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Naruto 2002

If you want to rewatch it without the fillers, lookup for "Naruto Kai" on google

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My obsession is very real XD

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Shout by Amelia
BlockedParent2022-09-28T14:34:15Z— updated 2023-01-24T06:11:14Z

Completely Overrated Show and colossal waste of time.
Naruto goes and fights like a moron without care for his body since he got free ticket to heal after a nap.

Naruto in a Nutshell

Naruto gets assigned in a mission
Either his fellow comrade pleads not to do a dangerous act or antogonist ridicules his strength.
Naruto says "This is my ninja way".
Naruto goes into fight
Throw few punches
If not enough
Summons "ShadowCloneJutsu"
If still gets beaten black and blue
Says "I don't know when to give up".
Throws a Rasengan ball.
Still if gets stabbed and goes unconscious "Ends up infront of a gaint prision door, says hi to fox, fox lends its chakra and revives him.
Naruto turns red.
Mission accomplished.

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Hey people,

I am watching Naruto on Netflix and there are 9 seasons yet here are shown only 5. How come that difference???


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Naruto could have been a great anime if it did not have so many fillers or as many seasons. I thought the character development and plot advancement was very poor. To me it felt like the makers and producers were just trying to milk as much money as they can from fans.

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A well done manga and anime - offering a fresh take and blending of many classic Japanese myths. Its a bit childish at times for the older anime aficionado's, but it an essential prerequisite to the slightly more mature Naruto Shippuden series.

Great fight sequences, giant beasts (instead of robos), aspects of Japanese mythos rarely touched upon elsewhere, and fairly good J-pop music used in title sequences.

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It's really nice to watch this anime after 10 years. It's still fresh and the fillers are so easy to skip. One can even see the improve in the animation.

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So many fillers at the end((

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Shout by M

Watched it without the fillers

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my frist anime i watch, soooo yeah

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Shout by Halil Acar
BlockedParent2021-08-10T17:40:23Z— updated 2021-10-27T10:31:10Z

It's not funny, not mysterious, not scary, it doesn't make you curious for the next episode. Canon chapters are even more boring than Filler chapters. Huge hollow balloon, overrated.

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Shout by Elise
BlockedParentSpoilers2018-05-12T12:47:50Z— updated 2019-12-16T16:57:47Z

It's really good and introduced me to anime. After a while it gets a bit repetitive though, as Naruto keeps being able to beat pretty much everyone while saying he wants to become the Hokage and save his friends... Also he uses shadow clones in every battle ever (and later rasengan). Way too many fillers as well, some were fun to watch, some weren't. Like the recap episodes. So many of those, totally unnecessary!

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Shout by Deleted

But not as many as in NS these days though...

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Chunin Exams and Gaara>Sasuke Retrieval>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Tsunade Retrieval>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Beginning and Land of Waves>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Everything else

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Real nice show. Love it.
It's so great that it got someone who doesn't like anime to watch it and read the manga updates.

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Shout by Deleted

Good ol' Naruto. This anime really set off my addiction. Love it!

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