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The Imitation Game 2014

The Imitation Game was a fairly typical and good biopic, even if it did stray a lot from the reality of the events. Turing definitely wasn't the lone wolf who single-handedly cracked Enigma he's portrayed as being, and was in fact supported by thousands of people, with many playing integral roles that don't even get mentioned in the movie. Most of the dramatic conflicts in the movie are just completely made up, with the real Turing being well-liked by his colleagues, not being so in the closet, not having issues with his superiors, never being threatened with getting fired, having entirely different bookends to his relationship with his fiancee and a far less "simple" end to his life. In fact, Joan Clarke never experienced such pressure from her parents and women in Bletchley Park outnumbered men four to one, so a major part of her role was practically fiction and just "hurr, women had it so tough back then" which, while it was indeed the case, isn't something that this particular story should be representing.

Of course, this is a dramatic movie so it does make sense to have some artistic liberties taken but at this point the entire movie's "based on a true story" only so far as its plot synopsis is accurate. In adapting it to a movie, there were also a number of unconvincing contrivances and convenient coincidences to move the plot along, with your typical chance happening causing a eureka moment, as well as entirely downplaying his homosexuality, presumably to appeal to a larger (older) audience. Now, excusing all the historical inaccuracies and keeping in mind it is meant to be just a movie, it's still enjoyable. Cumberbatch is fantastic, even though Turing's personality is largely exaggerated, and the rest of the cast are good too, even if the story doesn't care about any of them. Desplat's score's great as usual and there was a surprising number of comedic moments which I wasn't expecting at all from the promotional material. There was too much repetition of aphorisms and wink wink casual mentions of things that had happened earlier in the movie which all seemed pretty forced. If you're okay with biopics completely misrepresenting their historical figures, it's a pretty good movie.

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Shout by Soraia Silva
BlockedParent2015-03-06T10:54:33Z— updated 2017-08-18T01:20:52Z

I really loved the movie and the great performance of Cumberbatch. Alan Turing was a real hero and never recognized like that. Knowing that this happen in secret and only was revealed 50 years later…What more we don’t know?

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It was inspirational and actually it doesn't matter how accurate they told the story of Alan Turing because it wasn't an academical writing or biography, it's just a movie to make you realise that Alan Turing changed the world. I intend to do further search about Alan Turing and I think what makes the movie successful is curiosity that audiences feel. Not every movie can achieve that

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Imitation? then someone lost that game. The real Turing had nothing to do with the portrayal done by Broomface Cumberbatch. It's like hesaid "meh, let's just make a not funny Sheldon Cooper". And he has been doing the same character everywhere... The movie also fails to portray the real development of the Enigma machine. They show it as the work of just one man everyone thinks he is crazy, when it was the product of several teams with hundreds of people. And most of the key events were just made up.

But at least the movie serves to teach people about the life (or at least the existence) of a great man who was forgotten by history, so that's why I still give it an 8. Also, it never gets boring, it's enjoyable, even if you already know they are making up most of it.

It shouldn't be classified as biopic, but as historical fiction.

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Benedict Cumberbatch is fantastic in this movie. I really dug this. Love movies set during WWII and this one encapsulates it brilliantly. Felt they did the story justice while also having an underlying message on acceptance.

Score: 90%
Verdict: Excellent

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The acting is just amazing and the story in itself is as well. It is so sad what happened to this great mind – the actors and team involved here did a really great job paying homage to this great person!

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Really, really beautifully done. Amazing cast, and while liberties were taken with some of the facts, it was for the benefit of the story, which conveyed the vital points of Turing's story quite well. Poor man, largely unappreciated in his time.

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Third-time watch. A very underrated performance by Benedict...

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A woman and a gay man. They basically saved 14 million people. Probably saved you.

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The movie may not be historically accurate, as many have stated before me, but I have to disagree with whoever said Benedict's performance wasn't at least great. I would actually argue it was exceptional, personally. This man never seizes to awe me with his talent. Of course, the other lead performances were good as well, even though I always find Keira Knightley a bit bland.

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Incredible movie. No expectation and, I really enjoyed it. It's a movie every movie nerd should see for sure. From direction to dialogue, it's a masterpiece

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I watched this movie for two reasons:
1) Benedict Cumberbatch
2) The sheer number of times it was mentioned in my Foundations in CS class

It surpassed all expectations.

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Ok movie with great performance by Cumberbatch.

As you can read in other comments the movie isn´t 100% true to the historical facts. Even without knowing that I thought the plot itself to superfical. They touched a lot of topics without exploring any one deeper.

For me Cumberbatch carries this movie, without him it would have been a mediocre one.

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Interesting movie but historically inaccurate. Smells like propaganda…

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Fantastic movie, very well directed, loved the telling the narrative from the three different points of time, Great performance from all, but absolutely from Cumberbatch........

