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Don Jon 2013

watched actually a long time ago... haha this is what it feels like to be a real macho.

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Shout by Daniel Nasetti
BlockedParent2022-01-24T14:18:32Z— updated 2022-04-03T18:48:53Z

Don Jon

If you want to see a slutty Scarlett Johansson, this is the movie for you.

All jokes aside, Don Jon is a comedy that I found entertaining, with a cute but not overly developed plot. What made the movie so special for me is the fact that I really empathized with the character of Don Jon, finding some similarities with my personal life, especially in the relationship he had with Barbara.

It may seem like a classic American comedy, but it gets a little deeper after the first half hour.


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very funny film, really good and a great directorial debut .

excellent, watch it with your ma!

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great movie and to top that off you can see Scarlett Johansson doing soft porn. OMG!

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This movie was better than I expected it to be and gave a good overall message in it's outcome. From someone who doesn't care much for romcom's, I'd actually recommend this movie.

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Funny film. A sex comedy done right.

The first 10-15 minutes, aside from the slick editing, had me worried - I was expecting the worst. However, to my pleasant surprise, it delivers as an amusing film about sex and pornography - it even goes away with a positive message.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt is great as Jon, I thoroughly enjoyed his performance and what we get to learn about 'Don Jon'. Scarlett Johansson is good as Barbara, while Julianne Moore and Tony Danza support astutely. Brie Larson's character is utterly pointless, but in a way that's actually quite chucklesome - which I assume is the intention.

The editing and camera work in this took my notice as well, both help keep the pacing going as it never feels like it's stalling at any point. I like this film, you should give it a watch.

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good but needs finishing touches

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I enjoyed this film if for no other reason than it dealt with the idea that p*rn can ruin our expectations for relationships.   I also enjoyed how it portrayed how men need to learn how to have adult relationships.  It really was a pleasant surprise.  

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She's a 10, but won't let you watch porn... and clean your own floors?? Also what's with the accents? Brie Larson's gives the best performance of her career by the way.

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I think this may be Brie Larson's best movie

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It's pretty good and enjoyable movie.. The story is satisfactory then any other romcom

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Funny Pornographic Cum Movie !
You will not regret watching this movie !
I wonder why was brie Larson in the movie, she had just one f dialogue !

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Never seen JGL or ScarJo like this before. Love.

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What a surprisingly sweet movie. Very pleasant surprise.

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His real girls and his virtual girls. It's been fun

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Very good. For the guys, and even more so for women. Wise, wonderfully played and truly. In addition, the wonderfully ironic. Gordon-Levitt does it well.

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Very enjoyable movie.

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good movie

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Interesting movie. It deals with Jon's addiction to porn but I wonder if Barbara wasn't also addicted to chick-flicks. He finds something that he felt was lacking in his sexual life while watching porn, and to some extent he seemed to be trying to live one of his porn movies, but wasn't Barbara doing the same?

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folks, this movie is what a comedy is all about, i fucking love you JGL

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How did Joseph Gordon-Levitt got so many muscles.
Well - I like it :D

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"There's only a few things I really care about in life. My body. My pad. My ride. My family. My church. My boys. My girls. My porn."

I'm so glad that I managed to still catch Don Jon at the theaters! It's funny, it's charming, it's clever and it's an honest portrayal of any addict.
Jon is a guy who has a porn addiction, he is a super confident guy that can have all of the girls he wants but he just can't admit and can't explain why he can't stop watching porn.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt did an excelent debut, writting, directing and acting as Jon. The way JGL wrote this story is totally honest and with a comic tone, he talks about the reality of relationships when it comes to sex. Besides JGL the cast is also great, Julianne Moore, Scarlett Johanssen, Tony Danza, Glenne Headly and Brie Larson, all did a great job.

I editing is fantastic, I loved it! The amount of porn clips is huge but totally necessary (and I bet unconfortable for many people) because it really can show the severity of Jon's addiction.

