I wish I could say I liked it, but I didn't and I don't think it's meant to be an enjoyable film. It comes off as pretentious and it tries to make you think it's more complicated than it really is. The film also makes you feel uneasy, simply because there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason for the weirdness. It reads like an existential crisis because that's what it is, that's what we're watching. And it also makes you feel this philosophical terror you can't really put into words. However, I already forgot all about the movie, it had no lasting impact, and I won't be watching it again.

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Garbage. I hated it. I despise a movie that tries to be deep and fails so miserably because it’s just plain pretentious. Complete nonsense. Waste of two hours and some minutes of your life.

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I understood absolutely nothing. I loved it.

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Well that was a crazy road trip and got more weird the more you watched it and even with small detail that you could easily miss with a blink of an eye. Charlie kaufman, you've done my head in again. It's not mean't to come of a comedy but i found that gerne in it with my sense of humour. I could say i fully understood the message but the more i think of it the more it gets confusing but i thought it was alright and well made and a mind fuck ha

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Normally, I like Charlie Kaufman, but this is him at his most pretentious.
Not that it’s all bad, I actually liked most of the first long scene in the car.
It’s the kind of scene that will make many casual viewers dismiss the film right away (due to its length), but I thought it set up both of our leads very well.
Then they arrive at the parents’ house, and my opinion on the film did a 180.
It does what every annoying art movie does (not saying all art movies are like that, I like a lot of them): everything starts to get weird for the sake of trying to be interesting, but without any artistic reasoning.
For example, the acting becomes a nonsensical mix of very grounded performances (our leads) on one side, and extremely heightened, cartoony perfomances on the other side (the parents).
Also, the cinematography is pedestrian at best, and I fail to see the reasoning behind the chosen aspect ratio (unlike films like The Lifghthouse or Mommy).
Just stick to writing, Charlie.


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i'm thinking of ending this movie

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Words cannot describe how stupid, awful, and depressing this movie is.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘I’m Thinking of Ending Things’:

  1. I was beyond excited to see this after reading the book — a book that kept me on edge and creeped out the entire time. The ending was wild and left a lot up for interpretation. I was hoping the film would address so many of my questions. Instead, it became something I ultimately didn’t even care about. An awful adaptation.

  2. The insight I had from the book kept me watching the film. I can’t even comprehend how ANYONE who didn’t read the book could make it all the way through, let alone understand how everything was connected.

  3. The best parts of the book (yes, I can’t help but keep comparing) were the horror elements. These were completely removed. I’m all for a reimagining, but for the better. There was so much potential here. And with incredible talent. All lost.

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Right... So cast was great

About all the rest, what was all that, by the way? Anyone figured out?

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A bunch of thoughts voiced as if they're unique and eye opening by a hipster girl. The only way this film could of been redeemed is if her boyfriend shot her and the last words she heard were "shut up you pretentious, hipster bitch."

I could see why someone would enjoy this film. Especially if they weren't one for creating their own complicated thoughts. It'd make them feel sophisticated, indie & like they're being enlightened.

On the other hand, the cinematography was delightful.

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I wish I could put into words how mad this film made me. Firstly , it was so mind numbingly boring that I nearly fell asleep and it felt like a chore to watch through to the end. Way way too long , none of it made any sense , the only thing I liked about it was probably the cinematography. It was a stupid and depressing 2hr and 14min of nonsense. I want those hours of my life back! I don’t care if it’s artsy, the characters were unlikeable and overall it was just awful. Rant over!

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I was thinking of ending things, two minutes into this garbage they call a movie.:nauseated_face::wastebasket::sleeping:

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Absolutely rubbish waste of 2 hours :thumbsdown:

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This is honestly so bad it makes you laugh, then it ends in a musical where everyone is wearing terrible make up. Not even lying. Oh and it takes over 2 hours to get there. Awful movie.

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Watch the trailer and have an early night. Unless you're an insomniac and could use 2+ hours of yet another excruciatingly Charlie Kaufman existentialist drivel.

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I lasted one hour before I wanted to blow my brains out and had to stop watching whatever the hell this movie is.

