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First Man 2018

Day 11 (Final) of Ryan Gosling binge

"One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind"
-Neil Armstrong

The weakest Chazelle project up to date, after two music-heavy movies Chazelle went out of his comfort zone to create a history biopic, which unfortunately became underwhelming in most aspects. The score by Justin Hurwitz is my favourite, I've been listening to "Astronauts Cabin" on repeat because it's so calming and finally hearing it in the movie sent some chills. The music is okay and the cinematography is nothing too special. Ryan Gosling also gave a solid performance. Was it groundbreaking? No. Was it good? Yes. It's nothing crazy but his portrayal of emotions masterful and tragic at the same time. However though Claire Foy was great, she stole the spotlight every time she was on screen and carried most the part between their relationship. Chazelle tries to evoke some tension drama into the movie and focuses a tad too much on Neil's private life, which seems to be the problem in most modern biopics.

Overall a solid attempt by Damien trying to go out of his comfort zone. 10/10 for Justin Hurwitz.

First Man- 6.4/10
Ryan Gosling 7.3/10

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Shout by Thomas
BlockedParent2018-10-13T00:23:06Z— updated 2018-10-15T13:22:38Z

The thing about this movie is that it made me feel something I am unable to put into words. I consider that among the highest compliments I can give a film. It lands in a similar way to Interstellar or Arrival. It's not clever or surprising like those movies, but its authenticity and its striking tenderness had me hooked and crying the whole way through.

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I ended up enjoying this way more than I though I would have.
After "Whiplash" and "La La Land", two great music themed movies, I confess I had my doubts if Damien Chazelle could do a simple drama biopic but, he clearly did.
Technically speaking, the "First Man" is outstanding. The sound syncs masterfully with the beautiful images we get through the whole movie. Great soundtrack and an amazing use of aspect ratio, making it very immersive.
Also, Ryan Gosling proves, once again, how captivating he is. A really mature actor that's pretty much filling his career with great and memorable interpretations.
It could have had more deep dialogs and exploration of characters, specially Claire Foy's character, but, I ended up leaving the movie theater pleased.
It's a very straightforward story done it right.

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this is one of the most anticipated movies of the year and after watching it i feel sorry for the people who were so excited about it the movie in my eyes was nothing but slow and bordom it even didn't show him putting the American flag on Earth it's probably one of the worst paced movie of the year I can't believe how awful this was I really don't recommend it to anyone else I had a hard time staying awake myself so if you have insomnia and need to sleep I guess go see it but otherwise stay away from. it

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A really beautiful movie. As others have mentioned this movie focuses on the journey and all the sacrifices ti took. The music is awesome as well.

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One small step for Hollywood, one giant step for Chazelle who makes his first real step into big-budget Hollywood filmmaking. It's a good film; intimate in it's character study and spectacular when it takes to the skies. Kudos too for showing Armstrong as a real and complicated man, and not an all-out American hero.

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The pacing of the movie makes it a challenge to watch..

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So interesting to see the ambition for space during that time period; the strong push and the seemingly impossible tasks. So much information and knowledge we have today that we take for granted, and which came at such a high cost. Figuring out, on the fly, how to stop bouncing off the atmosphere, and not drift out into space forever! Unreal.

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I found this movie boring and just lacking in excitement.

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One small step for man, one giant drag of a depressing movie for manking... first off i'm not the biggest biopic fan so probably not the target audience. This movie does absolutely nothing for me, I was so bored and couldn't wait for it to end. The drama is incredibly generic and manages to suck out all the energy of the "launch into space" storyline subplot before we get to the climax of it. So long and exhausting. Good acting but the characters are stoic. The launch/landing sequences are alright for what they represent but there's nothing that stood out to me visually and the same can be said for the entire movie. Great score, a few neat camera movements and good way to end the movie.

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he's literally me. quite literally so me.

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I kinda fail to see what makes this so special, it doesn’t do much for me.
Cinematography and music are okay-ish (honestly a little bland next to Chazelle’s previous efforts, way too much of this is shot in close ups), the acting’s good but nothing that’s truly mindblowing (Gosling feels like he’s on autopilot), characters are pretty meh, and it’s light on interesting drama, tension or emotion.
Maybe it’s my own lack of interest in the subject, but to me it feels like a by the numbers biopic. A biopic that occasionally becomes impressive (the climax is great, as are some of the other scenes where they’re preparing their mission), but there’s an equal amount time spend on things that are kinda underwhelming. Like, why is there such a strong focus on his family life? It’s different from what you might expect from a film like this, but is it the most interesting approach? Not really.


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Enjoyed the authenticity / vintage style and look throughout. Beware of feeling sick !Handheld camera was not needed outside space scenes but liked what they tried to accomplish. Not Oscar worthy but beautifully told. Could have been shorter imo! 7/10

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Intense and claustrophobic in the spacecraft moments, with at times brilliant sound design, but the drama is so-so and the music is really lame and out of place in the quiet moments.

