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The Tomorrow War 2021

If you are a syfi and action movie fanatic this is for you. Some comedy scenes were not funny some actors did not belong in this movie. All in all this is not the worst movie of 2021. Watchable.

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Extremely forgettable , predictable and uninteresting

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I really wanted it to be as epic as 'Independence Day' or 'War if the Worlds'.
But it wasn't.
It's fun to watch, but it's nothing special.

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I regret watching this unoriginal crappy movie.

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A tad overlong and some of the scenes could definitely have done with being edited down. However, it is still a fun watch, with some decent special effects, a nice sense of humour, and a good story. It's a shame this didn't receive a cinema release as it would have looked outstanding, but still good to get the opportunity to see it at home.

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Superb. This goes right below The Great Wall on my list of vicious ugly MF creatures movies. Wonderful visuals, good cast, great execution of intense fights against the creatures scenes.

Enjoyed it a lot except for the on set sound recording and post processing of the dialogues audio. The over use of reverb was a little annoying especially in locations where there shouldn't be any. But that's just me, don't let that ruin the great experience.

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Started off as a half decent action movie till the truly horrible third act.

Why would the government not help kill them under the ice, they were quick enough to believe 'the future people'? Just so you can have your small group of outcasts save the world? Why go through more than half of the movie to help 'the future people' and then barely use what you fought for, the toxin? Terrible writing.

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Shout by ner0
BlockedParentSpoilers2021-07-03T15:36:01Z— updated 2021-07-05T01:12:24Z

Simply unbearable. A bad combo of concepts from previous works of fiction. Decades into the future, fighting swats of primal creatures/aliens (go figure that contradiction), using foot soldiers and rudimentary weapons, really? "It's not a souvenir, it's a reminder" - who writes this bull?

Also, the part where Dan Forester meets the female colonel played by Yvonne, that was a cliché of epic proportions.

Main flaw though: too long for a mediocre film.

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A war following the principles of the universe, the strongest eats the weakest, ends up becoming an ode to the family.

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Enjoyable despite some glaring issues and a silly final act. The premise is kinda interesting, but it also makes no sense that they'd send people into the future to fight in the war. It would make way more sense to evacuate the future into the past, then spend 30 years working together and planning how to win the war when it eventually comes.

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Excellent summertime popcorn type of movie. Just sit back and enjoy.

This movie has a little bit of everything in it, Terminator, Back to the Future, Alien, Predator, The X-Files: I Want to Believe. What's not to like?

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Not recommended at all.
I found the acting really bad.
The overall movie was long, and tedious. the storyline was ok-ish.
You would think of a better ending on some of the characters.
It reminded of 90/00 catastrophe movies that was badly shot with low budget.
2h of my.lofe that I would never get back.

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Holy Macaroni Hotdog and Balloni

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Think combination of "The Terminator" and "Alien" with a considerable lighter feel. The movie was by no means "funny" or even comical, but it wasn't as dark as either of the above movies. It was highly enjoyable...the full 2+ hours of it. Apart from the opening few minutes (setting the stage), it was edge-of-your-seat intense action. Granted, parts of it were predictable, but the ending was still enjoyable. Kudos to whomever did the musical score for the movie; it was great throughout. Cinematography was amazing, the lighting through the entire movie was excellent, and they didn't "hide" the creatures as some sci-fi/horror producers like to do. The alien creatures were extremely well-designed and fully visible throughout the movie...not cloaked in darkness or only half-seen in two or three scenes. The story was well done and the acting was superb. This ranks as one of the best movies I've watched in quite some time. Highly recommended!

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It does exactly what you'd expect from a movie with this kind of premise to do, it entertains.

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Thought it was a ton of fun. Very high concept, great action, great scifi themes.

Not sure how rewatchable it is, unlike the similarly-themed End Of Tomorrow (which I've seen a dozen times).

Sam Richardson is clearly the best part of the movie, tied maybe with Cowan aka Mr. Slice aka The Spoonman.

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This is one nice movie of it's kind. Highly enjoyable and recommended movie including time travel and aliens running around with superb CGI. Apart of some small details, everything was amazing.

Tbh, I was expecting the end of the movie somehow different. When they blew up the alien ship and after a while everything was ok, I expected to see another alien ship buried somewhere else which would mess everything again. It would have provided an option for a sequel.


