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Christopher Robin 2018

World Premiere Review:

Surprisingly good. I had a smile on my face throughout most of the movie and it's genuinely funny. The whole cast is spot on with Ewan hitting it out of the park. Having grown up with Winnie the Pooh, I definitely had an enhanced experience. Discounting for nostalgia, it goes from a 9 to an 8, only because the opening third is quite slow, but it's a very well made film. You believe the stuffed animals are living, breathing things...and you want to believe!

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An enjoyable trip into nostalgia. It started strong but then lagged a bit in the gloom in the Hundred Acre Wood (I was beginning to worry) then Eeyore arrived and the real rescue of Christopher Robin began. It was all adventure after that. Cast was strong. Great voice work. I'm absolutely fascinated with the mix of live action, animation and puppetry. I give this a 7.9 (strong show) out of 10. [Fantasy Adventure]

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Ewan McGregor is great as always, Pooh, Eeyore, and Tigger are all fantastic. This is a very cute and heartwarming movie that tells us family and happiness are more important than success.

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A wonderful movie on how attached people are to their daily routine, social obligations and other things manufactured and of no true value at all. It shows the importance of having fun and living in the now without worrying about the past or the future.

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Good acting, nice directing, good voice acting, but WHY is this movie so f**king depressing?!
Pooh talks like a melancholic, old suicide suspect.
Christopher Robin acts like a schizophrenic.
Even the funny scenes are tragic. This movie is so dark, it's darker than The Exorcist with Linda Blair.
I don't mean the makeups and acting, I'm talking about the MOOD of the movie.
The childish kindness of the original book and cartoon TV-show nowhere can be found in this movie. I think, they seriously messed this one up.

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Nostalgia in a Disney movie, what else.
I like it, dont know how today kids going to react, but it keep the smile on my face almost all movie.

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I'm not a big fan of kid-type movies, but this was fantastic. I wanted to dislike it - watched it cause the wife wanted to... but I smiled almost the entire movie and there are a couple of lol moments. The animation is incredibly life-like.
I know very little about the Winnie the Pooh story - don't ever remember reading or seeing anything a kid, but I knew enough about the characters to understand what was going on.
Solid 9/10 - you WON'T be wasting your time watching this!

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made me cry... 3 times.... in one viewing!

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Cute even if it’s Hook with a lot less adventure. Where it’s important to never forget what it’s like to be a child.

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Too many of us let adult concerns rule our life, but let's face it, how many of us would rather return to those childlike days of wonder of yesteryear? With wisdom and cheer, this film is a reminder to all of us; don't let adulthood grind you down. If life has taken its toll, and you're forever dealing with stress, change direction and step into the world of Pooh!

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Everything about it hit home. Anything Pooh said just touched me and made my heart leak. It's just a feel good movie and it'll take you on a nostalgic ride. Must watch!

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A really nice movie that took me back to my childhood. We never forget our childhood friends as this movie demonstrates... and it is better to retain some of our childlike qualities and hero’s as we age and grow...

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Warmfull movie with good messages and great directing.Reccomend this for a relaxing evening 7.4/10

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My partner nagged and nagged to me watch this, and I gotta say... it sucked my gr*wn b*tt in right away. Very enjoyable. Hopefully it keeps Pooh and friends popular with the youngins'

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such a cute movie I almost died of cuteness definitely a favorite

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You need to be under influence, or may be just English (?) to enjoy it. And this Pooh will better fit in horror movie.

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Got me tearing up the first 5 minutes and left a lingering solomness within me throughout the movie (sure, it's been a bad day but still...). Towards the end of the movie things brighten up a bit if only for the cynical... let's say... "Foks" within me that joins this superb cast.
Cause let's face it... Woozles are everywhere and most only see reason in the money & life they can squeeze from those below them.

Regardless: great movie and this is from a person who never really liked Pooh for some strange and unknown reason. As of now.... I do.

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This is the kind of movie Disney is good at.

I probably would not have watched this movie had it not been for Ewan McGregor. I never read the books but I thoroughly enjoyed this movie from start to finish. Like someone already said: I had a smile on my face throughout the movie. It is a story I can easily relate to and it doesn't try to be anything else but a funny and entertaining movie with a little bit of a serious undertone. Of course it has a happy ending but it feels genuine and there is no massage overly stuffed down your throat.

The animal characters are so adorable and the voice acting is great, too. Alltogether a great movie, not only for families.

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Well it sure brought back childhood memories. The film was a heart warming bouncing of joy with plenty of humour, specially from (Eeyore) and it was sweet as honey with a great message.

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I'm not a huge Winnie the Pooh fan so I have no nostalgia for it. This movie doesn't quite know what it is. It is a little too dark at times to be a kids movie and too boring to fully be an adult movie. The animals look weird at first but you get use to them. Eeyore was by far the best and had all the funny lines. Ewan McGregor was charming. Overall the movie is okay, if you are a fan then you will like it more but if you aren't then you can probably skip it.

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The most adorable film I think I have EVER seen!!! From start to finish it was unbelievably cute an totally hilarious, and had such a heart to it. Always remember how important friends and family are!

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Shout by Warren Daniel K

This movie is fulled with charm and is downright touching. Having watched The New Adventures of Winnie-The-Pooh in my early years, my heart melted every time Pooh was on the screen. This bear if simple brain looked delightfully adorable as did his other friends from the Hundred Acre Wood. In many ways, at this stage of my life, I can probably better related to Christopher Robin's struggles in the film and so there are things adults can take away from this movie beyond the joy kids will get from seeing the animals of the Hundred Acre Wood. Jim Cummings knocks it out of the park as the voice of both Pooh and Tigger and Brad Garrett is a good Eeyore. Ewan McGregor turns in a charming, and at times touching, performance as Christopher Robin.
Between Paddington and now Pooh, bring us more charming and stuffed bears to the bring screen.