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First off, from a technical perspective, this is a masterpiece. Everything that is shot in a ship looks phenomenal. The moon landing itself is breathtaking. See this in IMAX if possible. That being said, everything outside a ship is just ok. The acting is good overall but I’m not sure if it Oscar worthy. Claire Foy really gives the best performance. It feels a little too long. They used shaky cam a little too much. It makes sense on the ship scenes but it felt overused on the ground drama. It might be my least favorite Chazelle movie but this is still a great movie.

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This movie is a disgrace to all of the sacrifices & hard work that went into the moon landing!! By omitting the scene of Neil & Buzz planting the American Flag on the moon, it undermines everything about the mission!!!

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Shout by Chris

I really wanted to like this. I was so looking forward to it. Cinematography was awesome. Loved the kind of first person claustrophobic feel in the launch shots. Sound and score were spectacular. All that said. I know everything I read about Armstrong says he was a very humble and quite person, but they made him seem angry and bitter. I never once felt he really wanted to go to the moon and In a movie that is about the first person to ever go, that seems important. Maybe it’s just my dislike for Ryan Gosling talking

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Well I think the guy that was behind lala land should of stayed with musical's, he did a terrible job on this movie,wasted nearly two hours to finally see the moon landing only for them to not even show the flag being placed on the moon,very disrespectful to one of the greatest moments in human history to be wiped away from even showing it in the movie...
Ron Howard Apollo 11 is so much better movie than this waste of nearly 2 and a half hours only to not see what U know is history, whereas Ron Howard did the moment in history a justice not like this,apart from sexy Ryan Gosling that's all the movie has going for it...

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Damien Chazelle can do no wrong in my eyes. Unfortunate to see so many people not enjoying this movie or thinking it's slow because it's a really great film more about Neil Armstrong than the mission to the moon even though it is ultimately about that it's also about the trials and tribulations to get there. Ryan Gosling is great as always but Claire Foy was phenomenal. You could really just see the pain and stress in thier faces throughout the movie.

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Mediocre on all aspects. Doesn't land on effects, drama, story telling or acting.

Not aweful, but godamn... A moon distance away from good.

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Way to long could have been 45-60 min shorter

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Could have been 45 to 60 min shorter, way to long,

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Aesthetically laudable; emotionally vapid

More an intimate character drama than a grandiose examination of man's place in the cosmos, First Man is far more concerned with domesticity than the actual journey to the moon, attempting to demonstrate that behind the great moments of history exist personal demons and private motivations. For this kind of storytelling to work, one thing is essential – emotional connection. The audience must, in some way, care about the people on screen, otherwise their introspective problems are more than likely to feel like they are just getting in the way of the larger story. And that is exactly what happens in First Man – there is a lifelessness at the film's core, an emotional vapidity that can't be filled by exceptional technical achievements and laudable craft.

For my complete review, please visit:

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A character-driven masterpiece that will gain much better recognition in time. Claire Foy steals the movie!

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Perfectly executed biopic which rarely oversteps the standard template but, excels at every aspect of a movie. Clean script, absolute bonkers of cinematography, a fresh soundtrack and great performances all working together with the calculated direction of Chazelle. A deeply depressing success story.

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A really great movie. The only flaw I can really find is the lack of some important historical scenes, like the setting of the flag, the landing back on earth or Neil returning home. I feel that those are pretty important moments, but I respect the decision to only show selected moments. I really liked the tone of the movie, it really sold well the monumental size of the events in my opinion. A great and fascinating watch

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I could've just listened to this movie instead of watching it and I would've had the exact same experience. Outstanding sound editing and mixing, but not much else really. Perfect to have play in the background while doing something else.

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The direction was quite weak considering what story they had.'\
The flag scene was required.

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Shaky-cam almost made me throw up, but it's a nice personal addition to Apollo 11, the 2019 doc.

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The only issue (in my opinion) with this movie is the pacing. The first hour or so was so difficult for me to stay focused. I kept glancing at my phone. But then, suddenly, it hooked me. I think this happened with the first space scene. After that it was all great. Amazing acting and great storytelling. 7/10

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They portray a taciturn and obsessive Armstrong who never exceeds the death of his little daughter. On the other hand, this film is a good argument for conspiracy theories that claim that we never reach the moon.

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I'm watching this movie for the first time. Because of the time before I've got to stop and how much I've yet got to watch, I've had to stop for tonight. I've got about 40 minutes left to the movie.

I'm very surprised at how depressing this movie is. Of course, I've still got 40 minutes left, but at this point, if I were to stop, I'd have to say this movie is giving me the feeling that we, as a country, wasted our time going to the moon, etc. That most of the main characters were rotten people, etc. So, what I want to know is how accurate is this movie to what really happened and the people portrayed?

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So BORING!! Repeatedly uses "scary airplane sounds" to create false tension.

