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Idiocracy 2006

It is a nice documentary.

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Like The Big Lebowski and Office Space this has become a cult movie. The idea that one man and a prostitute wake up 500 years in the future surrounded by morons and idiots while commercialization of everything has spiraled out of control is funny. The amount of theaters this movie was released to was incredibly low in comparison to budget this movie had. If the movie was boring and uninteresting i would have understand, but this movie is funny. From what i understand the production company Twentieth Century Fox didn't want a lawsuit from any of the companies depicted in the movie witch they probably would have gotten if this movie actually became a hit in theaters.

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The world is living it today!

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Each passing year, this dystopian comedy gets closer to becoming a documentary.

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I feel like I am not the only person that was disappointed with this film, it has its moments of clever and funny but that's kinda it. The plot is basically the world has become really stupid in the years leading up to 2505 and an ex-soldier played by Luke Wilson and a prostitute from the past played by Maya Rudolph are humanities only hope as they come from the world in 2006.

Now don't get me wrong, it's funny but the issue is it so overrated and you expect a masterpiece but it really is almost like a stretched out SNL sketch. I like the concept and Terry Crews as the President was by far the best thing in the film as it makes you understand how the world has become the way it has, but other than that I don't think I would watch this again and it may be because it just isn't my type of humour.

Also, please note I am not saying this is awful, but I am saying don't go into this film with super high expectations and you'll probably enjoy it more.

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One of the great underrated movies. I can understand why a lot of people wouldn't like it (after all, it pokes fun of probably 60% of people), but I laugh the whole time each time (though sometimes it is a little too real)

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Ah it's fine. Not all it's propped up to be, other than Terry Crews not much comedy and even though the concept is interesting the execution is pretty boring and repetitive.

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We dont need to wait 500 years

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A film showing reality and human desires, Good but not funny for a comedy

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"Idiocracy" is more of a silly little movie than it is a hilariously funny one. The opening case studies explaining how man has de-evolved over 500 years time is the best part of film. The dumbed-down world of the 26th Century as portrayed here bares a striking similarity to a lot of behaviors and attitudes found today; which is no doubt the entire thrust of the movie's joke as it's directed by "Office Space" creator Mike Judge.

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Decent movie. Fun comedy, but now I see why people compared the current administration to this movie. I mean some people in the real gov't make Frito look like Einstein.

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Weird shit, I like it!

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They had a good idea for the movie and a great visual effects , but the story line was poorly made and the comedy is not good too , but it is a movie that lets you think about the future and is it really gonna be like this ???

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ending kinda sucked but also didn’t suck, good movie tho.

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Literally our American government. If anything, theirs is better off.

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the venezuelan goverment in one movie

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I know this sound a little bit paradox but i though the movie was stupid. Yes the idea was very interesting and had potential but the execution was very bad with no laughs.

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Movie sucked but it is funny to draw comparisons from its premise to todays society

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A mediocre movie that goes a bit too far with how stupid people are. I can't help but feel scared how I slowly see a growing social media audience represent the movie.

But yea... A very mediocre movie... But I appreciate the unfiltered approach with profanity.

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I felt so self-conscious watching this, lol.

Looks like I'm the idiot for laughing too much at the stupid humor.

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Idiocracy is a film that, while primarily intended as a biting social critique, fails to reach the heights that could have made its premise a truly memorable experience. While it contains a few moments that might bring a smile to the viewer's face, for the most part, the film feels dull and lacks the spark needed to sustain interest.
One of the most notable aspects is its focus on social critique, especially with regard to the intellectual decline of society. The premise of a future society where ignorance and stupidity are the norm offers a unique opportunity to reflect on the dangers of conformity and lack of education. However, the execution of this idea is marred by an exaggeration that, rather than deepening the critique, turns it into an excessive caricature.

While the inclusion of Terry Crews in the cast is a plus, his presence is not enough to significantly elevate the film. Despite his charisma and talent as an actor, even Crews struggles to find material that allows him to shine in this film.

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It’s a fun satire with some pretty good jokes. Always good for an occasional watch.

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Garbage. Some of the dumbest, misinformed satire I’ve ever seen. Even if you ignore its fascist argumentation and pretend it’s just meant to be stupid nonsense, it still reeks of that typical unfunny early 2000s comedy. Just because you’re making a movie about stupid people, doesn’t mean your movie needs to be equally as stupid. This has no real vision, annoying performances, cheap use of music, bland cinematography, no attempt at writing proper jokes; it’s awful. It’s kinda sad because you could probably make a really great satire about the complete dominance of stupidity in society, democracy or whatever, in fact this is coming from someone who can easily get annoyed at all of that. However, this film only has one trick up its sleeve, which is to portray the stupid masses through as many different caricatures as possible. It’s like watching Adam McKay if he somehow became even more middlebrow after making Don’t Look Up. Please skip this, the joke’s really on the people here who think it’s good because ‘wELl ThIs Is a DoCUmenTarY nOw’.


