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The Age of Stupid 2009

This movie is a bunch of nonsensical crap, 90 minutes of old people crying. The humorous side is that they tell you at the beginning that they have the latest scientific data, but then why don't they use it in the movie? "scientifically" accurate documentary without even one scientist and scientific data, and they wonder why people question them, seems like we need less braindead actors and directors.

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This is so dated now. Nothing has changed (my countrys Govt has just announced it is opening up legislation of allow new oil exploration, and reducing import duty on diesel utes at the same time as adding a taxes to anyone who wants to buy an EV). You could make exactly the same dramatisation today, and just make it with modern production values.

It feels like this is the kind of documenary that substitute school teachers would put on for teenagers on a rainy day.

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This movie/documentary has a message: if we keep consuming and polluting like we are doing now for the last dozens of years we destroy our own planet. It made some good points on polluting and what we can do against it. Its up to us to actually do it before its too late.

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