Alan Turing, a british war hero treated disgracefully by the society of the time.....If only he knew how he was regarded now.....born before his time, but exactly when he was needed

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Shout by Sofia

It had been on the must-see list for some time and I finally made up my mind to watch it: it became my favorite movie.

Alan Turing is the one who allowed the birth of the most modern technologies and who allowed millions of people to survive a war that could destroy Europe. Thanks to him we have everything that is needed in everyday life today.
He lived a life dedicating himself to the study and work he loved, unfortunately he did not manage to get the necessary thanks in life and was not treated in the way he deserved.

The movie manages to retrace his life, bringing so strong and heavy emotions to the screen that they can only make you empathize with Alan. Benedict Cumberbatch did an impeccable job, he brought to the screen the dilapidated life of that poor man who has seen his commitment thrown away and only being evaluated for his sexual orientation.

Movie full of emotions, which leads to knowing the man that Alan was and the innovation he brought to the world.

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Interesting story about Alan Turing and his part in the Second World War. Fairly well located with good production design. Benedict Cumberbatch is currently one of the most prolific actors gaining ground in industry; in this film, plays almost another Sherlock but manages to distance himself from him so that at the end of the film with his final scene shows his talent for playing different characters.

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I really enjoyed this movie, well written and well acted. But seeing its competition for the Oscars I'm afraid it wont stand a chance for best movie.

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Shout by Deleted

I really liked it and I actually searched about what really happened and it was incredible! A #mustsee.

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What a good film displaying the untold story of the group (more so the individual) responsible for deciding Nazi messages during the war that ultimately was the reason behind victory. Edge of your seat stuff as they do a good job honing in on the thought process and stress of it all in Alan Turning who boldly goes against order to create a different way to accomplish the task and how it is such a huge affect not being able to get the credit and keeping it all a secret.

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I like Imitation Game and Cumberbatch is obviously great in it. His performance as Turing might resemble Sherlock Holmes a little bit too much, though.

Although I like it, it bothers me how many “creative liberties” they have taken with the story and characters. Some deeper investigation reveals that most of it is simply incorrect or extremely exaggerated. So much, that the real story gets lost. That’s a shame.

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“The Imitation Game" was a pleasant surprise for me too! It's one of those movies my fiance picked out, and I wasn't sure if it would be my cup of tea, but boy, was I wrong! Benedict Cumberbatch's performance as Alan Turing was absolutely captivating, and the story had me hooked from start to finish. It's a gripping tale of brilliance, sacrifice, and triumph that left me thinking long after the credits rolled. Definitely a film worth watching, even if you're not sure it's your thing!

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Usually don’t like movies about history but this did a great job making me care for something I haven’t experienced. Great acting by Benedict and the emotional scenes were handled well. Such a tragedy that even after preventing the deaths of tens of millions he was betrayed by his own country.

Rating: 7.5/10

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Oh my God, this movie is a masterpiece. I did not expect that, and there is not a dull moment in the movie. Great acting from all the actors, especially Peter Cumberbatch, and the soundtrack is beautiful. This movie is definitely one of the best movies I have ever seen.

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A powerful and well-crafted spy thriller, The Imitation Game looks at one of the most extraordinarily chapters of World War II. The story follows the British cryptography program lead by mathematician Alan Turing as he and his team work to develop a way to break the encryption code of the German Enigma machine. Starring Benedict Cumberbatch, Keira Knightley, Matthew Goode, and Mark Strong, the cast is quite impressive, and delivers some excellent performances. Cumberbatch in particular does an incredible job at depicting a socially awkward genesis. However, there are a few points where the film loses focus at the end; attempting to insert a political message about the treatment of homosexuals. Still, overall The Imitation Game is a fascinating tale about the battles fought behind-the-scenes of World War II.

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Not sure what’s worse, the writing or the main actor. Only worth watching for Keira Knightley, and Keira Knightley only.

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It was good and all but I can only take so much lies. It would have been great if only it was more accurate but other than that it was fine especially Keira Knightley. I did not like her on the Pirates movies but she was excellent on this one.

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Only mildly interesting, not sure why this one is so highly regarded. I get that it’s somewhat based on a true story but from a simple minded movie viewer like myself, it was like a much less entertaining version of A Beautiful Mind.

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In "The Imitation Game," Benedict Cumberbatch plays Alan Turing, a British genius who helped bring an end to World War II through computer science and math. The film, which is set in the 1930s and beyond, has an "Oscar bait" feel to it but manages to tell the story of a complex man who struggles to fit in with society. Cumberbatch does a great job of portraying Turing's brilliance, failures, persistence and cerebralness, while the supporting cast of Keira Knightley and Matthew Goode complement him well. Although the film may not be the most thrilling story, it stands out for its uniqueness compared to many other films that have come out since its release.

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Miss yang has played this every single fun maths lesson. Great movie just why in maths

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such a good movie.. Cumberbatch is a great actor

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“Sometimes it’s the people no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.”

An incredible movie, truly. I cried in the end :sob:. Though clearly dramatized for the silver screen, Alan Turing's life was incredible and I hope he's at peace.

