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Supernatural 2005

Good show... A shame Season 6 turned out to be a bit too "meaningless" and just plain bad in some episodes.

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Been catching up on this show on Netflix. So many seasons to go through, but this show totally rocks!! ... and the Winchesters... GORGEOUS HOTTIES!!

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dad's on a hunting trip.................................................... and he hasn't been home in a few days....................................................

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SO SO SO SO SO sad it's the last and sick of the urnolists saying it's going on to long I think without a doubt this show could go on for 50 SEASONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
I'm gonna miss you my brothers.... (and of course Cass)

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The ending broke my heart. This is the type of show you never get tired of.

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Even if it felt simple, this ending is awesome. I am satisfied with the ending cz Jack had a true purpose and has fulfilled it, he put everything back to normal.
The ending montage was cherry on top. Got to see so many old characters and events that shaped the series. Truly amazing.
I can't believe the show has ended and I am gonna miss it. I'm gonna miss the Winchesters, Cass and Jack. :cry:

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People hollering about how bad this show is, how silly it is, how the "plot" does not make any "sense" anymore... seriously? When has it ever??? I am still enjoying this ride and will for as long as it will last, given there have been episodes that were just plain awful - except for the music - but hey that's natural, super natural...

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11 years already and still the best show ever

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Best show ever! Definitely. There is not and there will never be such a great show like this. Carry on my wayward son!

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Just learned to its being renewed for Season 8 too. I remember it being hit and miss with a Season 6 or 7, not sure. Honestly surprised its being given another Season. Let's hope they get back on track. I hate seeing a show I loved since it first aired being destroyed slowly.

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Have only gotten into this show couple of years ago, and WOW absolutely love it, a must watch is you love the weird and supernatural things

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Can’t help loving Sam and Dean or the actors, Jensen and Jared, who play them! Amazing fan base, amazing cast... definitely have been and will continue watching this for as long as it plays and even more after that!!

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Loved this series from start to finish

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The first 5 seasons are damn near perfect. The next 5, watchable. Season 11 returns to good storytelling but the final 4 betray just about everything that made this show great a full decade ago.

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I absolutely loved the first few seasons, and considered myself a "big fan" around season 8/9. Honestly, seasons 1-5 are the best and it just goes downhill from there (not necessarily entirely bad, but the show definitely jumps the shark around season 10). The last few seasons have been all over the place, and I seriously considered dropping the show, but decided against it out of spite, and the fact that the few storylines I care about still haven't been concluded.

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I don't have words,for how much i love it. The Best. Love you boys. The Best series ever.

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Totally rock :raised_hands::sunglasses: !!!! I love it :heart_eyes:

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The show has changed a lot but it is running it's course. There have been times when it could have ended but why not let it run its course. I still love it so so much. After swan song the plot has gone all over the place bu still kept its essence, the main characters. They made the show and I will always be a die hard fan x

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makes me wonder why so many people who thought it was bad or was bad after a certain series continued to watch it. if it was as bad as you think. go and watch something else and let the people enjoy it. Give anyone a space to write and they all think they are a critics.

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15 years ago I got my first proper job, bought a DVD player that could handle medias and the first TV Show i watched was "Supernatural" and for 15 years "Supernatural" gave me good memories and will always be close to my heart. Thank you to this wonderful show! 10/10

Note: If you haven't watched Season 15, just stop after Episode 19. The story ends there with a proper ending. You can skip Episode 20 as it is shit.

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Up until season 5 it's perfect. After that it has its ups and downs but it's watchable mostly because of the characters' and the actors' chemistry. After watching the show for so many years, i've come to love it and i'm really going to miss it.
I'm satisfied with the ending even though it wasn't perfect (partly because of the whole covid 19 situation). But is there really such a thing as a 'perfect ending' for a show with so many characters that has gone on for so many years that can please everyone?
Supernatural will always be one of my favourite tv series and i'm definitely going to rewatch it (and probably more than once!).

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It was one of my favorite TV shows. I made it until the season 8, after that I couldn't anymore. Too much dragging, bringing back old characters that nobody gives a shit about it.
I found the main plot so interesting but after season 6 everything just fall apart and the show became something that I can't even explain.
I don't think that I will watch the remaining seasons.... probably gonna see some spoilers around the internet. I don't mind.