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Edge of Tomorrow surprisingly worked. The Tomorrow War unsurprisingly didn't.

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The chef left logic on the shelf when baking this cake. "What?" and "Why?" were questions I asked myself endlessly the entire movie.

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Ignore the nattering naybobs of negativity, throw a couple of bags of Pop Secret in the microwave, then, sit back and enjoy a pretty good, fun Alien invasion movie. Part "Independence Day", part "War of the Worlds, with a healthy dose of "Edge of Tomorrow" thrown in just for kicks. Watch it for a bearded, "JACKED" J.K. Simmons, as the guy people are talking about when they say "I know a guy", when something shady has to be done. Watch it to see "Chloe O' Brian" back in action, rockin' a full auto P90 to save her people. Watch to see the high school science nerd finally get his due. Watch it to see a Sci Fi movie where all the brothers don't die, unless it's heroically. Watch it because all the "experts" and "critics" are throwing shade and dumping on a movie that the audience has consistently scored above 80% and praised it for being "well worth the watch". Watch it because it will be 2 years before we can see Chris Pratt in "Guardians of the Galaxy 3"

But mostly, just watch it because it's a pretty good "popcorn" movie that you really might enjoy.

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Enjoyable action film but any movie that uses time travel as a plot device in its story will always be fatally flawed and this film is no exception to that rule. There is only a few movies/ shows that have implemented time travel without massive contradictions in its content.

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Great action packed movie that plays off of the sci-fi classics without falling into the clichés.

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So barring the ridiculous time travel plot holes and that for some reason no one thought of using explosive ammunition rounds/armor piercing round as a standard for the military when it’s obvious just how useless normal bullets are against these aliens. It was a fine sci-fi action movie. Enjoyable to watch the actual action parts, but right from the start it bugged me how illogical many parts of the movie are. Also that last part of the government not helping them was beyond dumb. In the end, just too many parts irk you along the way in such an obvious manner it’s not possible to fully enjoy the movie. Visually and acting wise it was well done however.

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Pretty dope flick. Think of every last sci-fi movie made in the last 30 years thrown into a blender. This is what comes out.

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Amazon without a doubt is the best, movie :movie_camera: for no one to put faults. I was longing for science fiction of that level.

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Another entry in the "Tomorrow" franchise.
Didn't like this one so much. Edge of Tomorrow and The Day After Tomorrow were way better. At least it was better than Tomorrowland but Tomorrow Never Dies is still my favorite movie in this series.

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Solid movie, enjoyable to watch.

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Kind of lazy and derivative, poor character development and fairly obvious plot.
Could have been much better, the basic idea isn't super original but offers a lot of options to work with.

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Pretty boring action that lacks imagination and creativity, trying to compensate with CGI, quantity and by imitating other movies. All without success.

But the worst part is for sure the incredibly stupid plot. Even by genre standards.

The only decent parts are the performances of Simmons (little screen time) and Strahovski (more screen time, but only a few good scenes).

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Oh my God this is a terrible terrible excuse for a film.
Okay in a predictable way till the final third and then it descended into the worst film of the year
I mean none of it made any logical sense but I wasn't really expecting any logic, but this was just plain infuriating and awful

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Truly retarded and anyone who liked it is too.
Seriously, that was mean, but COME ON.... this felt like trolling. Nothing at all made even a tad of sense. Zero logic. There are so many things just terribly wrong with this I can't even be bothered to list them.

The only part that was good was the black side kick saying shit 50x's in a row. That was comedy gold right there.

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This was surprisingly good. I had no doubts about the cast- Chris Pratt (who also produced), Yvonne Strahovski and JK Simmons are on my must watch list. The premise was a good take on “saving the future from the past”. The special effects where great. And, my criteria for a good action movie always includes heart and Pratt and Strahovski played it beautifully. I give this film an 8 (Great) out of 10. [Action, Adventure SciFi]

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That was a lot of fun and some good action with a sense of humor and good job from chris pratt.

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A great action sci-fi movie, Chris is awesome. Grab some popcorns and enjoy it this weekend.

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This is an awesome movie. High octane sci-fi.

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I put this one off because my expectations were low, but this was really enjoyable. The creatures were great, the varied locations made if feel epic. It borrowed a little bit of all the best of all sci-fi creature features, and stirred them around a bit.