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Honestly, the best part about this movie was seeing Ryan Gosling as a dad. He was so sweet with the little girl.

Besides that, the movie was too long and rather boring. I think a half hour could have been shaved off. I was falling asleep during the last thirty minutes. Some scenes were stretched for far too long. I really liked the score, though.

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I'm in complete awe of this movie! It's absolutely brilliant. The acting, the music, the cinematography...everything is on point and just epic. The landing and the following scenes on the moon are one of the best things I've ever seen on film! Just gorgeous to look at in 4K!

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Great acting, Gosling deserve the oscar for this more than Rami Malek.

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A very slow and quiet movie about a very private man. Great performances from Ryan Gosling and Claire Foy. The technical aspects of this movie were the standout elements - very worthy of the 4 Oscar nods. My guess is that it will pick up a Sound Award. I give this film a 7 (good) out of 10. [Bio-Event-Pic]

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Where this movie shines is in what it doesn't do.  It isn't trying to be Apollo 13 and it isn't trying to pull at your heart strings.  The first moon landing was a triumph for humanity in a time where it was desperately needed.  The toll that this endeavor took upon so many is often overlooked and it is about time that this story was told. This film was absolutely filmed with humanity.

It is only fitting that Claire Foy does the heavy lifting in this film and I hopes she wins something during Oscar season.  It still sickens me that Sandra Bullock won best actress for playing a sassy privileged Christian in the pile of sugary dung that was The Blind Side.

follow me at or IHateBadMovies on facebook

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The magnificence of the event itself makes this an enjoyable movie. Graphics were close to stunning. The bits about Armstrong's family life almost moved me to tears. The acting could have been a little better, but I'm not complaining. I enjoyed this movie.

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Is it just me, or was this achingly boring...? For all the loud, bombastic sequences of the space crafts struggling, I still found myself uninterested. It is pretty interesting though, getting a more intimate look at the life and motivations of the man. It's a very personal movie.

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What the movie does do is give you a hair-raising feeling of what it really felt like inside the space craft, where every hour was life-threatening and the outcome was always perilous. Amazing score and acting.

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The movie of the year!

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Neil: "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind!"

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Ryan did an absolute fine job with this one! AMAZING JOB!! damian keep on delivering, he'll change this cinema for the better one hundred percent

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Great sound, great photography, if you can enjoy it from HD or above.
Its a storyteller, about content that already everyone know, but still have that mystic about it.
Ryan great performance.
Some dark humor to get some fresh air and clear the viewer mind it Corey Stoll (great performance fom this guy, didn't see him since The Strain).
And Claire Foy with great performance, hope enough to the golden globe.
Great team, great director, more one point to Damien, this guy is collecting great movies.

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I must say that this is a really good movie and really good performance of Ryan Gosling as Neil Armstrong.

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1 / 2 directing & technical aspect
1 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
.5 / 1 act II
.5 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
1 / 1 writing
0 / 1 originality
0 / 1 stays with you

0 / 1 misc

6 out of 10

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I will never watch this! You can rewrite history.

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Shout by Deleted

The greatest achievement of this movie that it kept lingering between a spectacular and marvellous blockbuster and a moving drama and it was apt for both genres. I wasn't familiar with the true events I only knew about Neil Armstrong's famous one-liner and the exact date of landing on the moon.
That is why all the twists and turns were truly shaken me for example the deaths and Neil's big talking with his sons right before his departure to the moon.
As I wrote earlier it was a jaw dropping blockbuster and every rocket launching made me feel I am part of mankind's history and as Apollo 11 was departing to the outer space even my tears just pouring down my cheeks. I'm sure it'll be in my top 10 films in this year!

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After The Right Stuff and Apollo 13, we continue with the space race. He tells us things that we have already seen and new ones, everything from the eyes of Armstrong, which looks good, sometimes it is anguishing when you see what he sees.

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Very captivating. The acting was good overall and technically it was a superb movie. But I felt there were some missing exciting moments at certain parts of the movie and fell pretty flat. For instance when they first land on the moon and announce that the Eagle has landed, they should've shown the excitement on the ground, at the mission control, and the people who were glued to the tv. Also when they land back on Earth there wasn't much actual footage shown of the real events. In my opinion just that left a hole in the overall experience of the emotion filled movie.

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The casting was excellent and superb acting all around.
"At the edge of your seat" is an overused expression but this one literally had me leaning forward on several occasions which is really saying something considering everything that happens is already known.
Surprisingly the predictability of it all really takes nothing away from the story and when the climactic words The Eagle has landed where spoken I could feel the hairs standing out on the back of my neck.
The only thing keeping this from getting a solid 10/10 is that the soundtrack could have been better.
Bring out the popcorn and strap in, you're in for a wild and amazing ride.

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An immersive experience that brings you close to this elusive and stoic character. Pretty long, yet thoroughly worth it.

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