Well, theres so much more things to say about this film but I think that if I mention some of the things that I would like to share with you, I would spoil it and if you haven't seen it yet, it would loose all of is charm! So, see it! It's totally worth it!

I have to share with you this funny situation. I went to see this film with my boyfriend and I already knew that for more embarrassing that some scenes could be, we wouldn't have any problems with it. We are dating for 5 years and no subject for us is a taboo. I bet we were the only two that truly enjoyed the film and we had so much fun, we laughed a lot as no one did... The room was filled with couples that I think went there to see Don Jon thinking that it would be just another romantic comedy. As you all know or at least expect watching the trailer, Don Jon has some scenes that can be totally awkard for some people. The atmosphere in the air was so heavy and by the end of the film they didn't even looked at each other! Omg people nowadays such be more open-minded!

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Enjoyable, very good concept and message, but execution of the movie was sub-par, the storyline is weak and immediately predictable. The accents wear off and are weak. It's a shame, really enjoyed the concept of repetition in his routine, and how porn fits in. Doesn't justify a 7 for me

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Shout by Redouane
BlockedParent2013-12-17T21:39:38Z— updated 2016-06-24T10:30:28Z

It's very true what does JGL's character say about porn in this movie. the movie itself, however, isn't that good actually. The storyline is weak and the dialogues aren't that smart, you can see some plot points halfway the movie.

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When this one came out I was teenage boy that was really into Joseph Gordon-Levitt content (thank Christopher Nolan) that thought Scarlett Johansson was hot (I still do, I am not trying to fool anyone). Obviously a decade later, my tastes have changed so I was curious what revisiting this one would do. In many aspects, it was surprisingly more relatable. Primarily, the Julianne Moore ending no longer threw me for a loop. I genuinely think this was a much better film than I remembered it to be, even if it still is questionable in its execution in several other ways.

Rating: 3.5/5 - 80% - Would Recommend

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I don't understand why Joseph Gordon-Levitt forced writing and directing himself into a heavy Italian gumba role when he doesn't look or sound Italian at all. Matter of fact he is Jewish. He just doesn't fit with a fake Italian accent.

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Easily one of the worst movies i've ever seen. Plain and bad soft porn.

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This man just made a movie to bang Scarlett Johansson and Julianne Moore, what a madman!

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Amazing film, only If you go above what it shows you and think about what it means in our society. If not a weird rom-com

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A must watch for scarlett Jo fans, she is <3

the Life of a sex addict

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An honest first directorial attempt that surely doesn't execute as well as planned.

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haven't seen such a terrible movie for at least 3 years, but when I found out Joseph write this story and director himself, I understand why this moive suck.

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Don Jon would be the one of the most awkward movies you could watch going in blind. It had a neat typography-heavy opening and JGL had a cool accent. Great editing and a funny script amounted to an enjoyable but forgettable movie.

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Shout by Deleted

Hey, kids! Watch this movie about an attractive lummox who bangs all these hot chicks but really just wants to find love with the hottest chick in the world!

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While my opinion of Don Jon improved over the course of the runtime, and I did like the message being conveyed, the movie feels like it's trying too hard to be "edgy" or "provocative," and comes off feeling a bit immature.

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Shout by Deleted


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Barbara and Jon reminded me of this post on 'Stuff no one told me' :)

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Shout by sp1ti

What a disappointing movie. From what I've seen and heard I thought it would be fun. Instead it's boring and shallow. And that accent, damn that was more funny than anything? Anyways, I think I only needed to see ten minutes of this. It dissolves into quite a mess. Maybe he should have made a documentary or a report on porn addiction? It ended up being preachy as fuck with the dialogue and "story" just being there to talk about it. I also don't think the "addiction" portrayed is actually how this whole thing goes but I wasted enough words already. With different actors the whole thing would be rated a lot lower.

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Shout by Deleted

kemeny dolgok vannak benne :) osszessegeben tetszett.

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Starring, written and directed by Joseph Gordon-Levitt, this is gonna get interesting.


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