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Having read the book a year ago, I was hotly awaiting this silver screen adaptation of such a thrilling short story that floored me upon my first read. While I appreciate what Charlie brought to the table here, I'm loathed to say that he was somehow both the best and worst pick to direct this movie. The best as the man really excels at telling mind bending, experimental, psych-based arthouse movies. He's also the worst because he strays far too much into the pretentious side with this telling, and a lot of the punch and sting of the book is lost.
Still, the movie is quite captivating, and if you're after a diverse palette of thriller, horror, drama and mood piece all in one movie,(and you're more than comfortable with lathargicly paced cinema) you'll be more than satiated with this picture.

I would HIGHLY recommend the book over this; it's much more enthralling while maintaining the weird and creepy vibe that comes with a mental thriller.

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Weiiiird movie. After watching it, I really don’t know how to feel. I had to look up everything on Reddit afterwards to understand what happened in the second half, and it was an interesting take, however it was one of those movies that was borderline too obscure that it makes it unenjoyable. Not quite there, but close.

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Demonstration of the negative consequential effect of transient emotional desire.

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Challenging. This is a very depressing film, and it only gets more and more depressing as you realize what it's about, and what it's trying to say, and how it's trying to say it.

"Other animals live in the present. Humans cannot, so they invented hope."

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A film that begs a re-watch. Unfortunately, I don't like beggars.

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Shout by jmg999
BlockedParent2020-10-02T09:40:44Z— updated 2020-10-15T07:51:39Z

This film was a bitter disappointment. First off, it's 135 minutes long, and the first 120 minutes is a slow burn. Yet, Kaufman brutally mangled the finale, completely dissociating any meaning from the first two hours of the film from the remaining 15 minutes. He goes "off-script" from the book, for some unknown reason, and he chose to go w/ a plot device that just ruined the film.
The acting was solid, and the story was building nicely, but it ultimately led into a ditch on the side of the road. When Kaufman made the decision to deviate from the novel, he may as well have set fire to the first two hours of the film, b/c it ended up meaning absolutely nothing. If you've read the book, you'll understand what the first two hours were building to. However, w/out that knowledge, watching this film is a gigantic waste of time. I can think of myriad better ways to spend 135 minutes.

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My favorite film of 2020 so far. The best dialogue of the year. The performances are great. You really buy them as a couple and not movie stars acting as a couple. The ending will be divisive. The kind that makes you google explanations.
I'm not surprised it's rated in the 6s. The only Netflix movies most people like are dumb action movies, teen romantic comedies and chick flicks.

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this movie is kinda like when you have sex with a film bro and he thinks it’s great and you don’t know what happened and he gaslights you into thinking it was incredible

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It's like you're watching the projections of the scribbled ramblings of a lonely disillusioned janitor who watches cheesey TV dramas on his lunch break and fantasizes about a life written in a similar fashion combined with school musicals, but doesn't quite have the abilities. I have no clue what was going on.

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ngl, i’m maybe too dumb for this, but this is an beautifully-made film. Kaufman is successful in terms of making it surreal and showing the tensions between the characters - and Jesse Plemons, Jessie Buckley, Toni Collette (yes, her! especially her), and David Thewlis’s brilliant performances really help him achieve that.

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The story itself is eerie and has this constant unsettling atmosphere. That said... it drags on. Suspense is alright but this was about an hour too long. The seemingly endless dialogue in the car scenes would be great to fall asleep to. Still, it was a good story. As soon as we saw the photograph on the wall I knew this was all playing out in Jake's head. That the focus should be on him and less on her. From that point on it was waiting for the conclusion for me... which was just... meh. You know. The story told via dance was a creative, beautiful choice but the overall ending felt a bit empty. Maybe that's the point since Jake's life seemed empty too.
I wish I'd read the book first. There where a lot of parts in the movie that I could imagine feel differently through pages instead of on a screen.
I also can't quite take Jesse Plemons seriously anymore ever since I read somewhere that someone called him 'budget Matt Damon' but that's just a me-thing. So to sum it up; good but certainly not the best.

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It was a decent art house. For the most part it appears to be setting itself up for becoming a parody of itself later on in the film. I think people who enjoy symbolism and reading into hidden meanings will take some enjoyment from this film.

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I love it when I really love a movie and it has a low rating like wow I'm such a contrarian...

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Possibly the stupidest movie I've seen in years.