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Within the dystopian sub-genre, there are many classics: 1984, Fahrenheit 451, Logan's Run, Brave New World, just to name a few.
None of them have come close to matching the prophetic accuracy of Idiocracy.
While other stories focus on tyrannical evil, this movie shines a light on a more realistic problem: stupidity.

Idiocracy was made in 2006, and shows us life in 2505. Our main character, Joe, is cryogenically frozen, and is revived in a future where idiots populate the planet - this could easily have been 2023.
While the premise is science fiction, this is a comedy, through and through.
The acting is great, but the real star here is the dialog.
All fans of comedy - especially satire - will enjoy this. What Office Space was for soul-sucking work, Idiocracy is for people who are smart enough to notice that people are becoming dumber: college graduates don't understand simple word meanings, people think Earth is flat, kids don't understand punctuation or the difference between their, there, or they're. We live in a time of Tiktok, post modernism, and science denial.
Mike Judge tried to warn us, but we didn't listen.

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I've heard about this movie for at least 10 years, but never watched it. Figured it was finally time.

I can definitely see why this is a cult classic. So many accurate depictions of society and they have only gotten more accurate since it was released. The humor is a little subdued, but it didn't seem like it was suppose to be a laugh out loud sort of movie, so it fits. It is definitely worth a rewatch to see if it gets funnier.

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This is a mildly entertaining film, but I was hoping for more from something written/directed by Mike Judge. There are some laughs, but a lot of the comedy is cheesy and mostly falls flat. It was interesting how spot-on some of the imagined visions of the future were - like the Roomba constantly cleaning the same spot, and people wearing Crocs lol... supposedly, the costume designer wanted something futuristic - but also stupid :rofl: nailed it?

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Shout by Caleb Peters
BlockedParentSpoilers2023-03-07T07:36:53Z— updated 2023-06-05T19:04:21Z

This movie is kind of funny at times, but it's pretty basic otherwise - though I'm not sure what I expected from a film with this premise.

The green screen effects didn't age very well, but the acting isn't bad, and there's a couple decent jokes.

However, it takes joe way too long to realize the time machine isn't real (and he either never realizes or doesn't care that Frito is literally dumber than a rock). He never even realizes Rita isn't a painter either!

But, this isn't bad for the few dumb gags it has. I doubt I'll ever re-watch it though.

It really does feel like a bad SNL skit that somehow became a full movie, but I think I'd prefer it as a short skit.

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I watched this movie because Joe Rogan couldn't stop mentioning it in his podcasts. I didn't regret it!

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This movie was a fun one and I definitely see why it is a cult favorite of many! Happy to have finally added it to my collection and to have watched it. I can definitely see myself checking it out several more times, even if I’m not totally in love with it.

Rating: 3/5 - 7.5/10 - Worth Watching

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Elon Musk said that more educated people are having kids less and less as time goes on. This movie would represent the result if this trend continued. Interesting and scary.

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A great TV comedy that also happens to be a pretty surreal commentary on modern times and our future. Probably overdone, but an interesting comical take none the less. A fun simple watch.

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Shout by BaSsOo7

Terry Crews with full on flowing long hair? Nice attention to details LOL

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The comedy that has become a documentary. This is a great warning to the current generation, and a fantastic movie to watch over and over again.

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I only tried to watch this because they mentioned it on The Breakfast Club today... but this has to be a record for the fastest time I fell asleep on a movie because I only saw the first 15 minutes before I was knocked out!

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Can't believe how much better this movie was than I had expected! Actually pretty funny!

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1 / 2 directing & technical aspect
1 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
0 / 1 act II
0 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
1 / 1 writing
0 / 1 originality
1 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

-1 / 1 misc (drags after first act)

5 out of 10

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Shout by Deleted

Although the premise of the film is pretty interesting, that two people wake up 500 years in the future, only to find that everyone's an idiot, it goes straight into the slapstick / 'silly' humour territory, and doesn't let up, which just isn't really my thing; I felt the main characters could have made some hilarious observations, but it just never happened and I was pretty much just waiting for it to end after an hour

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