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Fascinating, but grossly historically incorrect (see wikipedia page of the movie)

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Kept my attention, would watch again

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You you're wondering whether to watch it or not then don't think just watch this it's a great movie with accordance with real life just like Chernobyl if you've seen that I don't need to tell further.

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A decent film about Turing's life (Benedict did his job well). The enigma itself, however, is somewhat in the shadow, as well as the earlier history of mathematicians involved in deciphering it before the war, without which the end result would probably be more spread over time.

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How Turing and his team cracked the German engima encryption machine during WW 2 in the UK.

It is entertaining to watch, educating historically. I think they should have actually explained Christopher and Engima a tad bit better, as it I think it wouldn't have been too hard if they showed us visually.

I was afraid it would actually not handle Turing's homosexuality, but thankfully I was wrong and it became a major topic in the second part of the movie.

Even if you are reducing the length of a WW by at least two years, it does not save you from some hypocrites jailing you in because they can't accept your sexuality.

There are quite some historic inaccuaries in the movie, but that doesn't reduce the enjoyment of it at all.

Rating: 9/10

"Fun" fact: Directed or produced by Harvey Weinstein...
Fun fact: Luckily we Germans are too tidy. The UK decrypter is based off the Polish Bombe. The Germans did wire the QWERTZ keys to...ABCDEF. You can't make that up.

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Pretty good movie, interesting plot and good characters, but too long with some unecessary scenes. In reality, it could have been a much shorter movie since the main part can be explanied in 10 minutes.

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A tidy biopic on the delicate genius that was Alan Turing and his harsh, repeated personal violations at the hands of the state. It can feel overly traditional in places - structurally it's a movie I've seen a thousand times before - but I really enjoyed the performances and the angular look given to its cast. Nobody's a complete saint or sinner, even Turing himself, and the film is at its best exploiting those hidden character motivations and personality quirks.

Benedict Cumberbatch is the most visible performer, of course, engulfing the screen as the intensely-awkward codebreaker who possesses neither wit nor tact. A kind of autist savant, he's very good at one thing and that is not social interaction. I was more impressed with Keira Knightley, though, as his fiancee-of-convenience, Joan Clarke. Her eyes dazzle with caged intellect, as much a victim of the era of misogyny as Turing was to a jealous, homophobic witch-hunt. Together the two positively vibrate, a beautiful partnership that was ultimately bound to self-destruct.

Deeply interesting and quite often moving, it's an oddly cathartic experience despite the dark ending.

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Es una muy buena película, ya que permite conocer de una manera espectacular la biografía y hazaña de Alan Turing, el cuál es protagonizado además por un excelente actor como lo es Benedict Cumberbatch. :star::star::star::star::star:

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Benedict is a great actor. Amazing movie.

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Wirklich einer der besten Filme die ich je gesehen habe. Nur zu empfehlen!

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I REALLY loved this movie. What a great acting from Benedict! I didn't know the movie was about Alan Turning , honestly. Mind blowing for me later.

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Compelling and enthralling from start to finish.

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Great movie. Great acting. Great soundtrack. 8/10

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Loved this movie. An account of WWII code crackers based in Britain subtly based on the truth.

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This movie is absolute masterpiece!

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That's called a masterpiece!
This movie shared the story of Alan in a special way,and for the first time in my life i like a homo-sexual movie character
I was really shocked at the end of the movie when i figured out that he committed suicide

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Shout by Deleted

I love movies that portray the stories of great men and women - even though I cannot say if it is accurate - but what I love even more is the amazing portrayal of, in this case, Turing by Benedict Cumberbatch. Well done!

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Shout by Deleted

Benedict Cumberbatch is an amazing actor and he plays Alan Turing really well. Alan Turing is a fairly unkown man, who made a start to what we know from computers now.

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Rent it: great story I see why it was Oscar nominated. Great visual reproduction of the time period.

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Excellent movie,one of the best in 2014 no doubt. Fantastic performance by mr Holmes.

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Shout by Deleted

I liked this movie, 8

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what a movie! . .

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Thought provoking and revealing; just how close is this to the events of the time, who knows?

Alan was rather a social outcast it seems, but, the entire world has much to thank him for, without exception.

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Putting aside the wink wink nudge nudge (as Dr. Edward Feser would say) directed to the LGTB movement and the nowadays feminist movement, I can say this is a very good movie and you should watch it.

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Excelente filme, valeu cada minuto em frente a tv, ótima atração.

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Shout by Deleted

One of the best movies this year

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Was good and I really liked it, I just think it was a little too much with the character of Turing (despite that Cumberbatch has been excellent with his performance) about his personality and the way he treated everyone, but in general was ok, well written and directed.

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filme fantástico, ótimas atuações e roteiro bem escrito. é um daqueles filmes que vai estar sempre na minha lista de favoritos e de recomendações.

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A great movie that made me thing an research about Alan Turing's machine!

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