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Limitless 2011

this movie sucked in so many levels.
I want my 100 minutes back.

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A very good movie! I like the idea. Where do I get those pills? :P If you like action movies and Bradley Cooper, you have to watch it. Some things weren't quite clear to me, but I overall really liked it.

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So.. Pill makes a guy super brilliant, but then he forgets to pay back the loan to the mobster. Then gives that mobster a supersmart pill. Then gives the mobster more supersmart pills. Then is surprised when the problem gets worse...

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I thought it was a good ending. I kind of expected it to end with the guy loosing everything he had and either dead or in the insane asylum. While the director tries to stuff the morale of the story that drugs are bad and that in the end they will ruin everything through our throat. Its good to see they stayed clear from that, because that would have been a bad ending.

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K ppl just do yourself a favor and watch this instead of Lucy

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I suggest watching Lucy instead - whatever you say about that movie, at least it wasn't so f'ing boring.

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Pass on this and instead watch 'Lucy', it's essentially the same premise but gender-swapped with Scar-Jo, and crazier, and more diverse. I mean, is this the whitest cast ever? Oh wait, there was a club scene where there's a dancing Black woman. sigh

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For a movie released in 2011, it doesn't look as good as you'd expect. It's like they recorded every scene with a crappy camera. Except for the scenes where NZT is being used. That may have been done on purpose, though. Good movie.

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is this the one where the guy becomes limitless

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Movie showed a lot of promise in the first half. The ending and unfolding was pretty disappointing.

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Not really good, not really bad... Good idea but too many clichés.

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The movie is no cliché, it's all unique by so many reasons including the trippy, vertigo, and zooming in style. It's intriguing, it's fast, and it's smart at times. "Limitless" is another movie that has merits that ignore the flaws. It's just a non-stop entertaining solid flick.

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Hmm, i recommend "wired" (a book) better, and better told. Dont get me wrong, I still think its a good movie if you've got nothing else to watch.

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Shout by Deleted

Good start... weak section... weak end.
Not good, not bad, a bit disappointing.

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My first thought when he got the bag was - why don't he make his own pills?

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Good movie, better than expected.

Bom filme, melhor que o esperado.

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Shout by Deleted

Didnt expect to much of this movie, but was surprised at how gripping it was. Enjoyed it very much.

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I expected to put this movie on whilst getting on with other stuff, but found it pretty gripping from the start.

Nice to see something a bit different and not got too over the top with the SFX!

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Very mid. Cool concept but shitty execution

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Overrated piece of crap with no meaningful ending, also boring

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The first 20 minutes of this movie is one of the best visual representations of bipolar disorder unintentionally put on film. A depressive lump of a human switching to a bright, outgoing, and engaging person who wants to experience more...

"I was blind, but now I see" is the perfect way to describe the changeover to mania.

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - My brain can use some of those pills!

Here's how my rating system works:
10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:heart:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:heart: - Bull Shit

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Nobody plays fast talking douchebags better than Bradley Cooper

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Great idea for a movie, but so poorly executed, with as many plot holes as a strainer. And that sucky ending... my god!

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Shout by Dizzy

A warning about Adderall, got it.

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I love it, who doesnt be exciting about the nzt?

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"I was blind, but now I see."

This was fun. If only there was something like this in real life. I feel like we might be like good ol' Eddie and waste it on money. Not that money is bad, I would totally make more money at first, but maybe I would travel the world and try to soak it all in. Who knows.

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Shout by Deleted

Very very good movie, Bradley Cooper and Robert de Niro was playing very good on this movie. Very good and simple story, the action was ok not the best but ok.

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Shout by kinky

A fun movie that reminds me a lot of Luc Besson's Lucy (I've watched that one first), but with less physical action and more pseudo-brain action. I say "pseudo-brain" because there are quite a few scenes in the movie that will make your eyes roll and realise the writers clearly didn't take any NZT for this one.
Still, Limitless is a solid audio-visual experience that will go nicely with your popcorn bucket for you to — ironically — turn your brain off and relax while enjoying all the moving stuff on screen.

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I highly rate this movie. Fast paced, twist and turns right to the end. Great watch, well worth a watch. :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

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Shout by Deleted

A terrific fun movie. Not as good as the series was but still a great watch. It's not often a movie pays off its potential and lets the hero achieve, the way Limitless does. Don't think too closely about the details and let the fun wash over you.

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No puedo esperar a ver la serie

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Not bad, I was entertained, The peole will be want those pills

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Shout by Deleted

Uff, me encanto! de verdad! ninguna decepcion

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Shout by Beth

I absolutely love the plot line of this movie. Surprised it didn't end with a "drugs ruined me" ending, but instead had the abuser turn into a god, and the one that quit the drug become useless.

While the ending was better that what it could have been, it still felt very rushed to fix everything up for a nice ending, with the year long time skip and all.

Still very good movie overall though.

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I found it very disappointing. The entertaining part lasted very few minutes. Such a shame.

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Very good ! I like the montage of the movie, well done. :)

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Definitely one of my favourite films, solid storyline, strong acting and the ending was spot on. Alternate ending on the blu ray was interesting but I'm glad they went with the current one in the end. Great film. Easy 9/10.

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Dificil de ver, estas deseando que acabe para pasar a otra

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Do we need a prescription ;-)

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I want some of these pills!!!

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Shout by Deleted

Not bad but the ending was a little disappointing.

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started out strong but the ending was actually pretty disapointing. but still not a complete waste of time.

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Good movie.
The ending could be better, but is an enjoyable movie despite this.

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Shout by Deleted

Much better than I had expected.

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Really good movie, Enjoyed it quite a bit...
Imagine a pill like that really existed, or maybe it already does, but we (we being 'normal/everyday' people') just don't know about it...
Yup, that would be crazy... =)

About the movie; I think every person that's a bit fan of movies, should definately see this one... I like it and obviously many others liked it too, so give it a go (it's not a waste of time, I promise!)

I think i'd give it a 9/10; a 9 'cause of the open ending... I prefer movies that tell the whole story and not just stop at a given time, so the watcher can fill in the rest of it...
But despite that GREAT movie!


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Love it! [9/10]

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Wow this is a fantastic movie. A man who goes from being a nobody to corporate shark to senator and later maybe even a president all because of a pill.

Off course such a pill doesn't exist, but if it did i would seriously consider taking it.

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