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Vikings 2013

The first three seasons were watchable then the sudden writing and directing changes, also the content is just stupid. Overrated.

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great series, vikings were look at before but never to this depth if you like or are curious for vikings watch it!

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Shout by Felisa Kay Chaloupek
BlockedParent2016-04-26T02:32:47Z— updated 2017-01-07T15:35:14Z

I've always thought there was never enough good Viking movies/shows.. talk about a great piece of history. I don't anyone could have explained -how to be Ragnar- Travis just does it and it's brilliant and funny. His expressions alone can entertain me more then anything. Very well put together, acted, scripted, and (though a bit askew) good history in it. Thanks to all for making me appreciate the people who make this show. They have done it. I'm there with them and I love it. I love to spread the Viking world of Ragnar.. and I have. Your welcome.

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Cool show but it gets more and more uninteresting since Ragnar died

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I loved S1 and S2 and then it took a long time to get through season 3 and I knew Ragnar was dead for me... as sad as it sounds I think this would have worked much better as a mini series instead of stretching it out and rehash the same things over and over. Maybe I come back one day for Season 4.... but then again, I rather keep Ragnar from S1 and 2 than having to face mediocrity.

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First two seasons were good but it turned shitty in season three when Ragnar lost his crackers. then it got OK again but definitely was a waste of time overall

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I only started watching this recently. And now that I've reached the beginning of S5 I have already decided to pull out.

I loved the first two season, they were an easy 10 for me. The third was exceptable to watch but the forth killed the show for me. Stupid side-plots that lead nowhere were implemented just to fill the extended season. Characters were killed for no apparent reason and those killings, for the most part, did nothing for the plot - they were just gone. For me, this show lived through and from its characters. And those who are left don't interest me any more. From one episode to the next I was sying to myself "watch another, maybe it's getting better". Not happening. Still, not awful, it just doesn't interest me any longer. I've seen what I needed to see.

They promised the show would be better in S5 but I for one am not buying in any longer.

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Seasons 1 to 4 were pretty incredible but the last two were a drag tbh.

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Crap series just because almost everything you see is not how Vikings were, not how Vikings did things. History falsification.

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Great show Ragnar actor killed it … but after season 4 it went downhill

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Sing it with me kids!!!...ohhhhhhh...burning....and pillaging...and raping and destroying... oh drink your booze and sharper your sword, let's kill some shit before we get bored ohhhhhh burning....aaaaand pullaging... raping and destroying wooooo

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Reel it back in History channel, the current storyline is not enjoyable. You killed off all of the best characters, and replaced them with younger less interesting versions.

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I think this show is a missed opportunity to make a really good and gritty show about Vikings travelling abroad, trading, adventuring, pillaging, and doing other Viking stuff. Instead it's mostly a semi-boring relationship drama taking place at home. A lot of shows seem to fal into this trap. Also, the acting is bad and the actors have a very limited repertoire. Meh.

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Best moments are S1-S4 .

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Idk why they dragged this show all it did was make it shitty.

S1-S3 were good. Even rewatchable
S4 onward is a TOTAL SHITSHOW

This what you get when you decide to make the progenies try to take the centre stage. They don't even hold a candle to their progenitors. We all know you don't make a franchise great by giving our beloved MCs fucking kids so they move the narrative forward. Before you come at me saying "it's based on history!" Know this is a dramatised historical drama. The characters don't have emotional growth and sensitive side to them - IMO this is why Ragnar, Lagertha, Floki etc were likable or even elicited reactions from audience. I felt none of that with the last characters. They don't even react to death's of loved ones, betrayals etc and even don't have values.

You know a show sucks when you don't give a shit about the MCs fates. I couldn't careless if the all fucking sons died in one episode.

And the plotlines were preposterous with full of plot holes.

I don't think I'll be rewatching this in the future.

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You just can't fit the whole viking history in two generations (Ragnar and his sons).
Amazing show in the first two seasons, but from there it turns into a boring and repetitive show that ends as if it had been cancelled. Too bad they couldn't keep the good work they started with.
Also, most of the actors seem to be selected for their physical appearance and not for their acting capabilities, which are nonexistent.

I give a 6/10 because of the first two seasons, and i'm probably being too generous.

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It took a long time before I wanted to watch this series because I had some doubts.
Because it is so babeable, many animals are killed also as a sacrifice.
Everywhere you see animals bond.
I hate suffering animals, that's why I found it difficult to look at this.
But then I flush a bit further, so that I could still watch the series.
They are all murderers, strangely enough I had to shed a tear for that.
Apart from that, it is a good series.

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Can't take it anymore I stopped at season 5. There seems to be an unlimited supply of warriors like they just sprout off the ground. So many die in each battle yet their number seems to only get bigger, while the towns and villages are tiny with no real economy to support the populace.

