Personal Lists featuring...

A Real Young Girl 1976


Movies that feature adult themes excessive nudity and real sex scenes in Alphabetical Order


NC17 | 18+ | R | A | MA [Not in English + Director's Cut ] + Independent Movies

D: Suggestive Dialog
E: Erotica
FV: Fantasy Violence (used only for the TV-Y7 level)
L: Coarse or crude Language
MA: Mature Audience
S: Sexual Situations
V: Violence
Adult Comedy


Not for those with heart conditions. You might get dirty looks if you mention these films. Welcome aboard fellow traveller. Remember it's only a movie...


Movies with (more or less) delightful content, naked skin or bare B(o)(o)bs ;-)


List of NC-17 rated films and couple of my personal favorites.


The implicit and explicit sexuality of the glamor of the liberal Courtesans.


A random mixture of films.


Surrealism in cinema refers to the use of dreamlike and irrational elements in films to create a unique visual style that challenges conventional notions of reality. It originated from the artistic movement of surrealism in the 1920s and 30s, which sought to tap into the subconscious mind through the use of irrational imagery and symbolism. In film, surrealism often employs techniques such as discontinuous editing, unexpected imagery, and the use of special effects to create a dream-like atmosphere and to challenge the viewer's perception of reality. The aim of surrealist films is to provoke an emotional and intellectual response from the audience, and to blur the boundaries between the conscious and the unconscious mind.


Women Make Film II †

Introductions and Chapters††
01 – 05 / Introductions
06 – 29 / Chapter 01 | Openings
30 – 42 / Chapter 02 | Tone
43 – 56 / Chapter 03 | Believability
57 – 66 / Chapter 04 | Introducing Character
67 – 76 / Chapter 05 | Meet Cute
77 – 88 / Chapter 06 | Conversation
89–104 / Chapter 07 | Framing
105–109 / Chapter 08 | Tracking
110–114 / Chapter 09 | Staging
115–126 / Chapter 10 | Journey
127–136 / Chapter 11 | Discovery
137–149 / Chapter 12 | Adult/Child
150–150 / Chapter 13 | Economy
151–154 / Chapter 14 | Editing
155–161 / Chapter 15 | POV
162–166 / Chapter 16 | Close Up
167–173 / Chapter 17 | Surrealism and Dreams
174–180 / Chapter 18 | Bodies
181–191 / Chapter 19 | Sex
192–197 / Chapter 20 | Home
198–199 / Chapter 21 | Religion
200–207 / Chapter 22 | Work
208–219 / Chapter 23 | Politics
220–221 / Chapter 24 | Gear Change
222–228 / Chapter 25 | Comedy
229–232 / Chapter 26 | Melodrama
233–235 / Chapter 27 | SCI-FI
236–241 / Chapter 28 | Horror and Hell
242–245 / Chapter 29 | Tension
246–251 / Chapter 30 | Stasis
252–254 / Chapter 31 | Leave Out
255–259 / Chapter 32 | Reveal
260–264 / Chapter 33 | Memory
265–267 / Chapter 34 | Time
268–270 / Chapter 35 | Life Inside
271–275 / Chapter 36 | The Meaning of Life
276–XXX / Chapter 37 | Love
XXX–XXX / Chapter 38 | Death
XXX–XXX / Chapter 39 | Endings
XXX–XXX / Chapter 40 | Song and Dance

† NOTE: This is my second and broader list based on Women Make Film: A New Road Movie Through Cinema (2019) by Mark Cousins. It's a complete list of all films by chapter that appear in Cousins' 14 hour documentary. It's ranked and notated to mirror the documentary's structure. My other (first) list is similar but more narrow selection of films and their TCM premier dates, based on the same Cousins' documentary which airs in TCM's 2020 Women Make Film Film Festival.

†† NOTE: This list notes the first instance only of a film that may appear in multiple chapters.


Films always have the ability to anger us, divide us, shock us, disgust us, and more. Usually, films that inspire controversy, outright boycotting, picketing, banning, censorship, or protest have graphic sex, violence, homosexuality, religious, political or race-related themes and content. They usually push the envelope regarding what can be filmed and displayed on the screen, and are considered taboo, "immoral" or "obscene" due to language, drug use, violence and sensuality/nudity or other incendiary elements. Inevitably, controversy helps to publicize these films and fuel the box-office receipts.



A collection of comedy movies with sex theme


Library for Kodi import


Note: Two of the films were not on the IMDB, therefore not added. They will be added soon though

The 100+ Most Controversial Films of All-Time: Films always have the ability to anger us, divide us, shock us, disgust us, and more. Usually, films that inspire controversy, outright boycotting, picketing, banning, censorship, or protest have graphic sex, violence, homosexuality, religious, political or race-related themes and content. They usually push the envelope regarding what can be filmed and displayed on the screen, and are considered taboo, "immoral" or "obscene" due to language, drug use, violence and sensuality/nudity or other incendiary elements. Inevitably, controversy helps to publicize these films and fuel the box-office receipts.

Controversy-invoking films may be from almost any genre - documentaries, westerns, erotic-thrillers, dramas, horror, comedy, or animated, and more. Standards for what may be considered shocking, offensive or controversial have changed drastically over many decades. From the earliest silent films, to the gunfights in early 30s gangster films, to the mid-60s countercultural changes when the ratings were modified, to current day bloodbaths, violence in films has always stirred controversy. The voluntary ratings system of the Motion Picture Association of America can influence a film's public showing in a theatre -- an NC-17 rating or an unrated film may often close down a film's screening and lead to commercial failure.


Note: Two of the films were not on the IMDB, therefore not added. They will be added soon though

The 100+ Most Controversial Films of All-Time: Films always have the ability to anger us, divide us, shock us, disgust us, and more. Usually, films that inspire controversy, outright boycotting, picketing, banning, censorship, or protest have graphic sex, violence, homosexuality, religious, political or race-related themes and content. They usually push the envelope regarding what can be filmed and displayed on the screen, and are considered taboo, "immoral" or "obscene" due to language, drug use, violence and sensuality/nudity or other incendiary elements. Inevitably, controversy helps to publicize these films and fuel the box-office receipts.

Controversy-invoking films may be from almost any genre - documentaries, westerns, erotic-thrillers, dramas, horror, comedy, or animated, and more. Standards for what may be considered shocking, offensive or controversial have changed drastically over many decades. From the earliest silent films, to the gunfights in early 30s gangster films, to the mid-60s countercultural changes when the ratings were modified, to current day bloodbaths, violence in films has always stirred controversy. The voluntary ratings system of the Motion Picture Association of America can influence a film's public showing in a theatre -- an NC-17 rating or an unrated film may often close down a film's screening and lead to commercial failure.

