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Elysium 2013

A story with too many loose ends, a plot with very few explanations but acting and CGI that was a beauty to look at.

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It's a visually stunning film and the soundtrack is just awesome! I thought both the acting and story was solid. Matt Damon did a good job, and Sharlto Copley's character was quite a unique take on a bad guy to say the least. I had a hard time cheering for Matt Damon also, but that was the point as well.
I especially loved all the different types of dialects that was used in the movie. I really like what Neil Blomkamp brings to the table. He has his own type of style.

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The eight years since this was made, and the social schisms that COVID-19 has highlighted, have been kind to this film. What seemed over the top then is now all too believable.

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Obamacare definitely ain't payin for that mod

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Is it a Sci-Fi movie? Yes! Is it an action movie? It gets to it. Is it an epic Sci-Fi action movie? Yes. It is epic! It's definitely a must watch. Watch this film with an open mind, and you will not be disappointed.

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Michael J Fox really shouldn't be operating a camera.

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B- story. A+ visuals, action and performances.
There's enough material in here for 3 or 4 movies. Not sure if that's good or bad, but it's definitely fun!

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Just a regular movie, but Sharlto Colper is excellent in his role. Amazing acting.

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overall good movie. but how come elysium doesn't have it's own air defence system man c'mon!

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Had high hopes for this Sci-Fi action flick but was severely disappointed: the plot is shallow and predictable, I found not one of the characters authentic and neither acting, special effects nor the action sequences were above average.

I would suggest to skip Elysium and watch something like Star Wars - The Force Awakens or Matrix instead if you are in the mood for a SciFi action flick!

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Had high hopes for this Sci-Fi action flick but was severely: the plot is shallow and predictable, I found not one of the characters authentic and neither acting, special effects or the action sequences were above average.

I would suggest to skip Elysium and suggest something like Star Wars - The Force Awakens or Matrix if you are in the mode for a SciFi action flick!

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Seriously? They use in 2150 assembler for development?

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Well, unfortunately, but the gap scenario, the lack of continuity of the narrative, the motivations appear out of nowhere, unconvincingly sketched background situational killed the movie.

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Really didn't grab me like I thought it would. Not the compelling storyline I was hoping for.

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Anyone expecting another gem like District 9 will be left feeling disappointed by director Neill Blomkamp. Elysium does have its merrits, but there are too many plot holes and I wish more attention would've been paid to the outer colony.
While visually pleasing, the movie fell short of expectations like "Total Recall", for almost exactly the same reasons. 6/10 simply for entertainment value.

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Elysium is visually gorgeous but its story and characters left me cold and disappointed.

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Ths sad part is that the real world is not that far the one portrayed here. the bad part is...we don't have an Elysium.
The movie is not bad, but i expected more; it lacks substance and style for a movie like this. There´s no real connection with the main character( we don't really "care" if he dies ) and Kruger is one of the worst villains i see in a while.

Great concept; poorly executed.

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Not nearly as thought provoking as District 9. Characters conflicts are simplified and streamlined for giant, blockbuster audience. Still it's great looking and gripping. Action is engrossing and the soundtrack is superb.

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Shout by Deleted

Elysium has an interesting concept but the story could have been better developed. It's stunning to look at, the CGI was great and all of that world really looked real! The visuals are perfectly done!
Matt Damon was a decent protagonist but is Sharlto Copley that really shines in this film! He was a great villian, so creepy! Amazing work from him.

Many controversial topics are addressed like politics, health care, immigration and power of the rich and the weakness of the poor. Money does rule the world and that is the main focus of the film with a huge critic to society.

My main complains about the film were some of the action scenes that were shaky and let me a little bit dizzy. (Anyone please can clarify me if that happens a lot in these new action films because of the use of IMAX cameras? Is that the main reason? I guess that didn't happened least I didn't notice all of that trembling before)
Also a lot of clichès were used in the story, specially when the film is coming to the end.

Overall, good action and good visuals. I had some troubles about the rating that I would give it because theres bad things about it but I really give many credits to the visuals that are amazing! I hate bad CGI and this was perfect! But afterall the story is the most important thing.

