Personal Lists featuring...

A Woman's Face 1941


TSPDT is building a list of 1000 Noir films to expand on its previous 250 Quintessential Noirs. Following the initial collection of 100 noirs, a further 900 noir films (or films with prominent noir elements) will steadily be added (in a fairly random manner). This list will contain the full 1000 films which are the 1,000 most cited noir films (according to TSPDT's research). Please note that this list has not been and will not be ranked.



Sometimes American studios set out to cash in on the popularity of a non-American film and end up making a watered down zombie shell of the original. Maybe they rush it, maybe they don't understand what made the original great, maybe they underestimate the American Public's ability to enjoy films that aren't spoon fed to them. There are some remakes that are very good and well worth watching. Here's a list of some of them.


List created and maintained by


Tags: #service #criterion_channel #collection-order #complete


Collection of additional "must-see" Danny Perry's movies, presented in the back of his "Guide for the Film Fanatic"

546 movies missing. Imported from external source.


Collection of additional "must-see" Danny Perry's movies, presented in the back of his "Guide for the Film Fanatic"

546 movies missing. Imported from external source.


Hit after hit. Still swingin'. You, I'm gonna pay you in lost time. Don't blame me if it's nothing substantial, but for this watchlist is so bad it doesn't fear god. That's the watchlist way!


The Criterion Channel removed all 6 Charles Burnett films and all 2 Shirley Clarke films from the Leaving carousel by November 18, 2020.

Tags: #service #criterion_channel #collection-order #complete


The title here should be "The Big Film Noir-ish List" but I leave it as is for easy searching.

Film Noir is not a genre, rather it was a movement. The last true film in that movement was "Touch of Evil" in 1958. This list includes Film Noir, Neo-Noir, Post-Modernist Neo-Noir, and other films that were informed - either in theme or form - by the Film Noir movement.

If your favorite didn't make the list, feel free to comment so I can add them to the list.


The Fighting Forties was a memorably turbulent era, forever linked in the public consciousness with World War II (1937/1939-1945), the development of the first atomic weapons and subsequent Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This also marked the start of the Cold War and the Arab–Israeli Conflict.
The technological innovations of the decade included the first digital computers - notably Z3 by Konrad Zuse (1941, German), the Atanasoff–Berry Computer (1942, American), the Colossus Mark 1 and Mark 2 computers
