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All the Gods in the Sky 2019

Where to start with this one? Maybe with the director, Quarxx, who apparently is more of an artist making video installations and music videos before doing feature films. This is his first feature length movie, based on a short film he made earlier, and as such it is astoundingly good.

It's not exactly what I'd call a horror movie, at least not in the most literal way, as it more of a drama about a childhood trauma and how the two protagonists cope with it. There are some strange things going on, it creates a horror-esque atmosphere though. Definitely one to watch with excellent actors and visually appealing camera work.

It's probably the most gripping view into the mind of a schizophrenic person I have seen recently. Also a nice nod to the work of social workers, who are confronted with really sick people on a daily basis. The end disappointed me a bit, but then again, that's only a minor downer.

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When you walk barefoot in muddy water, this movie is what suddenly wriggles against your toes and bites you. This film is what slithers from behind a tear in the wallpaper and falls into your food. It is the stain beneath your skin that hurts worse and worse until you take a pin to pick at it and the stain moves.

All the Gods in the Sky is a horror film with no monsters, no slashers, no serial killers, no ghosts, no jump scares. It is a horror movie where the evil is in the images that slide off the screen and creep in through your eyes to poison your mind. It is disturbing, relentless, and utterly captivating.

This first feature for director Quarxx (starring an impressive Jean-Luc Couchard and the breathtaking Melanie Gaydos) is a sublime discomfort.

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