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The Cleaning Lady 2022

It is a different take on the good-person-in-a-bad-situation theme. The first few episodes were interesting because your angle as a viewer is different, seeing it from her perspective, but then each subsequent episode seems significantly the same as the last. I'm watching all the way through the first season, but it's 70/30 I won't continue season two.

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Started ok but after a few episodes it became a bit boring with a pretty weak storyline.

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How woke can you go?

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MEH! Too predictable, have seen a show like this before. I will keep watching as long as there is nothing better to watch.

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Based on the first episode of season 2 they should have ended this series after the first season. Which was decent.

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Okay so here are my thoughts on this show it's one of the most electrifying action programs I've seen so far this year this show has adventure heart action and most importantly family values this is the show of the winter so far everything about it is flawless and original I highly recommend it to anyone able to handle some blood and looking for a good story

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Does anyone love the show? It's 100% I need your help! No, I can't do this! I need your help! No, I quit! No, help me, my son is dying! Oy! Just work for him already. Get over yourself. You're already undocumented for you son. You're in Vegas, go all in!

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I really wanted to like this show. I enjoyed the first season a lot, but I just could not get into season 2. I tried to give it a chance and pushed myself to try to like it, but I gave up after a few episodes into season 2. I feel like it just fell flat.

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Starts out pretty decent, but the main character becomes very unlikeable, the story unbelievable, and the show unwatchable.

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don't waste your time not worth it , unless you gonna turn your brain off ..

ps i give it 3/10 only because some actors that did their job even with the bad story.

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Second season has turned this show into a joke.

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THe first season was good, but the second season is boring and not enjoyable to watch.

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Up until the last scene of season 1 it had the best ending possible, the ending i didn't dream of coming true....

I was surprised that from the 1st ep it held my attention to the very end. The number of scenes when I could breathe from all the tension was very scarce. As I watched some number of shows with similar plot, this one surprised me many times with how the plot was changing in certain situations.
It still has potential to be even better, the finale could be a little more but it still held up as well as every other episode. And I need to see so much more from Adan Canto bc his acting in scenes when he had the sole attention of the camera on him was amazing. The emotions was depicted easily but he could show so many of them with just a couple seconds close up.

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So far it’s entertaining show, let’s see how rest of the season goes. But one thing, casting is really terrible & so random. Jaz is half back & half Asian while her brother is full on Asian, Gareth walks into the bathroom with an Indian baby, every race include, etc. I get DE&I and all but don’t do it at the expense of making it look like you throw a bunch of rando’s in the show. It totally throws off the show.

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I REALLY like where this is going.

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Rewrite the scrip, get rid of majority of characters, recast everyone except Armaan and Nadia, change the title, get a new writing staff, and hire a better director then maybe this show would be bearable to watch.

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It was a great season. I hope there are more to come.

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An adaptation from an Argentian tv show, and what a good one imho.
This was a very good surprise. Loving the cast and the way the strict is developing.

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Started out interesting but then fell flat as it tries to make each episode "bigger".
This is just another organized crime story where the main character is the centre of the universe, too bad its jerky storyline and lack of logic makes it hard to watch.

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Season 1 and 2 were good, Season 3 was terrible boring

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This show is annoying and addicting at the same time. It seems to start kinda slow every season, but somehow once it ramps up they pull off all these fun twists. It might be unrealistic, but it sure is entertaining.

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A mother risking everyone’s life including her own for her sick son and she becomes a criminal who gets away with everything in doing so. Gets boring and repetitive after a while.

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The acting is so bad in this show.

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