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It lets my imagination run wild

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Cankles and Paddlewacky... That absolutely drives my daughters insane when call them that... I know far too much about this show for never watching it haha

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Best Tv Series Ive Ever Seen

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My fave tv show! 13 years and still amazing!

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My favorite TV Show. 13 Years and Still the Best.

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Starting to watch this again, and it's just great. The show now on it's 11th season, it is really good to see how they keep the story of the Winchesters going.

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I love this show. I hate this show. Please cancel this show. Please never cancel this show. I love this show. I hate this show...

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Wish they'd go back to what it's really about, I don't think this will get renewed for anymore seasons, which means no real ending most likely.

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I agree with wanderer. I wonder how much longer the show can continue with the way its going.

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My absolute favorite TV Show.

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Im a sci-fi fan, pretty much space stuff, not into vampires etc. so started watching this show out of lack of shows untouched by "woke bs" , so didnt have any high expectations watching this AT ALL !!!
This show is now tied as my Number 1 show!
It has TONS of humor,action, stories within stories. Hell, im a 46 yr old and the 3rd last and last episodes brought me to tears!
I actually feel pretty sad that i have no more episodes to watch..... So i guess that is a sign its a good show.

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Shout by David "Jock" Church
BlockedParent2019-05-05T11:58:53Z— updated 2019-05-25T10:23:40Z

Good show with some brilliant storylines, I've been watching it on and off since it started, sometimes binge watching whole seasons in a couple of weekends and sometimes not watching an episode for months, still keeps me coming back to watch it

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Only one more season... I'm already getting choked up like I did when the series ER was ending. :cry:

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With clever dialogue and two incredibly-charismatic leads, "Supernatural" rises above most of its genre competition.

Supernatural continues to be one of my favorite shows on television/streaming.

It’s not just the dialogue that's clever, it’s also the way it’s delivered perfectly by each character that makes the it work as well as it does. None of this would be possible without the sensitive, emotional, subtle, and often hilarious performances of Jared Ackles and Jared Padalecki.

It was a show that knew how to expertly balance the overarching plot with monster-of-the-week stories that kept you wanting more.

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This is the most amazing serie that I ever seen. I never been so in awed like I am with those two brothers and the rest of characters that makes the serie so complete. I loved when they did those comedy episodes. I know that most people think that this show has no make sense, especially after season 5. But I don't care, for years and years I have been a fan of Dean and Sam and demons with angels, and all the crap, there is no show like this one for me.

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327 episodes? Damn! That's a helluva way to spend 245¼ hours watching some good TV.

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It is a shame that this show is so overrated because of the young fanbase who fangirl/fanboy over the "good looking" characters. Nor am I saying that this television series is good... because it isn't! It is honestly kind of childish and the supernatural shit is very poorly made. It seems very low budget, idk, maybe it is just me? However, I did not feel thrilled at all when I watched the first few episodes of this, nor did I feel attached to any of the characters. I didn't think the plot was good as well. I guess it is slightly better than the Vampire Diaries/Teen Wolf crap. However, I give this a 3/10. Not even a 4 out of 10 because I do not think it is just a bit poorly made, it is just simply BAD and trash!

Sorry youngsters. I recommend you watch Lost for some real intense supernatural shit ;)

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Supernatural...... My all time favourite, love it!

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People think that is unusual how a tv show like this can last so long. I think is supernatural.

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I liked how the series has started but later teed-off

As suggested by many I have stopped watching at Season5 because I don't have the patience to watch until 13th Season .. Unlike other Long series like Bones , Mentalist there is a clear satisfying conclusion at the End of Season5 . The way season 5 going on I wasn't watching the ending keenly anyway ...

Season 5 ends with a complete, clearly well-planned, climactic confrontation and a final resolution for the characters. The arc that ends in Season 5 is the same arc that begins in Season 1-- what happened to their mother? Why is Sam important? What are the true motivations of the villains?The creator left after Season 5 because the show was over; his intended ending was achieved. Season 6+ is just the network bleeding it until it's bone-dry.

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It was surprisingly pretty good! Remind me of first seasons of the show there Winchesters was a good guys doing the right thing.

