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Brain Damage 1988

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Brain Damage’:

  1. First and foremost, this film gets points for sheer originality. I can safely say that I’ve never seen anything quite like it. Almost like a deranged cousin to Little Shop of Horrors.

  2. Gross in so many ways, on so many levels. That scene with the woman in the alleyway... that scene... I have no words. And neither did she.

  3. When Elmer first opened his mouth to speak, I knew I was in for a JOURNEY. Lol

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A unique experience to say the least. Worth checking out.

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Fun horror film with a villain you just haven't encountered before. Better than you should expect acting by some members of the cast, while others were horrible. Certainly a good horror movie to watch with a couple friends on a slow night.

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So bad but so good! Lots of flashing lights, if you're sensitive stay away from this movie. Basically about substance addiction could damage your brain. Packed with weird effects and spot-on humor. Aylmer is so funny and polite.

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It's a colorful hallucinatory ride through addiction. It's grime, weird and... everything. Aylmer is so creepy that he even managed to ruin blowjobs for you. Damn.

I'd rated it higher but unfortunately music is so terrible that even now my ears bleed (pun intended).

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A gory and hilarious addiction allegory. It's probably Henenlotters best. It's just so damn entertaining.

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