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Shitty movie with such a bad script !Like, in this time of COVID, not one government is capable of working with another one, but when a bunch of kid from the future came to help, every one send there citizen to death, no problemo. And, when they capture the mama alien, why dont they send her to the past to make the toxin with more time.

And, at last, they can't send people if you are alive at tthe arrival point, but what about the "future kid" stuck in the "present" at the end ? Will they commit suicide ? It is a genocide then ?

When you make a film about time travelling, the result is always shitty.

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Longer than necessary. In 1h30 it could tell the story perfectly. Good action scenes, but the movie does not bring anything new.

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The first half was completely forgettable. Like 90% of action movies, to be fair. But the second half is just plain dumb.

How much longer until we get to see Yvonne Strahovski in a movie worth of her talent? :weary:

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Appalling in every respect. Its just so unbelievable that the main characters survive. Watch anything else, oh except, The settlers..

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A mix of Spielberg's "War of the Worlds", John Carpenter's "The Thing" and "Battle of Los Angeles", plus a time travel element thrown in for good measure.

I hate to say this but it's a turn-off-your-brain kind of movie. There's some good effects, some not so good effects, and a cornball family story. Chris Pratt is good in the lead role. It's very predictable and characters do dumb things that create suspense. The last act features some absurd action and is overloaded by hero moments. All those negative things aside, I did enjoy it for the popcorn movie that it is.

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So this movie is getting a sequel, but not Live Die Repeat.

Life is just not fair.

Also, what a generic 'Hollywood' title. What's even more generic is that Chris Pratt's character is a family man who's saving the world because he loves his wife and daughter. I honestly want to see a movie where the action hero hates his family and goes on the mission just to get away from them.

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Decent summer evening scifi flick. To truly enjoy it though you need to engage your inner Pratt and not think about it too much.

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Monsters/visuals look cool, but nothing can save this movie from the incredible stupidity and plot holes in this film. The more you think about it… the dumber it gets.

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Like an Instagram influencer, it looks good but when it speaks you see how shallow it is.

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Watch for mindless entertainment. Don’t even bother trying to question the logic because there is none. I still can’t believe a bunch of successful movie creators got together & thought this was a good idea.

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Great movie, from the 1st contact with aliens it’s a trill ride. The CGI is really good, the aliens are mean as hell, and it all blends well with time travel and a story of family. If you have a great audio system, crank it up!

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It was heartfelt and packed with action with some laughs here and there. It was better than I expected it to be.

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Silly premise, decent brainless action and sci-fi mix, and a glorious buffed up bearded badass J.K. Simmons.

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good divertissement but not so great piece of the seven art

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Watched it in two parts. First part was boring and silly. Second part was excellent, but still silly. Yvonne acted very well and Pratt was pretty good. Great sound design!

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It’s not the best movie ever story wise. But I enjoyed it anyway.

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I am absolutely certain this script was written by GPT-3. I can't think of an excuse for the director though.

Just watch Edge of Tomorrow instead. It is a much better movie with a more reasonable script compared to this mess.

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World of disaster and check that this thing looks good. Absolutely got it right the first time.

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The plot was (is) basic, I know, I was expecting the special effects, acting and action scenes to be mildly good ... I was wrong.

This movie is not worth wasting time, there are many better ones in the same genre.

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This was pretty stupid in a lot of ways. But unless a lot of other stupid popcorn movies I was entertained :)

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Interesting enough. The time travel stuff didn't make too much sense to me but everthing else was pretty neat. Liked the monster designs. Wish someone would try to think of some new monster sounds though. I feel like these days every movie monster either clicks or growls.

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I'm sorry but this just feels like a political agenda dressed up to be a SciFi movie. That final act revealing that with the polar ice caps melting, "we don't know what we could wake up or reveal".... just felt too much like something an "activist" or politician pitched to a movie producer...

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An okay but overlong first act setup is followed by a solid and action-packed second act, which in turn is followed by a meltdown of epic proportions. Everything about the setup to that climactic covert mission ts beyond stupid. Every single thing. They. Have. The. Toxin. Sadly, they also have a false and almost laughable sense of urgency because...well, DRAMA!!! Between that and the trite epilogue, this thing really limps to the finish line. The only reason why I'm grading it slightly above average is because the second act, in particular, is so entertaining. But that third act? It would get one star, and only because I can't give it zero.