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from season 1-5 it's the best paranormal show ever but from season 6 starts to go worse and worse until you get to the season 8, that is one of the ugliest things I've ever watched.
It was my favorite show...

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not the place if youre looking for good storyline! after s7 pretty much gets awful but if youre the pretty little liars, vampire diaries type this is your thing. full of weak female roles, hot guys and stupid romantic subplots. this is the shame of tv at the moment

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Hope this is the last season of the show.
To much dragging and I really start to hate freaking Sam.

They should have killed him off years ago.
Nothing but whining and whining.

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Best Mystery show ever.

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Sam & Dean our 2 favorite brothers, who are willing to fight against evil & God himself to save as all from near death. When there's something strange in the neighborhood & all the creepy crawlies were out there to get you.The Winchester Brothers were there to save the day! I highly recommend to all if your looking for a long term show to watch and grow with. You will not be disappointed.

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I remember when this show was first recommended to me. I looked it up and thought it wasn’t for me, but I’ll give it a shot and see. Fifteenth seasons later and it’s one of my favorite shows of all time.

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everything has its ups and downs, and supernatural has mostly downs, especially in the writing and therefore in the plot after the fifth season. sixth season is the moment of the freefall. But if you want to watch it you should totally do that: music rocks (literally) and the main characters are cool. the only problem is what comes after season five. btw I'm still in denial for the finale episode of season 15 and I don't think I'll ever heal

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everything has its ups and downs, and supernatural has mostly downs, especially in the writing and therefore in the plot after the fifth season. sixth season is the moment of the freefall. if someone's interested in starting this show, that's great, go ahead, but you can stop at 5x22

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Stop watching at 4x22. Maybe i'll start again one day.

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Saw all the seasons !!!!! I m proud. but thé 15th Season is really really Bad . but thank you it was a great show and i cried at the end

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i love this show but you CANNOT take it 100% seriously. at the end of the day its a WB/CW show lol
the only time in the show i really didnt like it was at some point in season 11, but im glad i got through that because it got really good again by season 13 or so.
watched all 15 seasons and promptly restarted watching again, now have watched 19 and a half seasons :sunglasses:

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3 Thoughts After Completing ‘Supernatural’:

  1. Supernatural is a flawed show for sure, but the two charming leads and a tendency to churn out super-creative episodes every once in a while, take this TV tale a level above so many others — and provides enough proof for its incredible longevity.

  2. Considering the inordinate amount of times a character would die and return, and that major biblical characters were portrayed in less-than-epic ways, major stakes were often hard to come by throughout the show’s run. If that hadn’t been the case, the final climactic season — which showcased some of the series’ best arcs — would have been so much more compelling.

  3. Machismo and testosterone ooze through this show, sometimes at eye-rolling levels, and were often the source of many of my complaints. But this also allowed our macho leads to occasionally show their sensitive sides for some poignant (and funny!) moments.

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Very good but I think too many seasons.

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I genuinely love this show so much, the way the characters develop and evolve over the seasons, the emotion, the humour, it all just works in a way I don't see very often.

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lead actors could have said , "lets stop here at season 5 .(as its originally planned to be 5) make it legend "

but. since they were noname actors. they
could not trust themselves ,
wanted to suck it dry,
didnt care about series.

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Used to be my favorite show until the dumpster fire of a last season… made me realize just how bad it’s gotten over the years. Seasons 1-5 are a masterpiece and I’m very attached to the characters but it just doesn’t hold up later on.

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Supernatural was one of my all-time favourite shows for the first 5 seasons. After that the writing took a dive in quality and I finally quit watching in early season 8. Now that the show has ended I decided to catch up, just to see if it ever got better. However the longer I watch the sadder I get that Eric Kripke wasn't allowed to end the show in season 5, as he originally planned. The writing just keeps getting worse and knowing how everything ended for our beloved characters makes me sad and angry their misery stretched on for years and years only to arrive to that conclusion. I'm aware Kripke planned a completely tragic ending, but I think it would have gone down much better, as it would be the story the creator intended to tell all along, matching thematically with the overarching storyline of those first five seasons and the characters wouldn't get trashed after years of bad storytelling. Unlike what we got.