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I'm thinking of ending things really is an absolutely amazing movie. It's being kind of in a constant state of fear and hopelessness while you watch it and you're also super confused (and if you're me you're looking for a smarter person who knows what actually happened and then everything falls in its place and you're like wow i love this movie i wanna watch it twice a day but also never again because it's uncomfortable). Definitely recommend. Fantastic actors, truly loved the cast! Just everyting about this movie was so great, it definitely has made me appreciate Charlie Kaufman even more. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to be reading the novel now! ;)

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One of the most beautiful films I ever saw

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Shout by Emily
BlockedParent2020-09-13T13:59:23Z— updated 2021-01-30T12:46:41Z

Read the book, skip the movie. It's too strange, even for me. (The book by Iain Reid is also weird, but at least comes together in the end.) Had I not read the novel beforehand, I would have had no clue what was going on.

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'I'm Thinking of ending things' (2020)

Vintage Kauffman. Performances are brilliant, especially Jessie Buckley (her impression of a famous movie star at one point is entertaining). Themes of self doubt, regret and family. There are a couple of scenes that jarred a bit, and I had guessed the 'twist' if you want to call it that but overall it's an extremely well made film. I'm satisfied.


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A strange and beautiful film at the same time. Highlight: Toni Collete's performance, who is incredible on the scene.

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A film that stretches existence, self, identity, memories and delusion into a rabbit hole bizarre proportions. Much like Kaufman's previous works, this movie is a mind bender challenge that takes viewers into very uncomfortable places and questions reality at every turn. Is not exactly a film for everybody, with many changes from the original material (most of the horror elements of the book are absent and replaced with Twilight Zone-sque scenes) and it really requires you to pay attention to details to fully understand it but feel free to navigate the premise and the hidden visuals that can be interpreted in many ways. At the end, you can take your own conclusions about everything that the movie shows, but only one thing is for sure: nothing is what it seems.

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Although it somehow follows the novel faithfully, it is a very personal interpretation. The praise for the imagination that characterizes Kaufman is absolute here (those final sequences between the musical and the animation). The characters do not move through time, rather it is time that moves through them. Kaufman turns a psychological horror story into a reflection on "cinematic reality." The cinema feeds us with lies. It is the most cinephile film that has been seen in a long time.

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Visually, the film is beautiful. The performances are fantastic, and the plot is very clever.
But I have to subtract 3 points from my score:
-1 because the length is unnecessarily long. There are many cut-out scenes.
-1 because there are some scenes that border on ridiculous, just to keep the film interesting.
-1 because until the end, I don't feel attached to the characters, and I usually don't like a film that doesn't make me feel anything for them.

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It’s basically TENET, but cheaper and better, and you definitely don’t see anything coming.

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This film is so weird and so beautiful, felt kinda slow but great acting and cinematography and a strange and interesting story. Probably one of my favourite films of 2020 so far, behind Palm Springs. No one plays an awkward person quite like Jessie Plemons (Todd from breaking bad)

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It's a Charlie Kaufman film so don't expect something simple and easy to explain to your friends. This is a mind-altering, existentialist nightmare of a film, and that isn't a criticism. The fractured narrative equates to fractured memories, and as bizarre as the film is, it can resonate with any one of us.

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I was super excited for this. Eternal Sunshine is one of my favorite movies of all time, and I love, love, love Being John Malkovich. But this fell pretty short for me. I loved quite a bit about this film: The acting, the cast, the cinematography, the idea -- I haven't read the book, but I did do some research on what this film (potentially) means, and I had a much better appreciation for it afterwards. But jeez, this was a slog. I felt every minute of the 2 hour 15 minute runtime, especially after the first act.

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Definitely my favorite movie of the year. Acting and the overall look of the film were fantastic. I loved everything about the first three quarters of this film, even though I didn't always fully understand what was going on. The dialogue was really great (especially in the car scenes), and the mysterious overtone throughout left us wondering where this was headed. That said, the ending disappointed me, and even though I understand the message, I was not a fan as to how it was revealed.

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Welp, that was disappointing.

First 2 hours: 7/10
Last 15 minutes: 2/10

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I miss this kind of films.Mindblowing with great atmosphere deep dialogues and interesting till the end.Kaufman is a genius no doubt and one of the best writers of all time.His movies are so unique i wish he will make more projects in the future.8.2/10 not his best but still a great-great movie to watch.