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Trakt has messed up the air dates for this. The most recent episodes showing up after 2021 but are already on my Kodi

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These Vikings had the best dental insurance ever :joy:

Great show and loved it

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Not really my cup of tea. Season 1 seemed all about gore. Season 2 seemed to be all about sex and intrigue. I gave up. It's not a bad series, but I guess you should be into raw history and mythology, to enjoy this series.

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I'm so in love with this series! I love viking history and mythology and this show was great in represent all this.
I really hope that gets more seasons!

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Started off well and was good for the first 2 season... getting very tedious and stupid by season 3... can't believe I'm still watching it in season 5 cause I'm not even interested in the characters or the 'plot' anymore.

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I want to be a Viking!

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Shout by Deleted
BlockedParent2021-04-22T08:15:05Z— updated 2021-04-23T23:13:20Z

Seasons 1-3 = Sublime
Seasons 4-6 = Ridiculous. Twice as long and half as good.

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This was a good series to begin with, but this last season has been quite bad.

The thing that pisses me off most is that you'd thing a show from The History Channel would be much more historically accurate.

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I am in love with this series, but sadly ever since ragnar died, it just stopped being as interesting . I did however enjoy Bjôrn's performance and scenes, and I look forward to maybe watching his story as well

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Nearly lost it when I didn't get to see a full scale battle take place, but the end more than made up for it, DAMN!!

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Well I'll be a monkey's uncle...I thought I'd just watched the series finale! I couldn't imagine that they'd finish out the season, let alone order up another! The show has felt so disjointed throughout its run, splicing together some truly memorable and terrific storytelling with some meandering, lost-the-plot sequences of episodes. I'm glad I was wrong, though. Bjorn really did take over as the protagonist some time ago anyway, and I hope they give him plenty of screentime going forward.

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Absolutely loved this series,shame it had to end.

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Possibly one of the greatest shows on tv today.

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Shout by Deleted

I have been meaning to start this show since it came out, but havent gotten around to it until recently. I binged watched the whole series! It is truly an exciting, and interesting series. Anybody who is interested in history should definitly give it a try.

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A must watch series. Hands down for History Channel. The Viking culture could not be delivered any better.

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Shout by Deleted

Loved it!! Catched me from the start, you wont regret watching this one, worth all your time!
PS: If you watched Spartacus and Game of Thrones you will love this.

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The violence is real right from the start i love it :D

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Great tv series, I love it. I watched the first season in three days, the show was captivating. My favourite character is Ragnar, and also Floki. And the son of Ragnar is a smart child.

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Horrible way to end the season

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Shout by JR-Style

It was a great tv-show to watch when Ragnar Lothbrok was still there. But when he died (one of the worst deaths that you can have imo) I didn't have the motivation anymore to watch further.

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We stopped watching it because it was too hard to follow, the scenes were too dark. No literally, dark as in brightness. Yes it's the only show we've had this problem with.

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Fix the damned network cuz it's not "Amazon Prime Video", but it's "History Channel".

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Sorry to see it end - good series. Well done!

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Shout by Trix256

First two seasons are gold. Next two get worse once Ragnar goes and none of his sons are as charismatic or interesting, even rolo was better to watch. The last two seasons are mediocre at best. Endless battles that mean nothing, fallen soldiers that are regenerated. Everyone cheating and bickering amongst themselves. It makes you miss the adventures of Ragnar, Rolo and Floki.
Apparently they also took liberties with Ironsides death which the reality sounds so much better than the shows outcome.
Anyway, Vikings are great at flossing and brushing, good for a watch but didn't keep up the quality

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One of my all time favorites

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Fantastic series, totally recommend to watch.. it's very hard to end this kind of shows but ending somehow was good.. I'm going to miss the Vikings.

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I finally finished it
all I want to say besides all the bad reviews and criticism this show got after Ragnar's demise
it still a good show and the closest to my heart after game of thrones I truly love it

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What can I say... from the start tis show was promising and didn't disappoint! I is awesome and it is a MUST see, so make sure you binge on it.
The life of the main charracters is amazing and you get attached to them. enjoy watching.

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Shout by ALI - 88

Great show and I'm actually glad it ended with season 6. It's Vikings some super perfect ending for the heroes (using that word lightly because they weren't exactly better than the enemies).. But I am surprised when I finished the last season I saw many reports another was coming and hadn't heard it was done until I Googlede it.

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Great show, this show has raised my interest in the northern mythology

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wonderful visuals costumes slightly plodding

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One of my favorite tv show. I love the Vikings age and it’s really close to the reality

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Awesome show, one of my Favorites ever, it's made as close to History as they can get it.

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One of the best shows on TV. Must watch.