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - This is kind of Elon Musk plan

**My rating system works:*8
10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:heart:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:heart: - Bull Shit.

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Fighting against tyranny makes sense, but the utopian belief that everyone will then live more prosperously makes much less sense.

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Great movie full of action and an interesting story.

Sadly it is quite prophetic when you consider the abomination some of our society and big corp has morphed into and the direction of travel we are treating our environment.

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They paid more focus to the action and less focus to the story and background. Had a lot of potential, but they fell short. Giving it a 6 for the adrenaline inducing action scenes

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God this movie was gorgeous to look at. The robbery scene was amazing!!!. The plot and story however were not good at all.

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This is a feel-bad movie. What's a feel-bad movie, you ask? It's the opposite of a feel-good movie and while the space-station cinematography is top-notch, it's main characters are mean and selfish, the situation is dire and inescapable, and the sentiment is dour. 3/10

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Doesn't quite reach up to "District 9" but I wonder If I would see this differently had this been Blomkamp's first major release. It's still good sci-fi-action that seems believable and deals, again, with social issues. I found Kruger to be a bit over the top but Copley said that was intentional because it shouldn't be too serious. So, it is what it is. Jodie Foster is a great actress and I like her a lot but she wasn't 100 % convincing as the villain. Maybe it's because I am not used seeing her in a role like that.
What I really like about the movie is the absence of a Hollywood happy end where the hero gets the girl and they live happily ever after. That is rare in a movie. And you don't need it. The movie ends on a hopeful note. Althought I was wondering, hypothetically, if letting everyone on Elysium, does that mean it will ultimately suffer the same fate as Earth did. But I guess one has to imagine that mankind can change for the better.

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I enjoyed the movie, wasn't as good as District 9 but still great. But the best thing about this movie is that it's got 5 seasons of Narcos hidden inside it.

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Its video game sci fi crack. Give more of this universe.

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An interesting SF film where the filmmakers made some poor, oddball choices. A+ design work.

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I really liked this movie. The visuals were beautiful. The story was compelling. The only flaw is a lack of character development. Would have liked to know more about the characters.

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Solid movie on class in this world taken to an extreme "what if?" scenario . The only real issue I had with this is the villain and his hammy dialog and acting.  This director is dope and I'm interested in seeing District 9.

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An okay science fiction, but Wagner Moura is great.

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Shout by Deleted

In its own way this movie is a tribute to THX 1138.

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Not bad! I appreciate Blomkamp's attention to detail, and it was a solid SF action film. I felt like they tried to do a lot of pick-ups with Jodie Foster's lines to make her sound more French, but it made her seem ever so slightly out of sync. Someone let this man make a Halo movie, stat.

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The world- amazing concept!
Movie/characters- disappointing.

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Shout by Deleted

perfect.but finished bad!!

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Watching this now. It's definitely not District 9.

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Love the world they created, felt real, great technology.

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Although the story is not as good or compelling as District 9, Elysium is still a great movie. Again, the CGI is seamless integrated into the real world and again is the standard all CGI movies need to follow. Thoroughly enjoyable.

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Shout by Deleted


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Excellent docotomy between the rich and the poor

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Well, I was keen to see it in full length after seeing the trailer, but I'm left with mixed feelings after seeing it. There are bombastic blockbuster animations, but also unnecessary long-drawn-out battle scenes.
Pretty good visionary setting of earth, but nearly everything concerning Elysium is interspersed with missing logical structures.
Nice tributes to the movies District 9, Mad Max Iron Man and Armageddon, in similar scenes/ideas!
But in general: a must have seen for Scie-Fi fans

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Shout by Frank

When the boss dude rewrote that reboot sequence he selected lethal. Does that mean he would have died too if he was the one to actually reboot the system? Or what am I missing? Or did he have some identification so if it was actually him he wouldn't have died? Didn't read what the window said when he selected the lethal option..

Anyways, wasn't a bad movie but you could see the story development (and certainly ending) from a mile away.

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Shout by Ben

G - the new 3min trailer got me freaking hyped about this one!
Holy cow :O

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