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Mass Effect: Paragon Lost 2012

not totally awful, but bad, really BAD. 5/10.

also, NO TURIANS? seriously? :(

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As a fan of the games AND of anime, I really enjoyed it!

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So I saw this for the first time in 2012 when it came out and I really liked it. Awesome movie, made me really want to play the game. I would probably have given it an 8/10. Then I actually played Mass Effect. All I can say now after rewatching it is: At least they tried...?(5/10)

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Paragon Lost is a movie about a bunch of characters that you know next to nothing about, and never will, even after the film is over. The narrative itself isn't bad, and the ending is a little stroke of genius that ties in to common themes from the games, such as making difficult choices, making sacrifices, and the emotional hardships that follow. I was surprised to find that the ending... well, surprised me, but that ending, as well as everything leading up to it, would've been a whole lot more meaningful if the characters weren't such cardboard cut-outs. Other than that, Paragon Lost is mostly harmless and makes an okay "popcorn movie," even to those without any knowledge of the Mass Effect universe.

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stays very true to the lore of the Mass Effect universe... BUT why the heck are the collectors like 20 feet tall here??? In the game they are the EXACT same height as every other biotic creature in the Univers.

Pathetic attempt to keep milking an already dead franchise.. DAMN YOU CASEY HUDSON AND MAC WALTERS!!!!

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Miserable Animation =\

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