Personal Lists featuring...

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea 1954


This is a list based on movies found in the following subreddits:


Robots! Space! Aliens! Dystopian Futures!

All things that fascinated me as a child, and still do. Hope y'all enjoy.

Sorry to anyone that used the last list. Somehow, I deleted by accident.


Movies set at, or around bodies of water


Since its explosion in the 1950s, science fiction has become one of the most popular film genres, with numerous dedicated fan conventions, academic conferences, websites, magazines, journals, book clubs, memorabilia and collectibles. Once relegated to B budget status, today's science fiction films are often blockbuster productions, featuring major stars.

Despite its high profile, science fiction is notoriously difficult to define. In his introduction to 100 Science Fiction Films, Barry Keith Grant explains the genre's complexities, while also providing an overview of its history, suggesting that the cinema is an ideal medium for conveying the 'sense of wonder' that critics have argued is central to the genre. From Georges Melies's Le Voyage dans la lune (1902), to the blockbusters of the 1970s that dramatically changed Hollywood, to the major releases of the past few years, the films featured in this book represent a range of periods, countries and types (including alien invasion, space travel, time travel, apocalypse, monsters and anime), and cover the key directors and writers.

100 Science Fiction Films provides a lively and illuminating guide to the genre from the beginning of film history to the present, taking the reader on a comprehensive tour through the rich and varied alternate universe of sci-fi cinema.



This is a list of all winners of the Academy Award for Best Visual Effects since 1939.


This is a list of all winners of the Academy Award for Best Production Design since 1927.


Updated with 2024 winners.

Includes discontinued categories Engineering Effects (1927) and Special Effects (1938-1962).


This book was published in 2009 and has films ranging from 1902 to 2006. Forty-four of the 101 cross over with the 1,001 Movies list, while 57 are unique.

A 2nd edition was released in 2016, it has three addition:
- Avatar
- Attack the Block
- Gravity

...and removes the films:
- The Fifth Element
- Signs
-Code 46



As produções que fizeram a alegria de quem, assim como eu, foi adolescente nos anos 80 e 90. A famosa ''SESSÃO DA TARDE'' (que atualmente está ameaçada de ''extinção'') é exibida pela Rede Globo desde 05 de março de 1974 ou seja, a 40 anos. ''Sessão da Tarde é um programa de televisão brasileiro, uma sessão de filmes exibida pela Rede Globo de segunda a sexta-feira após o Vídeo Show. É exibido nas tardes da emissora desde o dia 5 de março de 1974 , sendo uma das sessões de filmes mais duradouras e conhecidas da televisão brasileira.''



Films that while watchin' 'em make u feel certain (albeit, different, dependin' on the film) ways. Positive feelings, yeah, sure, there's some in here, but, be warned... Not always!!


Movies taking place mostly underwater with monsters.. there are fewer of these than you’d think. If you know of any that are missing please let me know.


There’s only one place where you can get clones, time travel, simulated realities, irradiated and irritated giant lizards, and space fights and beyond. (Maybe not all at once, but we can dream.) Anything’s possible in this creative nebula known as science fiction, and with its long and historic association with cinema, we present our choices of the greatest science-fiction movies ever: The 150 Essential Sci-Fi Movies!
Number 90 is blank


Oscar Visual Effects Winners


Excludes superhero/supervillain movies


Movies mentioned by Para-Medic during the save codec calls in MGS3.
"When the going gets tough, movies can save your life. It's always good to be able to look at things from a different perspective when you get in a jam. That's the magic of movies."



by balls gaming

Movies biggle


Adventure, action, comedy and fantasy for all the innocent souls who still dream of being heroes.




This is a list of all movies and series discussed by the YouTube format Channel Awesome's Disneycember.