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Oh my God! What a waste of time. I watched about 5 or 6 episodes before giving up. If some mythology with a high budget is your thing, then go ahead, by all means. That is, if cringey battles, where a bunch of severely outnumbered and outmatched vikings somehow emerge victorious, are your thing. I prefer some realism, especially when it comes to battles. This series has none.

The main character also has a very weird looking expression, I can never tell whether he's being sarcastic, sad, funny, serious, or maybe he just isn't a good actor.

Personally I decided to stop asking myself "huh, what are the odds?" and put those hours of my life to better use.

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Shout by Deleted

Great show lots of action great story plot it's not a slow is game of thrones

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Shout by Deleted

Best historical serie. Nothing bad to tell, Ragnar is the one and Ivar will be doing a great job to ensures his thrones. Can't wait to see season 5B. Never deceiving. The death of Ragnar and the takeover of Ivar give a new breath to the show. Iconic.

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Shout by Deleted

This is my new TV Series obsession. Just made it through Season 2 last night and I am so hooked. My wife started watching them with me and she too is now hooked. A+++

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Great series. A must watch

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Vikings is a good series.
I love the historical legends and mythology of this show. It's so exciting to see the difference and sameness of the cultures and countries.
The cast is very great, except the main character Ragnar, he is really unsympathetic written and the actor always has the same face.

I can recommend Vikings.

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Here we go/good Ivar now you frighten

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The beginning of a good season. And a nice tv

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Shout by Deleted

So so so underrated because of airing beside GoT

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Interestingly, Russian television already has shown 19 and 20 series of 4 seasons.

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Shout by Deleted
BlockedParent2017-01-18T22:52:34Z— updated 2017-01-21T02:43:01Z

It's Great Value GoT, but unlike GoT which only really used sex in its early seasons to boost ratings Vikings shoehorns it in more and more to try and keep viewers interested. The Wessex scenes are actually somehow more interesting than the show's main focus.


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Shout by tropolite

Amazing series... The actors nail it and there are truly stunning panoramic shoots. Someone here suggested the series is over, however we still have another half of this season to go, and the next season is already locked in. #Ragnar

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Shout by Deleted

#Vikings ... another good #Kodi&Kuddle candidate

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Gripping series but I despair of the amount of real fur being worn. Yes, I know it's helps with the authenticity, but how authentic is it to have Vikings conversing in English????
Many will roll their eyes up to the sky, but this is the 21st century and the mindless slaughter of animals for their fur for fashion should have died a long time ago, let alone for a TV show regardless of 'authenticity'.

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This is another series I have had on my "Try It Out" list, and this past week I did. I was afraid it was going to be too gory, and although it is very violent there is great story telling, good performances, and, perhaps, some credible history. I'm enjoying the binge of catching up. I give it an 8 (great) out of 10

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Shout by Deleted

Sorry I meant to say I thought it was Back on 1st December 2016

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Shout by Deleted

Back on 1st December 2016

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I always thought that there was not show that described the Viking age in such an interesting way. Great characters especially Ragnar and Rollo but also great plot like Season 2. Looking forward to more seasons.

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Shout by Deleted

Next season will be 30 November

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i wan't to see the episode

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The series really starts off strong and like many others losses its momentum slowly, I think that any history lover or medieval fan should watch this, the characters are excellent and the photography is superb.

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Shout by Deleted

does anyone know when it will air next season?

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Shout by Deleted

Really a great show! Travis Fimmel is a superb actor. I can't miss any episodes. I love Viking history.

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Absolutely fantastic! Viking history is quite fascinating and i can't get enough of this series.

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best tv series as far as im concerned great story watched all episodes just brill

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Shout by Deleted

This is the best historical tv show, and the seasons keep getting better...

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Only started watching this last week and it is amazing! One of my favorite shows at the moment!

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This show is just pure epic- and badassness.

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Shout by Deleted

really cool serie,nice scenes with quality of story

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Shout by Deleted

love love love the vickings

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Shout by Deleted

I go back and forth about whether Vikings or Game of Thrones is my favorite show, but who cares? They are both awesome.

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Shout by Deleted

We need more seasons please!

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vikings is so epic, must watch!

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it's really gorgeous, amazing characters and beautiful locations!

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I would like to know what happened to the naming of the show also. It appears to still work in Kodi when titled as "Vikings".

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vikingler? new series title? WTF

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Shout by Deleted

Great show! Recommend Vikings to all friends!

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Shout by Deleted

Great show

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cool and best series odin

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Shout by Deleted

really solid show. the story is really fun. the characters are absolutely captivating. largatha absolutely kicks ass.

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Great show...

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Shout by Deleted

This is my favorite show i love it and i cant wait for season 3 (via TV Closet for Windows 8.1)

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