a rather high rating. It's perverse for perversity's sake. I can handle the "gore". It's a bit over the top but not nearly as bad as the "Boys". It's all the genital references. From the very first scene to weird micro-midget porn to exploding dicks. The obligatory gay references have now evolved into a strange trans theme. Others have alluded that this is wokery on roids and it's hard to argue against it.

Sad thing is that the main story arc isn't actually that bad, but it's interwoven with bad premises, agenda driven themes, lazy writing, and of course, the obsession over debauchery, drugs, male nudity and over the top sex.

MODERATION EDIT: Be respectful.

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Not for me. Crass and tasteless juvenile superheroes? No thanks. That’s how I felt about BOYZ, the adult version of crass and tasteless. No need to establish a low bar and pretend it’s the new normal because if everyone buys in it will become reality.

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Shocking superhero University spinoff to "The Boys"
that leaned hard into the gross-out factor & raunchier aspects of its universe, while still thematically staying on point about corruption in a world of powered people.

Got a little "lost in the sauce" towards the season end, making some baffling editing and scripting decisions... but overall, was the most fun I've had in telespace in recent memory.

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Not as good as 'The Boys' but definitely at the same league. It's worth the bit of drag at the start because after the first few episodes have given you all the introduction you need, the rest just satisfyingly unravel itself into your lap.
The cgi and acting was almost too good, and the soundtrack was just chef kiss.
I can't wait for s4 of 'The Boys'. Gen V has only made me even more anticipated.

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Garbage compared to ( the boys )

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Really enjoyed how it weaved the world of The Boys seamlessly into another setting, brought something new and fresh to the table with a few cameos here and there.

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A spin off from "The Boys". Lot's of violence, grotesque murders and foul language! Perfect if you like The Boys, which is one of my favorite shows.
Young teen wannabe superheroes at school to learn, in fact they are being observed by the powers that be. Some interesting twists and turns and how some of the teenagers grow their power's. Well worth a watch :thumbsup_tone1:

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A spin off from "The Boys". Lot's of violence, grotesque murders and foul language! Perfect if you like The Boys, which is one of my favorite shows.
Young teen wannabe superheroes at school to learn, in fact they are being observed by the powers that be. Some interesting twists and turns and how some of the teenagers grow their power's. Well worth a watch :thumbsup_tone1:

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A spin off from "The Boys". Lot's of violence, grotesque murders and foul language! Perfect if you like The Boys, which is one of my favorite shows.
Young teen wannabe superheroes at school to learn, in fact they are being observed by the powers that be. Some interesting twists and turns and how some of the teenagers grow their power's. Well worth a watch :thumbsup_tone1:

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Woke Asf. Woke agenda is paramount and there's hardly any entertainment. The story lags on forever because they rather address some issues first.

And for the love of God what's with all the dick jokes in like all episodes? :put_litter_in_its_place::put_litter_in_its_place::put_litter_in_its_place:

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ok i gonna watch it because that police officer is in it from shawshank

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Show and season 1 rated an 8.8

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This series is not The Boys standards of quality. it's obviously rushed but DAMN this comment section is absolutely r******d.

The problem was not the "woke" themes. This show was obviously rushed, while the violence is on point I feel like they were trying to tell stories that needed at least half a season more to get their closure. And the ending was kinda disappointing. Really wish they took more time.

Worst episode - 1x01 "God U." (6/10)

Best episode - 1x06 "Jumanji" (8/10)

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great show! in my opinion even better than the boys.

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Shout by Morbo the Annihilator
BlockedParent2023-10-29T13:45:31Z— updated 2023-11-05T21:46:46Z

Generation Zoom has not ended yet, even more, its getting an accurate persiflage here today. It works!
EDIT: So, millennial speaking here. 6-7 out of 10 ;) At the end it was only an adaptation of (newer) X-Men.

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A pretty good show that is made for the younger generation. I think it's able to portray some mental issues as well in its own weird ways. I think The Boys is still an overall better show though.

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bruh i dont go because 100+ people dont liked it
so i dont put my time in it why? 2006 walking dead first i readed comments after amazing likes i gibe it a go. and it was succesfull

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lot of things to hate, and couple of things to enjoy, just don't take it too seriously, it's not something that would change the way you see the world (no TV should should do that), just mindless ¿ fun ?

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Please STOP the series and all similar shows!
This was a top show of the last week, really people!!!

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From the world of The Boys indeed. It feels truly like it's a spin-off from The Boys :100:.

Strong start for sure.

For some reason, I keep forgetting that only the audience knows they're no single hero :skull:.

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