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Manos: The Hands of Fate 1966

MY EYES BLEED WITH THIS CRAP. REALLY DESERVES THE TITLE OF THE “THE WORST MOVIE EVER MADE” (sorry for the caps lock, but i wasted 70 minutes seeing this crap and i feel like i been all day

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This film.

I cannot justifiably say this is fantastic, 10 star, well made film. I don't think there is a person on this earth who could, in their right mind, say that and honestly mean it. The story is terrible, the camera work is atrocious, there are scenes that show you exactly why actors don't look into the camera and speak as if the audience is the other person, and on top of all that all the lines were dubbed over.

But what this film will give you is a community, a family, a fantastic laugh, a lot of fun, and a lot of support. I grew up in El Paso (where this film was made) and as an adult I moved to Austin. To me, this film is like coming home. All of this is why I gave this film 10 stars. Also, Jackey Neyman is super sweet!

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What did you expect with that title and poster? The fact that Harold P. Warren is director, producer, writer and main star is also a good reason why this movie would suck. (i have nothing against the man, its just if a guy takes so many roles upon him to make a movie a reality it usually points to a very low budget. And the amount of good/succesfull movies with a very low budget can be counted on one hand.)

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So much fun! A must Watch!!

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Shout by Bronson
BlockedParent2022-05-20T09:37:28Z— updated 2023-01-14T17:58:53Z

Manos is a movie where the reputation precedes it - no one is going to accidentally watch this.
It falls into the realm of so bad it's good: among the ranks of Troll 2, The Room, and Plan 9 from Outer Space.
Have no doubt, this is a bad movie, however it does have a special charm, in a low-budget trash kind of way.
Furthermore, I can see what the intended vision was, and if the movie were made by talented parties, with a fair budget, it could actually work.

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Alongside those other 'worst films ever made,' The Room and Plan 9 From Outer Space, comes another travesty that has ended up in the bad movie hall of fame. As usual, it's the backstory behind the film that raises the most interest. Made on the pretext of a dare, shot on a zero budget, and starring one 'actor' who was allegedly high on LSD throughout shooting (and who killed himself before the film was screened), this is worth watching for all of the wrong reasons. The film has picked up a cult following (as these films usually do), and incredibly, has also spawned sequels as a result of the fandom it received.

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