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Emelie 2016

An oddly paced, uncomfortable viewing experience, with some pretty solid acting chops from all those involved. Nothing ground breaking, but a strangely enjoyable movie for those that crave unsettling horror over the plethora of jump scares and loud noises.

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I made it about an hour in and gave up. This is not suspenseful. The story does not present anything mysterious. It's just...bad.

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Interesting concept, weird execution, underwhelming experience. Also beyond uncomfortable at points.

I was very tempted to turn it off when she coxed the eleven year old boy into watching her put a tampon in.

I would say, give it a go for a few watchable moments if you have literally no other options. Avoid if you are uncomfortable with forced sexual situations upon minors (like I am).

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I found this film very uncomfortable in parts, some of the scenes such as the scene where she makes the children watch porn was a bit much I thought. However the film concept was good.

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The Hand That Rocks The Cradle on crack.

Pretty twisted and adequately tense!

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I had a mean babysitter once. I emptied a pot of pee over her head and she never came back again. Job done!

The film, on the other hand, is a solidly made film and reminiscent of the 90's trend of psycho neighbour/housemate/nanny/student thrillers.

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Well it provided background noise during the latest drama going on elsewhere lol.

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Shout by sp1ti

"Emelie" gradually amps up the tension throughout it's first half leaving you never quite sure of the direction it's going to take. Unfortunatly the second half isn't as inspired as it gets predictable. Not sure as to why because if they would have kept it all grounded this would certainly be the movie to scare parents from their babysitters.
Still, I had my fun and it was made well including believable child actors.

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I found this to be far less intense than the trailer preview lead me to believe, but this was still plenty decent for what it was.

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Expected a lot less but this film delivered. I figured the ‘evil babysitter’ trope would make for a pretty dry horror movie but the film remained suspenseful and eerie throughout. Was enjoyable to try to figure out the babysitter’s actions and motives but once revealed the movie kind of slowed for me. Lots of action at that point but not much substance.

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Shout by April

This has the exact same twist as an M. Night movie though this film is a little older.

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Whoever came up with the thoughts of this movie and thinking in their sick mind that having little kids watch their parents have sex or a little boy watching a girl change a tampax is pretty fucked up in their own head. Discusting twisted sick SOB. Actress and even the parents of the kids acting arent any better actually wanting to act with this script

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