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Pentagram 2019

While "Pentagram" offers an intriguing premise of teenagers trapped within a mysterious pentagram, the film falls short in its character development. A more nuanced portrayal of the characters would have significantly elevated the narrative. The lack of palpable tension between the main protagonists detracts from the suspense that such a plot demands.

Moreover, the subplot involving the group robbing a diner at gunpoint feels implausible, given the character dynamics presented. Predictability is another issue; the climax, rather than being a shocking revelation, is something one could see coming from the early stages of the film. In essence, "Pentagram" had the potential to be a gripping thriller, but it misses the mark due to its underdeveloped characters and foreseeable plot twists.

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Sometimes some movies are so bad they're good. While Pentagram isn't the case it did have a few laughs, my personal favourite being the guy and girl getting half naked and tying their clothes together in order to reach candles in various spots of the room, had a good laugh at that scene.

The rest of it just didnt bring anything, having such a small cast didn't help and like I say you know what you get with B-Movies, I love them for that very reason. Pentagram just felt very awkward, like the actors themselves were uncomfortable and didnt want to even be on the screen, I powered through but it isn't one I will remember in a few weeks time.

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