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Talking Funny 2011

For me Louis C.K., Chris Rock and Jerry Seinfeld hold the top spot in their respective styles.What should have been a fascinating look inside the process is derailed by an insecure Ricky Gervais looking for validation through this vanity project.

I was glued to the first 10 minutes but when he says "I don't think I have a thing?" I was praying for a lighting to crash through his pandering face.

Intelligent discussion on each material, the nature of an act, persona and timing, what constitutes a show are insightful.

Gervais is painful to watch; his "hysteria" is trite and draws deserved looks. A telling moment is when he says that he just "got" the Office (which I love) and afterwards thought he should show he can do something else. They don't pander to him and I respect them more for it.

Talking Funny is enjoyable when Gervais isn't driving, though there is a lot to be had when he says something and they look at him like he just farted in their mums mouth.

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