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It's one of the worst screenplays I've ever seen.
The only coherent part is the spaceship that appears at the end. Still, they manage to screw it up too, get into Russia undetected with an old plane?
Time travel with an unknown technology and an unknown source of energy.
Horrible movie, don't waste your time with this basophy.

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It starts as another recurring "time-travel, sci-fi movie with an balanced dose of action and couldn't manage to be a good movie for handful of reasons" kind of a movie. Goes in that way too not gonna lie. Chris Pratt's acting made pretty much %90 of my 6 point. Other %10 goes to csar and spec-ops elements in the movie (good for my personal taste).

Laughed out loud in bunch of scenes 'cause they didn't make any sense. Felt like watching Fast & Furious or some other ridiculously-actioned movie with some total non-sense of scenes. Some logical errors on the way and going the easy and usual way of story telling which comes to me as lazy and bad in 2021. Can be watched but you wouldn't lose anything if you don't.

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Comment 1: I’ll.never get past Yvonne Strahovski being Serena Joy.
Comment 2: Movies like this are why people don’t believe in climate change.

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This movie is quite a mess. It starts like Starship Troopers and then makes some very rediciolus choices and becomes Alien VS Predator..
Overall watchable, but it's not good. And it's too long for itself.

they managed to create more toxins somehow but had no support for their trip so they flew by themselves all the way to fkn Siberia and crashed the plane on the snow! OK!! And thank God they had that school kid to save the world...
Btw Hollywood over compensation: all actors accept leads are Black.. why not just make it natural..

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The tomorrow I wanna forget.

predictable pants. kids film.

It's like a Roland Emmerich movie without the plethora of unbelievable near deaths,. Still a lot of 'they didn't get killed by that massive fireball' scenes

The aliens look alright.

Another Sunday afternoon, whilst eating dinner movie.

Steals from starship troopers, independence Day, the thing. But lacks anything that made them great.

every other line in the first 15mins is a setup to a later solution.

Oh and Betty Gilpin is just wasted playing the standard wifey.

I'm not gonna say anything about the FUCKING PARADOXICAL SITUATION!!!

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I kind of enjoyed it, but it was pretty much just Starship Troopers with no boobies.

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Predicted the cause within the first few minutes of the movie. They made it too obvious with the timeline, the climate imagery in the school, the digging, and the fact that the aliens just appeared one day without a grand entrance. The film was also rife with the characters making painfully obvious mistakes and illogical choices so the plot could go on longer. BUT it was still a fun action movie. The fam might even enjoy it a second time better, after getting the yelling at the screen out of our systems.

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From start to finish one of the dumbest movies I watched in a long time.
The premise is only 5s interesting, before you start to think about it. Thinking is overall the problem. Cannot recommend while watching. Almost no point in this world is thought through. Like a 15-year-old wrote the script. One bad decision of the characters after the other. They cannot decide how the timestuff works, but not like other movies. It's like they've not even tried.

It hurt while watching.

Just a tiny bit of this flawed world they created: If you know where they appear, when they jump in time, and you know they fall 1-2m. Every time. Wouldn't you put some mattresses at ´that place? They don't they stand beside and watch them hitting the concrete floor with their faces. And if you assume that it would kinda like the first time, then you would probably protect the future of your world in a glass! test tube, than in your hand. Maybe your body decides to use that hand to smooth the hit.

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The basic idea isn't bad, but it got turned into a pretty good mindless and predictable action slugfest. With a lot less time spent shooting or exploding things, and instead invested in developing the actual story in a sane way, this might have been a petty good movie. Who knows, maybe the original script actually was good before it got "fixed".

In this state, it's mindless alien action thing no one will ever remember. It like the original independence day, but a lot worse, and that had Jeff Goldblum, who was actually funny. Chris Pratt got wasted on this, he was just terrible in this.

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Makes me more appreciative that we’re (eventually) getting a sequel to Edge of Tomorrow.

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Mehh, not too good. Starship Troopers was more entertaining to me.