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I don't have any deep nostalgia for Winnie the Pooh, but this film made me feel like I do. I guess there's a reason these characters are so well loved - they're cute, hilarious, and wholesome. And of course there's the voice acting. I think the dialogue was strong, but honestly Jim Cummings could probably say any line with Winnie the Pooh's signature voice/cadence and I'd probably love it. The story isn't revolutionary, but its compelling enough to serve as an effective nostalgic vehicle. There aren't many live action films for younger audiences that win me over, so it was a pleasant surprise to find another favorite here.

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A fun and entertaining movie not just for people who grew up with Winnie the Pooh, but also for the people who are just starting to learn about these iconic characters. This movie is can be watched by parents and children, and both will enjoy it.

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Awwww this heart-melting and I loveeee that they got the characters so spot on (except maybe Tigger needing more orange) :heart:

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“Christopher Robin”, a.k.a. “Hook” set in the Hundred Acre Wood, is a warm and tender adventure that can entertain families and children without pretense. The plot is simplistic and naive, but there are many heartwarming lines and episodes to heal your heart with. The tear-jerking hug scene in the middle just made me lose it, that alone makes up for everything. You start as cynical and disillusioned as Christopher Robin is, but as his character evolves, you also start to loosen up, feel the magic, and genuinely have fun. After all, it’s a film about nothing, from a character that celebrates doing nothing. The only thing that bothered me is that despite the “grown-up” premise, there is no real life lesson for adults here. Christopher Robin is simply depicted as the textbook definition of the busy middle-class worker that ends up overlooking the real important things in life due to the pressure from work and career aspirations. The real conflicts and afflictions of adulthood are not even mentioned, but I guess there is enough material for a child to reflect upon.

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Not a film I'd usually put on for myself but my mom is visiting from Holland and she loves Winnie the Pooh so why not. And I ended up really loving this movie. The animation is amazing, story a little weak, but Ewan Mcgreggor's performance is great as always.

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This heart-warming and rather nostalgic Disney movie is an enchanted reunion between
the now grown-up Christopher Robin (Ewan McGregor) and Pooh Bear and his friends
of 100 acre wood.

Winnie the Pooh and friends embark on a new adventure to help remind Christopher Robin
how to laugh again, for “sometimes doing nothing leads to the very best something.”
Christopher Robin has become very serious with life. Work is stressful and with his young
daughter, he focused that she should succeed and this means not having fun. However,
along comes Pooh Bear and Christopher Robin is forced to re-discover his inner child.

We enjoyed this family film, especially the lovely ‘poohisms: “people say nothing is
impossible, I do nothing everyday”.
“Christopher Robin, what day is it?
“It’s today Pooh Bear”
“My favourite day”

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Based on characters created by A. A. Milne & E. H. Shepard. The story of the adult Christopher Robin who had forgotten how to have fun. He needed to be reminded for the sake of his family life. A sweet and gentle smackerel.

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Disney live-actions yet another one of their animated properties with Christopher Robin, an entertaining, lighthearted family comedy. When his Hundred Acre Wood friends go missing Winnie the Pooh goes looking for Christopher Robin to help him and finds that Christopher has grown up and has a family of his own now. Ewan McGregor and Hayley Atwell lead the cast, and Jim Cummings reprises his Winnie the Pooh characters that he voiced for the animated features. However, the plot is rather mundane (an overworked father learns to appreciate his family) and is full of tropes. Yet there are some touching moments and the comedy is pretty fun (though a little broad at times). Christopher Robin is an interesting take on this beloved franchise, but Winnie the Pooh works best in the Hundred Acre Wood in 2D animation.

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"I've been a father of very little brain." A nice little family-friendly outing (i.e. not racy and not challenging in the plot department) that hits on some familiar themes and does them well, with workaholic Christopher Robin learning the error of his ways and things ending happily. I have no idea what earned the film a PG rating instead of a G, other than the fact that Disney itself might have sought it, thinking that a PG rating would help its box office.

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Maybe I grew up, maybe I'm not a fan of A.A. Milne stories… but for me it was little boring as for a family movie.

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Like everyone else, I was raised on the Winnie the Pooh stories, so I was both excited and apprehensive at the idea of a film like this. I think what works is that the film doesn't try too hard, it's genuinely funny on its own. The acting is superb here, Ewan McGregor is excellent as an adult Ewan McGregor, who's lost is imagination and heart. The voice actors of all of the characters are great as well, they give them a great human depth to them, so you believe that they are real.

As an adult it was a treat to watch this film, and take a trip down memory lane. Although it is rated PG, I don't know if children would be all that interested in it though - there might be too many real-life adult scenes for them to follow along.

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They say you can't go back and, if they were talking about the Hundred Acre Wood, apparently they were right.

Winnie the Pooh (the original, illustrated texts and then the 1977 Disney animated film The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh) were not an important part of my childhood, they were an essential aspect of it. While I hope that today's children might find the same magic in Christopher Robin that I found in the original Pooh, all I found here were empty clichés, a predictable story and a hollow imitation of the complex simplicity that is Winnie the Pooh and his friends.

Rather than taking me on a trip back to the Hundred Acre Wood, Christopher Robin made me miss my childhood a great deal, and Winnie the Pooh even more.

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it is amazing movie.. for adult.
it will be confusing movie for kids

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That Pooh is friggin HILARIOUS

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Lovely movie for the whole family. Reminded me quite a bit of Finding Neverland. :)

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