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Non-Fiction 2018

Doubles Vies / Non-fiction is a boy having tea parties with his dolls and making them say out loud what he thinks, except the boy is Olivier Assayas and the dolls are his poor actors.

This was billed as a comedy, but that word must mean something different in French (like maybe 'laughable', because the script was certainly that). In fact, Non-fiction is every cliché about French films, where the 'plot' consists in pseudo-intellectual caviar-democrats making speeches at cocktail parties and cheating on their partners.

I feel terrible for the number of words Assayas killed to make this film, but at least now I feel vindicated for disliking Personal Shopper. Non-fiction is another example of function over form, where the film's function is to air out Assayas's personal life and fantasies, which are neither as interesting nor as exciting as he supposes them to be.

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