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The A-Team 2010

I got exactly what I wanted, a fun, action & craziness filled film that has the core DNA of the original TV Series!

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Overblown, super-exaggerated trash... and I loved every minute.

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"The A-Team" is worth seeing just to watch Liam Neeson as Hannibal and Bradley Cooper as Face. There's a lot of waaaaaaay over-the-top action aided by a ton of CG effects. The story is asinine but I expected that going in. The finale was a mess but again, not a surprise.

If you are looking for a lot of eye-rolling action and a ridiculous story that'll make you chuckle, you could do worse.

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Excuse me, which way to Berlin? hahahahahahaha! An action movie hard to forget, and not laugh.

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I am not really a fan of the old show. They were entertaining to watch. But you can't just put others in those roles and expect it to work. Those characters are too iconic. And that is one of the problems: everyone tried to hard to emulate the originals and all went overboard in the attempt.
Now, you could still see this as a generic action movie, which this basically is anyway. Unfortunately the shaky cam during the action scenes makes it very hard to focus on anything happening.
This is another case of "hey, let's take something from the past and amp up the cool-factor 10x and everyone will just love this"
Guess what, I didn't.

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"There seems to be an error on this Report. It says they were flying a tank...?"

This movie was excellent. Highly recommend it to anyone who is a fan of the TV series and/or is an action movie fan.

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Totally loved it! I'm not disappointed at all, I'd like a sequel though

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“I love it when a plan comes together.” The A-Team blasts its way onto the big screen in this action-packed blockbuster. After being sent to prison for a black op that went wrong in Iraq, the A-Team breaks out in order to finish the job and clear their names. Starring Liam Neeson, Bradley Cooper, Jessica Biel, and Patrick Wilson, the cast is pretty strong. And, the action scenes are especially good; featuring some riveting sequences that are quite elaborate. However, the CGI is weak and not up to the standards of a big budget film like this. Still, I pity the fool that doesn’t see The A-Team; it's a wildly entertaining ride that lives up to the adventure and excitement of the original ‘80s television show.

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It's a good film. But it's not The A-Team. I've been an avid fan of the TV show since I was a kid, so was naturally excited when I heard the rumors about a movie being made. Neeson plays Neeson, Cooper plays Cooper etc... In the TV show Hannibal was a bit more playful (just a bit) and Face was suave, not arrogant. BA wasn't quite so thug-like, and Murdoch wasn't, well, so modern. The van doesn't exactly make much of an appearance, and from what I could see, the top half wasn't gun-metal grey, the wheel spokes weren't red, and the rear had slats instead of windows. Oh, and they 'forgot' to blackout the GMC badges, despite the one in the film allegedly not even being a GMC van...
As I said above, it's good film. The plot is ok, the action is believable, but The real A-Team didn't kill people or meet each other in Mexico. Perhaps Hollywood didn't want some cheesy but lovable 80's icons to be on the big screen but stereotypical action heroes. And for what was probably the last thing Cannell had an impact on before he died makes it even more upsetting that it's so unfaithful despite having his input :'(

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This isn't a good movie, but it is a good A-Team adaptation, especially for its time. This could've been a disaster given the then-current trend of Hollywood's TV favorite adaptations turning out worse than Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle.

Neeson, fortunately, hadn't done 17 more Taken movies by then, so "this ancient bastard is still a badass?" hadn't grown old yet. I still don't like Rampage Jackson as B.A., but that's only because it's impossible to live up to Mr. T's. Copley -- hot off District 9 -- and Cooper, however? Perfect casting for Murdock and Face.

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"Give me a minute, I'm good. Give me an hour, I'm great. Give me six months, I'm unbeatable."

What is not to like about a action film where the good guys fall down to earth and fly a tank and even steering it mid-air? A fun cast were everyone seems to have the time of their lives also, which also shows on screen. Liam Neeson with a cigar as Hannibal works, Rampage Jackson is more then decent, Sharlto Copley is a great Murdock and Bradley Cooper almost never lets you down. Jessica Biel looks like she can kick ass, John Hamm should've been the first lynch and the twist was kind of predictable.

Anyway it's sad it didn't perform at the box office. I wouldn't have minded a sequel.

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A little too Michael Bay-ey but it was a nice watch and the actors did pretty good.

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This is great, modern, intrepretation of the classic TV series. Yes there are some obvious differences but some things had to be changed to bring it up to date. Overall, it has the main elements and that's all that matters. If you like the TV series you'll like this.

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This movie is so overexaggerated and a lot of impossible things were done in it, but I like it. There's no way the show was anything near the insanity that went on in this movie. I'm sure the show is good and I'll enjoy it once I start watching it.

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Probably the best movie I've ever watched! The acting, dialogues, action scenes, and the comedy. Everything's perfect!
Alfa Mike Foxtrot!

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Entertaining movie in the style of the TV series. The only really weak part are the SFX at the docks in L.A. (when to ship is sinking / exploding). The plot is decent and fast-pacing, the casting OK.

If you liked the TV series, you will also like this movie I think!

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i was actually surprised how good this was i expected it to be some cheesy rubbish or something weak like the expendables but i enjoyed it.

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