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Christmas Break-In 2018

I really enjoyed this movie. Danny Glover was pretty good in this film.

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Home Alone for a new generation, Christmas Break-In is derivative tripe. When her parents forget to pick her up from school Izzy ends up snowed in during a blizzard, and is soon pitted against a group of robbers that take shelter at the school and hold the janitor hostage. Child actress Cameron Seely has tremendous screen presence and charisma, making for an excellent lead. If only the same could be said for her adult co-stars, who give phoned in performances at best (Sean O’Bryan especially). And the writing is bad, with awful dialog and cliché after cliché after cliché. Also, the music is extremely heavy handed. Yet while it’s not a well-made film, Christmas Break-In has its heart in the right place and some fun moments.

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I wanted to like this, if only for Danny Glover's sake, but I couldn't - it's bad.

'Christmas Break-In' is a borderline 'Home Alone' rip-off, especially with how it sets up the plot - it kinda goes its own way by the end, even it if still misses originality. It also lacks humour and heart, two things it desperately tries to add to the mix - it's barely a Christmas film, too.

Glover is alright, his character is massively forgettable though. Kid actor Cameron Seely tries her best and is likeable, but she's quite wooden with her performance - not helped by the very poor dialogue. The trio of Douglas Spain, Jake Van Wagoner and Denise Richards are awful - Richards slightly better than the other two, not by much though.

A limp effort, pure and simple.

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A family film with a kid taking on bad guys. That probably wouldn’t exist if Home Alone didn’t. However, it’s cute and harmless.

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