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watch until the fifth season, after that it gets extremely repetitive, trust me. /// assista até a quinta temporada, depois disso fica extremamente repetitivo, acredite.

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This was a 10/10 show for about 3 seasons then the main arcs changed, show runners changed, it got way too biblical & repetitive in a gradual decline. 15 seasons...I got old in the mean time, now it is just the ghost of a show that it was.
The wayward son has carried on for too long put this show to rest :please:

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Just started watching. On episode 14 of Season 1. Its a struggle to watch, as each episode feels the same, with very little plot development. Though I'm sure it will improve. The plus side is seeing characters which I recognise from other shows. Maybe I can make a drinking game out of it.

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YouTube video of Jensen and Danneel Ackles giving Architectural Digest a guided tour through their home in Austin, TX

(I didn't even know he was married to Sister Jo, but they were married 2010, which was eight years before she appeared on Supernatural.)

Of course, it's not just a short, "celebrity cribs," episode, it's an invitation to get to know two People who play characters on a serial drama we love. They know we love them, and, they let us see how they care and how they think about a range of topics including their family, friends, home and art!

They even had a drink with us, and I felt real special. Thank you, Jensen & Danneel! This was as nice as watching the musical performances and speaking panels of the, "Supernatural," get togethers!

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This show feels like my little brother, for 15 years we grew up together

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This show feels like my little brother, for 15 years we grew up together

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This show feels like my little brother, for 15 years we grew up together

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This show feels like my little brother for 15 years we grew up together

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This show feels like my little brother, for 15 years we grew up together

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I've watched all seasons.
And find this series more for teenagers /
I was not thrilled.

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I have a love-hate relationship with this show. I dunno! It sometimes just makes me want to jump into the TV and clobber Dean Winchester with a waffle iron.

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Let's be honest nothing about this show is great... at all.

But its a nice guilty pleasure.


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Love this show for making 14 episodes so far repect to you guys, you put your heart in soul into the show an funny at the same time,the actors personality really do come tro to brilliant lol,make a movie 100% it would be watched,an yea dean is sexy hahaha love fae Scotland

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was good until they really introduced a character called god. why not bring jesus and muhhamad as well? stupid plot

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This show just gets worse and worse with each season but I can't stop watching it. It's got me so invested in the characters at this point. I even got my dad to watch it with me.

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I would give 10 for Sam and Dean but sadly the show it's not just about Sam and Dean any more

there are so many characters , so many events , so many details and it's good somehow
I mean I love most of these characters
I love castiel , Rowena , Lucifer , Jack and Crowley ( actually he is my favorite , I wish he would come back )
but I miss the old episodes when everthing was simple , when there were only Sam & Dean with their baby looking for their dad or trying to solve different cases - I miss it seriously
even the cases were more meaningful , more effective
but despite all of this , I liked Jack is appearing in the show , I love his relationship with the Winchester ( especially Sam ) I want more of this I love that kind of relationships , Sam is like a father to him and Jack is the friend I always hoped Sam would get , I hope the writers to not screwing it up in the upcoming season anyway I'm waiting the S 14

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this show, the bts, the conventions, the campaigns... there is a sense of community that comes with this show.

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The newest episode of supernatural was incredible. One for the history books with a team up with scooby and the gang.

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The show includes everything but what's important is how good it is and I just hope they go on for even more seasons.

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Xxxx love this show have 2005

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... How does one view the episodes? Thanks... New to this app.

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I wish the executive producer would fire the writers who thought it would be a good idea to introduce British Men of Letters to the series because it sucks.

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Wish dean had the bloody mark of Cain would be handy

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Think this is tops love it wish Caine was still on the Knight of hell

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Even after so many seasons, sill enjoy this show a lot. I hope it ends with a bang. :)

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This show is amazing! The creativity that goes into this show is incredible. I wish I could be on set to watch them film it.

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How do you turn on the episode??? Plz help im so confused!!

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Want to watch all episodes

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I love so much Supernatural.

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I was hooked on this show from day one. Season 11 however, was a complete letdown, to the point I almost stopped watching it. I can only assume Kripke was smoking some of the green stuff when he made it! I really hope Season 12 will be better.

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Great show can get a bit boring but still great to watch

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