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Bite 2015

Jesus Christ, that was bad.

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while it was quite a gore fest (my fiancée has a weak stomach and she had to look away a few times) I couldn't ignore the fact that the acting was quite poor, the dialogue between characters were laughable at times, there was no development so I didn't feel any sympathy or connection to any of the cast (if anything I disliked nearly all of them) I will get the special FX and make up thumbs up though, because it was quite grim, just wish the story had a bit more substance and wasn't just using gore to mask a rather plain and poorly acted film.

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Bite is a bold and unsettling horror film that will linger in your mind after the credits roll. It's not for everyone, but those who appreciate body horror, psychological suspense, and strong female characters will find a lot to appreciate. Be prepared for a slow burn, grotesque visuals, and an open-ended conclusion, but if you're willing to take the plunge, Bite offers a unique and chilling cinematic experience.

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Alright this one is really nasty and intense! Some situations are a lil bit too unreal i guess, but since its a horror movie everything is possible. I liked it a lot, not your typical horror movie but at least one of the slimiest ones ;)

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Shout by Steev
BlockedParent2020-02-04T22:15:52Z— updated 2020-12-29T07:25:39Z

yes cool story which reminds me of the movie The Fly (1986) with Jeff Goldblum. This one has better effects and is more exciting, so my opinion :) The surprising ending leaves scope for a sequel... i hope :wink:

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Plenty of sticky goo and water beads...

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Shout by Jess

It was quite okay, typical storyline for this kinda show imo. I just wanted to know what bug or fish bit her but i never got the answer after the whole show. Just a bug who can lay fish roes? Maybe my knowledge of the bug world isn't well enough so i didn't get it or something XD But if you fancy gory stuff then this show really has pretty good effects and make up. The ending part boggled me, when Jill was kissed by Casey and had goo comin out of her mouth, i thought she was gonna die coz i assumed that stuff was acid since her mother-in-law had her face burnt off, but nothing happened after, so i was kinda surprised by it. Lastly, Jared squashed her gooddddd, hahaha just like how most bugs got killed when they invade our house. (Hadta say that out loud) Soooo, all in all it's a good one-time watch for me.

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Most disgusting movie ever! Was better than described! Absolute gore I loved it!

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