Really interesting topic, but sadly the documentary maker doesn't have the first idea on how to make a good documentary, he seems more interested in appearing on screen himself, than asking relevant questions, following interesting avenues, or even just letting the story tell itself. There is almost nothing here that people who know the Bob Lazar story won't already be familiar with, but for anybody new to the subject, it is an OK (if rather one-sided) introduction.

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At least the poster looks good :person_shrugging:

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The worst documentary of my life. Waste of time, literally.

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It took me ten minutes to quit. The whole style is covered with "attract attention" and "sensationalism". Just one example: Why do I have to put a big reverb over an interview? That's why these documentary films are not taken seriously.
Now, do I believe in extraterrestrial life? Yes. Do I think they are already here? No.
I do not believe that you will find any serious answers here.

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Utterly butchered by the quasi artistic and hilariously shallow philosophical approach from the director who fancies himself the star of the Bob Lazar story. Either make a documentary or make a movie and make yourself the star of. This was Bob Lazar's story told from the perspective of a some other dude with some Bob Lazar sprinkled in there.

Even on Joe Rogan's podcasts, this guy came across as a self indulgent wannabe who fancied himself an investigative reporter who was at the forefront of "blowing this thing wide open", a term that makes me cringe beyond belief. In reality, he came across as just another guy who's into UFO's but pretends he's not that much into UFO's because he knows how people who are into UFO's get treated.

In the hands of a proper documentary maker, Lazar's story, which is compelling, would be incredible. Just keep it away from this Corbell guy.

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Not enough meat on the bone. Silly narration by Mickey Rourke. Totally believe Bob though.


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Interested in the topic but documentary failed to capture my attention, some dramatised scenes were too long/dull and there wasn’t a good structure in presenting the info. Not sure if this was a serious documentary by the end of it but I gave up halfway.

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I'm very interested in ufology and was hoping this documentary would be right up my alley, but it's just awful. There's nothing really interesting, a lot of it is simply Bob Lazar unedited (which frankly is the most interesting of the whole documentary). Worst parts are the absolutely cringeworthy narrations by Rourke that don't have anything to do with the documentary and are simply unrelated musings trying to sound deep and thoughtprovoking.

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great movie, bad story. Doesn't talk about all the holes in Bob's story

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The story itself is quite interesting, there was no need of childish montage which in effect ruined this film

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