I've just watched this in the original English audio for the first time. It might be nostalgia speaking, but I must say I enjoyed the Brazilian dub much more, specially the singing parts! :)

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The most classic of all the Disney movies, the very first princess and fully animated feature length film. Beautiful animation for it's time, catchy songs and lovable characters <3

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a must see for every child. one of these best Disney movies of all time.

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Based on the true story of Betty White and her 7 midget cousins

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This is a slightly above average movie.

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Good movie and the one that started a legacy.

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The true meaning of a 'classic' movie.

It has the classic elements that we can expect from this kind of movie, like a simple story about good versus evil, along with some songs in the script. It's perfectly enjoyable in the present day.

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Immense historical significance, setting the stage for the Disney house style for years to come. The forest animals, the cute dwarves, etc. But on this rewatch what was missing for me was the story: Snow White is a dull character, poorly voiced and characterized and the Prince is non-existent. All these issues will be improved upon in later movies, of course, but you can see them working out the kinks with this first feature.

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It stays a classic, definitely worth a watch.

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I haven't seen this since I was very little. I never rewatched it cause I don't like musicals, and the story kinda sucks (I apreciate it's not aimed at my age group so I'll ignore that). But rewatching it now, the animation style is beautiful. Rotoscoping really worked well here.

Though the scene where Dopey is dancing with Snow White, there are 2 cutaways to someone hitting the symbal and then some hands clapping. These are both Dopey's green sleeves but he's dancing in a raincoat.

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I am in awe of the animation and the visual storytelling, it's beautiful. But while the characters were charming (also due to the character animation) I personally wasn't very invested into the story, as I already know how it goes and there weren't much stakes. Nonetheless a great movie!

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It is Disney's first movie

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs’:

  1. It’s difficult to give a low score to, or be too critical about, the OG of Disney movies. The Princess who started it all. The music. The love. The magic. In the ‘30s no less. Groundbreaking and iconic.

  2. My biggest criticism, as a film in general, is that it drags a bit during the dwarf scenes, with mostly gimmicks and gags. Most likely as laughs for the kids.

  3. Disney killed it in the villain department here. The visuals and atmosphere during all the Queen’s scenes were a total vibe. The witch and her Magic Mirror set the bar.

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'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs' never fails to impress when I rewatch it, the animation is simply incredible given it was released in 1937.

Admittedly, it doesn't all hold up to an outstanding degree nowadays. The dwarfs still look fantastic, but Snow White herself and the world itself don't quite look exquisite; Snow White is rather dull, especially her facial expressions. I still have massive respect for those who created this though, obviously.

The voice cast, as was usual in the early decades of Disney, are a little forgettable. Adriana Caselotti (White) and Lucille La Verne (Queen) do fine jobs, though it's Pinto Colvig who is most memorable as Grumpy.

The premise is a pretty light too, with the main saviour hardly featuring and the antagonist disappearing for relatively large portions. Nonetheless, it's a great film to watch with family as Disney's first production is good fun - the music plays a huge part in that regard.

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6 - Fair

Somehow I've always felt like this wasn't a believable story, which is weird but hey we all have our opinions.

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This was one of my favourite animation movie as a kid, and it looks amazing on blu-ray, I think 4K is coming up.

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Lovely to see fairy tales being made into movies

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It's crazy how good this looks for how long ago it was made. The music holds up too. The story is from another time so I can't hold that against it. A must watch for all kids to understand where animation started and how far we have came.

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Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is culturally and technically significant piece of work.

Artistically speaking, it is simply breathtaking. Painstakingly and lovingly animated, breaking many grounds, the film represents the pinnacle of animated feature films. Even today, with all the modern tools available, does not come close to matching this film's artistic triumph. Coupled with a beautiful music score and catchy songs, what can't possibly go wrong?

The story. Oh dear... It's the story we are all familiar with, but oh boy, it's extremely dated. Girls are simply damsels in distress, waiting for the prince (or dwarfs) to come along and rescue them. The voice acting is also quite dated, especially that of Snow White. And I was really surprised how slow this 83 minute film moves along. The pacing is really off, made worse by screeching voice of Snow White and dated values.

Now I get where Snow White and the Huntsman got its inspirations from.

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This was actually my favorite Disney movie growing up. It's hard to really compare because it was the first Disney princess and so mucj changed in technology and style when Disney started making the other princess movies, like Cinderella. I feel like this movie often gets under appreciated, especially considering it was the first of its kind. And though newer Disney princess movies have better design and music, this movie will always hold its own and a classic.

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