Coldstream's review is spot on. But I'd add that if you simply must watch this to just skip the entire first and second acts and jump straight to Kyle McLachlan's introduction. It does start taking on a "so bad it's good" quality, but, IMO, not until that point. Before that it's just unbelievably bad in every way, with embarrassingly cringey dialog and acting.

All you need to know is that this guy is a complete loser who never did anything with his life but get degree after degree without using them, and then he meets imperious Sonya with Kung Fu grip and she proceeds to be the Dolph Lundgren to his Courtney Cox.

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As far as B movies go I think this one was pretty entertaining! It had it's moments good and bad but I think for the most part it's a good quick flick.
Watched from Hulu.

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it's not a first-class... but it's ok!

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Its sucks - I have to say... badly!

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