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Night of the Demons 2009

Soooooo, this is a giant steaming pile of garbage. Unfortunate proof that hiring E. Furlong dooms your project. I’m still not sure if this was a remake or a semi-continuation. I’ll go with the latter. It makes no difference. The original sucked and this carries on the traditional. If you’re not a glutton for pain and you have nothing but free time...please still don’t watch this. It’s f-ing terrible. Like, honest to whatever terrible. Like, people should be punished for allowing this to see the light of day. Stay away.

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Could have had some decent potential, but the writers lost their way toward the end. Pretty weak sauce, honestly. Music score was not half bad.

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Minus points for cringe worthy He dialogue among female characters obviously written by incels.

On the plus side, great soundtrack with bands like Type 0 Negative, Concrete Blonde and 45 Grave. And Linnea Quigley’ cute cameo.

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