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Mars Attacks! 1996

Not as awesome as I remembered as a child

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Has a huge cast that all are pretty much there to get zapped to death. While the heroes are people you would least expect out of the cast. I like the Jim Brown character though who is a former boxer who takes on the aliens with his fists.
While Lukas Haas and his Grandma have an odd but effective way to take on the aliens. Nicholson's President is funny but one note. No matter what he just wants to make peace with the aliens even after they showed many times they don't want peace.
Mars Attacks is hated by many but I always enjoyed it. Since it conveniently came out the same year as ID4; it sort of feels like a spoof to it. However ID4 wasn't as wasteful to it's impressive ensemble.

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Horrible, but some what entertaining. It is just as bad as I remember. The aliens are funnier than I remember, but the rest is just as bad as the B-movies it is making fun of.

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almost runs like a series of sketches instead of something with a singular, cohesive plot. sick but lighthearted; bizarre

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A film that Tim Burton made without starring Johnny Depp unless he was hiding. It’s definitely different from his other work.

It’s one of them films like Armageddon and deep impact and ants and bugs life etc so obviously Independence Day and it came out the same year

I was surprised on the casting with all the big names probably because the last time I seen this film was in the 90s. Jack Nicholson playing two characters that’s different but they all worked well together and it was all for the money level of acting, definitely didn’t come in peace but it’s one of them so bad it’s entertaining kinda films and without its casting i’m sure I’d definitely look twice even thought I’ve seen it before.

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Based on the Topps trading card property, the world gets visited - and invaded - by Martians. The cast is VERY impressive with Jack Nicholson playing dual roles along with Glenn Close, Tom Jones, Jim Brown, Martin Short, Danny DeVito, Michael J. Fox, Annette Bening, Sarah Jessica Parker, Pierce Brosnan, Rod Steiger and many many more. Plenty of action and comedy, along with a cheer out loud moment when the aliens blow up Congress. It gets an 8 out of 10.

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What the Independence Day sequel SHOULD'VE been

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Bastante divertida

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Tim Burton gets thoroughly self-indulgent, with two or three dozen mixed celebrities along for the ride. Mars Attacks! is wacky, carefree and impulsive, with a pitch-black sense of humor and a penchant for cutting off primary characters' heads (or turning them into glowing skeletons, as it were) well before their stories have climaxed.

The CGI effects are glaringly bad, even by mid-90s standards, but that may have been the point. Burton, fresh off his Ed Wood biopic, clearly wasn't ready to wave goodbye to the sub-genre of the chintzy '50s sci-fi meatball, and so he composed this tidy, self-aware little love letter to further scratch that itch.

It's still appropriately satirical and funny, in the director's typical far-off-the-beaten-path style, though the gags and puns don't benefit from multiple viewings... even if they're spread out over the course of several years. Everyone involved, both on-screen and off, radiates with an authentic sense of self-amusement, and that's enough to make things work when they really, honestly, have no business doing so.

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Personal note: Referenced on reddit

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They blew up the CONGRESS

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Who would have thought that Tim Burton would direct the live-action adaptation of a trading card series? You would expect either a disaster or a masterpiece, but “Mars Attacks!” is actually right in the middle. It’s mediocre to say the least, but at the same time is packed with so much cult movie potential that it almost feels a pity not to recommend it. The cartoony design of the aliens, their fucked up experiments, and the cheap CGI are alone worth the fun. The problem is that the film is crammed with famous actors without any of them having a tangible impact on the plot. They just say a couple of one-liners or make funny faces before being killed off. The rest is made of cathartic sequences of aliens decimating cities and their inhabitants. A delight for a few minutes, but grows old pretty fast.

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This film is an unending buffet of wry, satirical black humor with pitch perfect performances and line deliveries. It's also got a heart underneath all the exploding heads, nice legs, and unreservedly stinging satire.

The casting is inspired and lend a humane genuineness where the script intends, even as it sits in the spectacle of misanthropic delight that is this film. I hadn't laughed this much all year.

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love this movie my childhoods. hilarious :joy::ok_hand:

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Shout by Deleted

Haven't seen this since I was a kid.. It's so fun to watch.

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I love Tim Burton's movie and this one is utterly hilarious! So sarcastic and ironic, it is exhilarating! Such a brilliant black comedy!

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