Definitely the weakest of the trilogy. The footage is more believable this time around, how they're put together is very neat, and I really like the production. The problem with this final chapter is it's barely creepy and spends way too much time worrying about flashbacks. I feel like at this point the hotel loses its mystique. There are so many creepy mannequins there that can be effectively utilized but they choose not to. Still, it's not that terrible as far as found footage film series go. It wraps up the trilogy rather nicely, there's some enjoyable aspects, and it's cool to see the returning characters.

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This one is better than the second one, thanks to the less convoluted nature of the story line. Ties back to old loose ends quite nicely. I would say that the first part of the film was a little slowly paced with an over-reliance on Flashback moments. Characters or definitely more well-rounded and likable compared to some of the people in the second film. Glad I watched this trilogy even if it's not perfect.

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Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Hell House LLC III: Lake of Fire’:

  1. Russell Wynn is a total hottie.

  2. The acting improved a liiiiiiittle in comparison to the previous chapter… but literally everything else failed miserably. What could have been a deeper dive into the mythology turned into a total joke. The production value tanked. The found footage element was a thing and then it wasn’t. It started out in documentary style… and that went away at some point. The “happy ending” came out of NOWHERE. It just wasn’t good.

  3. If I could praise anything here, I would give kudos for the attempt in keeping these three films connected, even bringing the whole original cast back. There IS somewhat of a continuity to appreciate.

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Still not as good as the first. Got cheesy at the end. But I'm glad I watched all 3 in a row since there were a few call backs.

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Shout by Deleted

This movie is dumb and what’s worse, treats its audience like they’re dumb too. I enjoyed one and two but oh boy, this one stinks.

First they went “zoomer!” and made it all social media tinged. The acting is somehow even worse than the first two, it’s like high school theater bad.

Most of the scares are literally recycled clips from the first two movies too. Any “scare” unique to this film needs you to know why you’re scared. See a ghost in the background? Let’s cut to a clip of the character from the previous movie so you know who it is. It’s absolutely immersion breaking - which is the one thing found footage films need to work.

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much better than part 2, not as good as the first but a nice end to tie up the trilogy.

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Shout by tiny_thanos

Horror movies shouldn't have sequels.

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Shout by sp1ti

About equally disappointed by this "finale" as from the sequel but here the budget is showing even more restraints. While the exposition is handled better here you're still looking at a bad script and there is not really any tension (just a repeat of scenes done before). Should have gotten the subtitled "Pond of Fire" instead...
If Shudder actually tried to cover more regions they might have a chance of a bigger budget because producing this for ultra cheap doesn't help anyone involved.

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