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Left Behind 2014

Nic Cage probably did this movie to pay off a LED TV or something, its THAT bad...

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Shout by Deleted

I don't really read reviews or pay a lot of attention to the ratings of movies prior to watching it but in this case I wish I had. I would've save myself the pain of sitting through this movie. This movie was terrible from the start and in in the end, it was one of those movies you wish you can delete from your memory banks. Apparently the first thing people would do minutes after the rapture is start looting the closest shopping mall and try to rob one another.

Putting aside the religious tone of the movie, Nicolas Cage played the worst portrayal of a pilot that I've ever seen in my life. Nicolas Cage's acting was almost like a bad impression of himself. Give this one a miss, I guarantee that you'll enjoy watching YouTube for 110 minutes instead of watching this rubbish.

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Movie pitch: picture this - a few hot blonde chicks, a hot guy, Nick Cage and a plane. Oh, and a thanos snap.

Movie exec: sold!

This was better than the reviews and comments say. I never read them before watching but I did for this so maybe I lowered my expectations.

It was too long though, there was a huge chunk in the middle that seemed like they needed to fill time and the music was probably the worst of any movie ever. Seemed like it was from 1987, not 2014.

That said, neat premise, poor special effects, thin story but entertaining when you don’t want to do any thinking.

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Every now and then a film comes along that redefines how bad a movie can be. Essentially a take on The Rapture, the only issue worthy of debate is quite how Nicolas Cage decided to take on a role in this film. There are plot inconsistencies (so where did the gun come from ?), stereotyping (the token Muslim who may have something dangerous in his bag), atrocious acting from absolutely everyone in the film and deeply offensive Christian right-wing eulogising (so why exactly did the token Muslim character deserve to be left behind?). And yet, as the absurdities build, it takes on a life of its own as a comedy classic that will leave a viewer in fits and therefore worthy of at least half a star. There are countless moments that will leave you not quite sure whether to laugh at the film itself or the notion that someone thought this script was worth making as a serious film. And then they decided to kick the dwarf out of the plane...

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I'm currently half way through this movie on Pluto TV. So far the best thing about it is the commercials.

OK, finished it...

A religious version of a big guy with gems in a big glove, done badly.

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Not as bad as everyone makes out. I agree it is rather random with a plot that makes literally no sense, but it wasn't the worst film i've seen.

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Maybe I'm just a sucker for movies, but I actually enjoyed this one. It's very different from the book, but that's actually a good thing; despite its constant presence on the bestseller lists, the original Left Behind books were rather shoddily written. This movie actually kept me interested through the end, which isn't what I was expecting from such a critically panned flick. Granted, most of Pure Flix's films are better than this, but I still liked it.

Content Concerns: I won't do my usual listing, but I will say that there were some surprising misuses of God's name, as well as one s-word. Emotional intensity and violence are seen throughout. Of course Rapture theology is present.

Score: 3/5

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Sad to say that the story didn't do as much as the Kirk Cameron version which I preferred.

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could this every happen in real live i don't think so but i enjoy the film some thing different.

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Shout by Mike

Not so bad as some people wanna tell us. I enjoy the story. The specialeffects are low budget, but that's okay for me. Nicolas Cage is how always great in his role.

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The absolutely worst movie I've ever seen with Nicolas Cage. I always thought that he's an indicator for bad movies, but this is by far the worst ever.

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I have no idea why the film was rated so poorly.

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Don't listen to the non believers in the reviews. This will happen in the future yet no on knows the time or the day. This is a great warning for us.

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I think some parts were over dramatize, otherwise not to bad.

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Theophobians need not apply. word#5

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Rebooting the franchise, Left Behind delivers a more suspenseful and intense film adaptation of Tim LaHaye & Jerry B. Jenkins’ apocalyptic thriller. When a mysterious event causes the disappearance of millions of people an airline pilot must maintain order and find a way to safely land in the chaotic aftermath. The script is fairly well-written and does a good job at keeping the film ground. It’s also able to address religious issues in frank but unobtrusive ways. Additionally, Nicolas Cage and Cassi Thomson give strong performances that sell the confusion and panic of the situation. Still, the film has its weaknesses, particularly the score and the directing; which are rather bland. And, the characters could stand to be developed a little more. Still, Left Behind proves to be a solid foundation on which to build a new series.

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Seriously??? Such a waste of time. Stay away 1000 miles from this movie your mental health! Very bad acting, terrible storytelling,cliche lines... Btw, this story was remind me some way "Stephen King's novel The Langoliers". Of course, a much more shitty version.

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I hadnt read what this movie was about and decided to watch cuz Nicolas Cage is in it. What a huge disappointment. Starts off with crappy music always playing that i felt like i was watching some low budget Sunday afternoon movie, but then it takes a turn when a bunch disappear and so i decided to keep on watching. Took a turn alright. A turn for the worst. OMG what a waste of time. It sucked all the way to the end, and the ending was sh*t.

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Evangelical intention lost in cheesy confusion.

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Shout by Deleted


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I gave up in the first 15 minutes

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Shout by Deleted

the reviews here are accurate and too kind!

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even the poster looks badly photoshopped!

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I should have guessed this movie was going to be a disaster right after reading the name "nicolas cage" in it. Terrible, horrible, boring, stupid, ridiculous, unbelievable and played by the worst actors on the surface of this earth...

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terrible movie - makes about as much sense as the religion they're trying to jam down your throat within it

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i thought this would be good..... i was so wrong. regret even starting on it about 5-10min in..... yet i finished it hoping it would pick up somewhere. it did pick up at the 31min mark and started becoming atleast somewhat interesting. sadly that passed on quickly and nothing really happened in the end i feel. they could have taken this so much further in so many ways with all the actors they had (and i KNOW they have played alot better before....)

in the end, regret watching it and feel it was a waste of time and HDD space. would never recommend this to anyone other than someone that is a bible fanatic or something.

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You couldn't make a movie this bad if you tried!.. Hilariously bad!

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Don't even think about watching. I like Nic Cage, even I'll admit he has made some bad role choices. But this takes it to another level. Do yourself a favour and for once, believe EVERY word of the bad reviews.

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Why, why, WHY??? why did i subject myself to this. I knew within 1st 5 mins this was gonna be bad. Persevered with it coz of Nic Cage. He has been in some superb movies and some not so, but this is terrible. I want to go into details about this film but why subject you to that. Every bad review you have seen for this film - believe it!!

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Why, WHY??? why did i subject myself to this? I knew within 1st 5 mins this was gonna be bad. Persevered with it coz of Nic Cage. He has been in some superb movies and some not so, but this is terrible. I want to go into details about this film but why subject you to that. Every bad review you have seen for this film - believe it!!

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Why, why, WHY??? why did i subject myself to this. I knew within 1st 5 mins this was gonna be bad. Persevered with it coz of Nic Cage. He has been in some superb movies and some not so, but this is terrible. I want to go into details about this film but why subject you to that. Every bad review you have seen for this film - believe it!!

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Worst Nick Cage move I ever saw. Mustve done it to pay of a LED tv or something.


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Terrible !!!Terrible

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