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The Godfather: Part II 1974


Shout by Mike
BlockedParent2019-02-10T09:41:34Z— updated 2023-03-28T19:17:56Z

I have to say, I really don't understand why so many people rave about "The Godfather: Part II." I mean, yeah, it has some decent moments here and there, but overall, I found it to be a pretty lackluster film. For one thing, it's just way too long. I mean, come on, who has the patience to sit through three hours of this stuff? And even then, I didn't feel like the story was all that compelling or well-told. To be honest, I found myself checking my watch more than once during the movie, just waiting for it to be over. All in all, I'd give it a generous 6 out of 10 at best. I really don't understand why this movie is so overvalued in the eyes of some.

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I'm not sure if I'm in the minority or not but I think the first one is slightly better. This is still a masterpiece and probably the best sequel ever. I cared a lot more about Vito's story than Michael's.

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While many put this even above the first Godfather, I believe here the plot is a bit messier to make it so. A very good film in any case, which completes the first, but the atmosphere was already set.

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I loved the flashbacks and how they combined both stories.
But I don't think the plot hold much substance.
It was just Michael's life taking a darker turn as he gets deeper into his family business.

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I don’t see how this movie is better than the first one in anyway. Still a classic regardless but Part 1 is way more captivating. Vito’s Origin story is top tier writing while Michael’s Arc feels kinda all over the place.

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It's a shame that I saw this for only the second time recently. It makes me wonder why I spend so much time watching bad Horror movies or flicks with guys wearing rubber monster suits. It's films like this that make me think hard about how I spend my free time.

This is such a great movie that I'm actually feeling guilty about not having it in my Top 5. Why is that? Why would a movie like "Caddyshack" or "Aliens" be there but not "The Godfather" or The Godfather: Part II"? It's probably because they aren't "fun" movies. It's actually a bit of work to have to think so much during a time that you are looking to be entertained. It also could be because I just haven't rewatched them since I began tracking my movie-watching.

Everyone knows how great this is and there are many who think it's better than the first "Godfather".

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The acting, writing, direction and entire production is perfect. You simply can't be a film buff without seeing this picture.

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Every bit as good as its predecessor. Robert De Niro and Al Pacino are both outstanding as the younger Vito and his son, Michael. There are not very many many movies that use the parallel narrative, and there are none that I can think of that use it so effectively.

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Ma!!!!! The meatloaf!!! We want it now!!!!

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The second Godfather is still too lengthy overall but besides that it's better then the first part because it tells more story.

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This might just be my favorite film ever. First of no doubt it’s the greatest sequel of all time. The acting is fantastic, it expands on the story of the first movie, and it’s ending is one of the best endings to a film ever made. Overall this is a movie anyone a fan of movies should watch.

(10 out of 10)

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It took me seven and a half hours to finish this :)

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Shout by Deleted

A superb second part of a super book as well.

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i hate to say it but i was bored most of the time

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Great but worse then the first one... It's clear they are trying to recapture some of the story telling but that's impossible as the first movie was family centered.

No family... No coherent story.

That said, it's still a great movie. Just worse in comparison.

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The second part of the famous trilogy, just as ceremonious.

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I personally think part 2 surpasses its predecessor, while this one has an extended runtime compared to the first, they manage to juggle 2 stories in one movie, giving us a backstory to Vito while also expanding more on Michael. This is I believe one of the few movies that had me invested throughout every minute despite being over 3 hours.

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After watching Part I yesterday, I’m
quite sure that I like that one a bit more than Part II.

Don’t get me wrong, this is still a good movie and a true classic, but the story of the first one was a bit more to my liking. Pacino and De Niro are both amazing, but the first one had more interesting characters all around imho.

The back and forth between the flashbacks and the ‘main story’ aren’t really my thing. I get why they did it that way, but I found Vito’s story more interesting than Mike’s story. It distracted me a bit, but that might be my problem.

That’s about the most negative as I can be about it. A movie that can keep me interested for almost 3,5 is amazing. No doubt about it.

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Despite maintaining the top notch performances and production, I felt this film was a step down from the original. My only real critique of the first film was that its scope was constrained by its screen time. Unfortunately this issue is even more pronounced in the sequel. Although it tacks on an extra 27 minutes, that runtime is now split between two stories, both of which are left feeling less developed than the original. The origin story of Vito Corleone in particular just doesn't have much to it (other than the aforementioned powerhouse performance of Robert De Niro). As an added downside, the intercutting of the two stories comes across as arbitrarily disjointed, as there is no direct connections to motivate the cuts.

Now, all of that said, there is still plenty to enjoy in the movie. To reiterate, Al Pacino's performance alone is worth the price of admission, and there are a handful of absolutely masterful scenes between him and Kay/Connie. As one final point of praise, the flashback final tag of Vito's birthday is a brilliant example of what I think these films have done best, capturing a naturalistic slice of the Corleone family.

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The Godfather Trilogy
The Godfather (1972)
The Godfather: Part II 1974
The Godfather: Part III (1990)

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Corona made me addicted to this movie! lol. it's good. I never thought it would be this good.

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A black sheep in a herd is always a problem, there's a question bothering for centuries what to do with it...

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That's what we call A' male..So great quotes just a masterpiece on of the best movies ever!

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Breathtaking in its scope and tragic grandeur...

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Shout by AurelienC

Kill Hyman Roth , Kill Pentangeli but don't kill Fredo ... I got so in love with him , his honesty..

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Cinema Paco 2. Image 3.75/5. Sound 3.5/5. One of the best films of all time, even better than the first and, the best part the origins of Vito Andolini "

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Shout by Deleted

I guess I must had belonged to some kind of mafia in another life (if yes, oh that is no good...) but man, I absolutely love mob films!

About this film I'll be very direct and simple. It's brilliant as it's predecessor.

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Shout by Deleted

Kino Geschichte

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