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I just don't get it, exactly like Mulholland Drive.

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Actually really great, made me go kind of insane in a good way which movies barely manage.

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I'll just pretend that I liked this one because it's very poetic.

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I have to write this, i have to i have to warn the world and people from making the mistake of their live. 2 hourd and 15 minutes of pure artistic pretentious and totally outrageus crap. I mean i have seen some really bad movies but maybe this this the first time i say this was the worst movie i have ever seen in my life

Why ? Don't give me "you didn't understand it, go watch the avengers", noone understood it, not even Kaufman who he was clearly on some very hard mushrooms while writing it.

There is nothing to undestand, no clear ending, no meaning, only long very very long dialogues with unforeseen meanings.

I have to rate but it is a zero not 1

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A philosophical car journey through the awkward and poetic moments of life.

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This film made me want to end things. Mostly, my own life!

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Such a weird and confusing movie. I had to make myself sit and finish or I would've turned it off a long time ago.

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I don’t know what I just watched. I feel like I’m not real anymore

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Shout by Liam
BlockedParent2022-08-31T15:21:46Z— updated 2022-09-04T09:27:18Z

The whole movie is like a strange nightmare, where everything seems reasonable but illogical; you want to wake up, but can't escape. Of course, like all nightmares, this film is crap.

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I know that this is gonna sound weird, but musicals are a big no no for me. I hate musicals. I find them to be the most unrealistic and boring way of presenting a story, character and themes, so concluding the movie with a dance and musical performance completely alienated me. It almost made me want to turn off the movie and leave it as it is. And it's just not the ending sequence. The whole 3rd act felt like a big load of "meh". It's a shame though, because I actually liked the first 2/3 of this movie. The mystery elements were pretty good.
Also, this movie has the worst pacing of any piece of media I've ever experienced. Absolutely abysmal slow pacing. It felt like a 5 hours movie for no reason at all.

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Read the book instead.

Some intriguing moments and a brooding, surreal atmosphere, but ultimately disappointing. Since watching the film I've read a plot summary of the book as I didn't manage to understand what was going on, despite picking up on some aspects of the nature of the experience the film adeptly provides. The book sounds great, and, unlike the film, has an impactful ending.

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Don't try to understand, try to feel
Exaggerated fake smiles, deliberate pandering
Humans create hope, chatting for solace.

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I've heard this was a weird, underrated film, and know about nothing else going into it, but that's exactly what I was feeling for, so here I am.

The cinematography and poetic aspects, both in image and words are already quite stunning in themselves. I'm loving the art.
Also loving how it's starting to foreshadow things right from the beginning and keeps going at it, until it gets creepier and creepier, but only ever so subliminally. Like her, we know that something is just horribly wrong, but we can't quite make out what.

"Coming home is terrible... whether you have a wife, or just a wife-shaped loneliness waiting for you"

"There's no colour in the universe, only in the brain."

It really starts taking off toward the middle of it.
Something is indeed horribly wrong, and we're left to guess what exactly it is.
Do not expect resolve with this one.
Loved it to bits.

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I'll be honest, I didn't fully have a clue what was happening for large portions. Yet, I still weirdly enjoyed watching 'I’m Thinking of Ending Things'.

I think the main reasons for that are the two leads: Jessie Buckley and Jesse Plemons. They kept everything feeling fresh and intriguing to me, both have their moments in this. Toni Collette and David Thewlis also do very well. I like the cast, for sure.

As for the plot, it didn't do anything for me but it did keep me thinking which I appreciated. I, personally, would've preferred a shorter run time and clearer meaning - the latter is just me though, I'm sure others will adore the way the film is portrayed.

Some other reviewers have put it perfectly in terms of matching me: not nous enough to 'get it', but it still comes across as a good film. I'm fine with that, each to their own as always.

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From what was an interesting, but slow moving starting premise, it ended in something truly rubbish. "Nothing is as it seems" is very apt.

If only I had a time machine to relive those 135 minutes

P.S. It was way to pretentious for me, and I definitely didn't enjoy it. In case that isn't obvious.