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It's a nice movie if you don't think too hard. Or at all. Don't think when you watch this movie and it's pretty good. I hadn't seen any trailers or read anything about this movie beforehand so I went in completely blind. I was pleasantly surprised at the budget Amazon put in for this movie; it's definitely huge summer blockbuster type stuff. The monsters and CGI all look really cool, and they didn't hold back on the set design. That being said, the number of plot holes in this movie is almost impressive. Actually, nope, I'm definitely impressed at how LITTLE realistic substance is actually in this movie. "But it's a sci-fi with time travel and aliens--" NO, I'm gonna stop you right there. You can have time travel and aliens and still acknowledge that if someone is falling hundreds of feet into a rooftop swimming pool, they're probably not going to survive, and you see that in the frickin' trailer. If you're expecting something that will really get your mind turning, The Tomorrow War will at most make your mind turn OFF. But hey, Chris Pratt looks good, right?

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i definitely didn't expect to enjoy this movie this much! :)

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You need to lave now. You have to move, Dan. You need to get out of there, Dan. Dan, get out of there. DAN YOU NEED TO MOVE NOW! (Literally as the characters are running away from the drop zone)

Alright movie, terrible script.

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[Amazon] A shaker of cinematic references that is sometimes agile and sometimes awkwardly mediocre. Better in the "Starship Troopers" part than in the "Alien 2" part, but the whole is scattered, more interested in bringing together all the possible Sci-Fi movies than in having narrative coherence. The entertaining moments are mixed with the boredom of the father-daughter plot, the fireworks are disappointing.

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When you see ripped JK simmons ready for it, you're in. Yes, even if he's not the main guy. Chris Pratt did a pretty good job though, it never felt like too much, he was really good. I would say this move was quite awesome.

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Not bad at all. Terrifying monster design, crisp action, standout performance by Strahovsky keep it afloat despite it being twenty minutes too long. A decent intense sci-fi action flick to tickle your senses.

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The Tomorrow War is another unoriginal,
transcribed alien invasion action-thriller that sets no new benchmarks in the sci-fi genre. With a shorter runtime and tighter screenplay, the movie with its underlying ode to fatherhood could have impacted more than it did. But nevertheless, thanks to charming Chris Pratt , spectacular action set pieces, stunning VFX, and humongous production value which make this one a perfect amazon release for the weekend popcorn flick.

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Full Reviews :

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VFX on steroids. nice. 7.5/10

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Enjoyable, action packed movie with good cgi. Of course many plot holes in the time travel that had me not caring for the emotional parts of the movie. I could care less about the father and daughter goodbye scene because all I could say is, what a waste of time this is since she hasn't even been born yet and if he saves the world everything will be fine. And the guy with cancer, what? they couldn't find a happy ending for him? It's 28 years in the future, are you telling me there's no cure for cancer yet. I guess all that money I donated to find a cure went to good use. I might think of more to say later. Good movie though...

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Maybe a heavy-handed global warming harbinger of climate doom analogy? Probably. Good movie, though. Who doesn't love the cast?

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Best! Finally a great sci fi. 200million :thumbsup:

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Typical alien invasion movie.. a tiny bit better than the norm. One thing no movie ever addresses is - how did the freaky aliens' manage to build that spacecraft? How could they dig the mine that brought up the ore to smelt and shape into metal and then assemble?

This film is full of holes and questions that I can't believe SOMONE somewhere didn't ask - Why? How? and That makes no sense whatsoever!!

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trying to find something to watch? this movie will not let you down. action-packed from start to finish. Chris Pratt was amazing, sexy too but amazing.

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Mindless, no brainer and no logic alien-action movie

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Somebody never heard of big game hunting? Stop using those small size calibre ammo against giant aliens. That is how you get an advantage. And flame throwers.

I'm surprised it took nearly an entire movie to realize the hunting the aliens now, ensures a peaceful future.

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Visually excessive but worth it in almost every big sequence, and there's a lot. I liked a few of the characters, but the comedy could've been better, and the horror when it wasn't actionpacked was fine. It's unforgettable and excessive. Unforgettable for its excessive runtime, cgi, acting, and plot switching. It lost me toward the end, and I was shocked it still went on. The drama and emotional side was what this needed to feel somewhat grounded, but the dialogue was unbearable at times. Decent flick if you're looking for something loud and proud.

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I will rate this movie alien shitass antidote/10

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