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I was looking forward to seeing this film since the day it was released, but I think I'm going to stop at the 35-minute mark for now. The first sequence got me intrigued, but I couldn't bear the "pop art" feel that emerges when the parents come into play. It felt incredibly out of place when the moods leading up to it had been on the heavier side. I don't think I'm finishing it anytime soon. If anyone wants to convince me to give it another chance, feel free in the replies. :upside_down:

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A strange and beautiful trip through a mind unhinged, yet I had absolutely no care for any of the characters or their outcome, which is where I felt was only the start of me disliking this. I have not read the novel so I cant speak for the comparisons, but after seeing this I font know that I'll have any intention of seeking it out either. So much of the dialogue just felt unnecessary.

I wish she had ended things much sooner. Like at least 45mins sooner

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Shout by filmboicole
BlockedParentSpoilers2020-12-17T07:41:24Z— updated 2021-02-10T19:40:28Z

I'm convinced Kaufman should go back to being solely a screenwriter. He does not know how to keep his machinations in check. Spike Jonze's razor sharp edge cut to the core of his pretentiousness without losing the deeper meaning.

The cinematography is gorgeous and the performances are extremely good, but the film runs a half hour too long. It's mother! + Synecdoche, New York + incel fantasy.

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So it's true. Charlie Kaufman has finally gotten as good at directing films as he is at writing them.

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A film that begs a re-watch. Unfortunately, I don't like beggars.

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Shout by kosher

It’s quite a ride, in the end it all makes sense. The pacing was too slow for me to enjoy this movie ever again, but its quite apropro when the adventure takes place in someone’s melancholic mind.

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This is one of those movies that people are going to love or hate. I am one of the latter. The performances were good. The story was incoherent. there were simply too many layers that made it way too confusing and thus un-enjoyable for me.

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«Maybe it’s human nature to keep going in the face of this knowledge. The alternative requires too much energy. Decisiveness. People stay in unhealthy relationships because it’s easier. Basic physics. An object in motion tends to stay in motion. People tend to stay in relationships past their expiration date. It’s Newton’s first law of emotion».

«Forse è la natura umana andare avanti senza essere consapevoli. L’alternativa richiede troppa energia. Troppa risolutezza. Le persone continuano relazioni malsane perché è più facile. È fisica elementare. Un oggetto in movimento tende a restare in movimento. La gente tende a continuare una relazione oltre la data di scadenza. È la prima legge di Newton sulle emozioni».

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«People like to think of themselves as points moving through time. But I think it’s probably the opposite. We are stationary and time passes through us, blowing like cold wind, stealing our heat, leaving us chapped and frozen. [...] I feel like I was that wind tonight. Blowing through Jake’s parents. Seeing them as they were, seeing them as they will be. Seeing them after they’re gone. When only I’m left. Only the wind.

«Alle persone piace pensare di essere come punti che si muovono attraverso il tempo. Ma io credo che probabilmente sia il contrario. Noi siamo fermi e il tempo passa attraverso di noi soffiando come il vento freddo, rubandoci il nostro calore, lasciandoci screpolati e congelati. [...] Mi sento come se stanotte fossi stato quel vento, che soffiava attraverso i genitori di Jake. Vedendoli come erano, vedendoli come saranno, vedendoli dopo che saranno morti. Quando resto solo io. Solo il vento».

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Wow, where to start. I love Charlie Kaufman and everything he is about. I love that he can take chances in movies that nobody else will take. In that spirit this movie reminds me a lot of Anomalisa and Synedoche, New York. Both of those films went to uncharted areas to tell a story about the human condition. Ironically the most difficult part of watching this movie was figuring out how to watch it. At different times I was tempted to think that it would blend into the horror genre but then I remembered who the director was and I was able to relax and trust him. The movie may have been ten or fifteen minutes too long as it drifted a bit towards the end but it did snap together in the last few scenes. Kaufman did an amazing job of giving us clues along the way as to what was going on and then bringing the movie together at the end in such a way that causes us to reconsider the entire movie with new eyes. From what I've read he did this in order to reward repeat viewings.

follow me at https://IHATEBadMovies.com or facebook IHATEBadMovies

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Charlie Kaufman seemingly without any reigns, I am both extremely grateful for this while simultaneously rolling my eyes out of my head

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I thought the mother was a fantastic performance, but boy this was not my cup of tea.

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